
Bluey Responded To The Jonas Brothers’ Viral Intro With Another Delightful Crossover
They’re dads: of course they love Bluey!
It’s funny to think of our generation’s teen heartthrobs as dads of young children, but the Jonas Brothers — Joe, Nick, and Kevin — are, indeed, firmly in their Parent Era. Kevin’s daughters, Alena and Valentina, are 10 and 7, Nick’s daughter Malti is 2, and Joe’s little girls, Willa and Delphine, are 3 and almost 2. And, based on a special performance during a recent show in Brisbane, the Heelers’ hometown, we’re going to go out on a limb and guess that the Jonas Brothers are, like the rest of us, happily watching Bluey at home with their kids as well.
The trio may be from Wyckoff, New Jersey, but they know that when they’re in Brisbane, it’s only right and proper to pay tribute to the city’s most popular resident: Bluey Christine Heeler! “Surprised our Brisbane fans with a special intermission entrance during the show!” they wrote on their Instagram account. “@officialblueytv featuring Jonas Brothers when? 😂”
As the iconic melodica theme played: the brothers names were called in place of “Mum,” “Dad,” “Bingo,” culminating with an enthusiastic “Jonas!” in place of “Bluey!” Judging from the roar of the crowd, fans were eating it up. Given that the average Jonas fan is very likely in the thick of their own parenting journeys, I’m guessing lots of them are also fans of the series.
In response to the viral moment, the official Bluey account on X (formerly Twitter) returned the love with an image of the Terriers (IYKYK: they’re delightful) wearing shirts that say “I [Heart] Kevin/Nick/Joe” underneath the all-too-true message: Good Things Come In Threes.
Last year, Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle spoke to Romper about the beloved series. “I used to be so good at [pretend play] when I was younger,” Danielle told us.
“It takes a lot of effort,” Kevin agreed. “And you know what doesn’t make us look good is Bluey. Bluey is way too good. It’s our favorite show, but it just makes you look like you’re not doing enough as parents.”
But there’s clearly only love for the Heelers. In fact, Kevin and Danielle shared that Bluey has given them new ideas for family fun: they even play “Dance Mode,” in which one of their girls will prompt them to spontaneously start dancing.
“In public!” Kevin confirmed, “and it’s been pretty great!”
Truly, we couldn’t be happier with this wholesome content that perfectly blends our fan girl past with our parenting present.