Mother pumped breast milk from the breast

Exclusively Pumping Might Help Moms Dealing With This Rare Breastfeeding Problem

by Katie McPherson
close up of baby breastfeeding in dim room
Mental Health

The Breastfeeding Problem We Still Aren't Talking About

by Meg St-Esprit

How D-MER is affecting a handful of mothers.


I Had D-MER & An Online Community Of Moms Helped Me Cope

by Kim Vukovich
A blonde woman breastfeeding her baby after D-MER

How D-MER Affects Your Ability To Breastfeed

by Olivia Youngs

The Breastfeeding Problem No One Talks About

by Meg Kehoe
A woman with d-mer breastfeeding her baby

I Had D-MER, & It Taught Me The Brutal Truth About Breastfeeding

by Crystal Henry and EJ Dickson
Mary Sauer holding her daughter as they take a selfie together and smile at the camera

I Breastfed Through My D-MER & This Is Why

by Mary Sauer

I Have D-MER & This Is What It's Like

by Mary Sauer