
Andy Cohen’s Son Told Him He Wasn't Going To School Until They Built A 94-Piece LEGO Car
All before 8 a.m.
Andy Cohen’s 4-year-old son Ben knows his own mind, and he knows how to get things done. Like when he sat his exhausted dad down before school recently to build a 94-piece LEGO police car with him. At just after 7 a.m. when Cohen was coming off a wild weekend of Bravocon. Young Ben made it perfectly clear to his dad that there were two choices ahead for him. He could either go ahead and help his son build this LEGO car, which was what Ben wanted. Or Ben would be staying home from school for the day.
The Watch What Happens Live host took to his Instagram Story on Tuesday to share a sweet moment with his son Ben that happened just at 7:22 a.m. Ben, who Cohen is raising as a single dad along with 1-year-old daughter Lucy, was adamant that he wanted to build the set. Even when Cohen said, “you really want to build this police car set right now? Oh man, it’s 94 pieces.” Ben, not concerning himself with the faint sound of exhaustion in his dad’s voice, gave him an ultimatum.
“We have to do all of them,” Ben announced to his dad, “or else I’m not going to go to school.”
Cohen took up the challenge instead of arguing the point. “I guess we have time,” he laughed and said, “good morning little boy.” Ben didn’t answer. He was focused on making sure his father didn’t shirk on building the set.
The two managed to put almost the entire set together, save a few extra pieces. Which left Cohen perplexed and Ben blissfully unconcerned. Fortunately, Cohen eventually realized that LEGO always includes a few spare pieces for convenience, and was able to go about drinking his coffee. Before presumably sending Ben off to school since that was the deal.
Mornings in the Cohen household have apparently become a real battle of wills since becoming a dad of two. He recently shared an early morning with his two little ones where he “folded” and just turned on the television to get a bit of a break. Which makes sense, considering Ben usually uses the mornings to work out his “calculations” on how he plans for his day to turn out. And since his calculations tend towards not being great, even when he’s eating peanut butter cups and chips for breakfast, Cohen is wise to keep the peace.