let me tell you 'bout my best friend

A Complete Guide To All Of The Adorable & Quirky Friends On Bluey
From Coco and Mackenzie to Jean-Luc and Dougie, the Heelers have made a lot of friends over the years.
The episodes may be short, under 10 minutes apiece, but over the course of three seasons and 150 episodes, the world of Bluey has grown large indeed. While episodes are generally centered around Chilli, Bandit, Bluey, and Bingo, the Heeler Family has made a lot of friends in their hometown of Brisbane. Dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds can be found throughout the series and many who have appeared more than once have become fan favorites. So we thought we would break down all of Bluey’s friends from the show and, while we’re at it, we’ll go ahead and list Bingo’s too. Because this is a show all about play, and while it’s fun to play by yourself, the best kind of play always happens with other kids. While this isn’t a comprehensive list of every character in Bluey (I’m just one woman, you guys), but it’s everyone you need to know (and a whole lot of characters you probably don’t need to know, but cartoon trivia is fun.)
Bluey’s School Friends
Bluey attends an absolutely adorable school called Glasshouse Primary School, which is run by the thoughtful, gentle, and intuitive Calypso. Here’s the Who’s Who of the Steiner School set.
Chloe is a dalmatian and a classmate of Bluey’s, though her family — including her mum, dad, Frank, and younger brother — and Bluey’s occasionally get together outside of school. She and Bluey especially love playing make-believe and are very good at taking turns playing different characters.
Winton is an adorable English bulldog. He’s one of those kids who is funny without always meaning to be. His parents are divorced, but while he lives with his mom he also spends a lot of time with his dad. Winton is a little bit awkward (in a developmentally appropriate way) but very silly and is always there for his friends.
Coco, a pink poodle, is the youngest of nine children (though her mum, Bella, sometimes forgets just how many kids she has). She and Bluey have been friends since they were babies in the same Mummy and Me class. Coco is a good friend, but can be a bit challenge averse — if a game starts to get hard, she’ll try to change the rules — but she’s learning and getting more resilient.
Snickers is a tall, but short-limbed dachshund. He’s always a good sport and a great playmate, but regularly has to remind his friends that “sausage dogs” need a little extra time when it comes to running or playing other physically demanding games.
The bespectacled beagle is the daughter of Daisy and Marcus, who moved to Brisbane from the United Kingdom. She’s quirky and kind, but is less inclined toward imaginative play than Bluey. Nevertheless, she’s happy to join in games of make-believe.
You know how some kids are born 37 years old? That’s Rusty, a serious and even-keeled, and nurturing red kelpie. His dad is in the Army and is often away from the family, but it seems Rusty has inherited his discipline and determination; he tends to take other kids under his wing. Rusty loves cricket, playing pretend, and his siblings, Dusty and Digger. In a flash forward, we see that all his practice pays off: he becomes a professional cricket player.
As her name might suggest, Indie, an Afghan hound, is a bit of a hippie (which makes sense, since her mom is a full-fledged hippie who runs a gluten-free baked goods stand at the weekly market). She’s free-spirited, intelligent, and very kind. She enjoys playing house with Rusty or “Early Baby” with Bluey.
Mackenzie is a border collie who moved to Brisbane from New Zealand with his family. Like all of Bluey’s friends, he’s playful and imaginative but is a bit on the serious side, like Honey or Rusty. He tends to take things to heart — as in “Space,” when he processes a traumatic moment from his puppyhood, but he can work through his emotions given enough time.
Jack, a Jack Russell terrier, is relatively new to Glasshouse. He has difficulty staying on task and sitting still; some fans have speculated that Jack has ADHD. But he has a great imagination and, help from friends, especially the highly disciplined (but fun) Rusty, he can remain focused and confident.
The Terriers
This adorable trio of triplet schnauzers — whose individual names are unknown — march to the beat of their own drum. Offbeat and energetic, they love playing together and are rarely seen apart. Their favorite game is protecting their “castle.” Some have speculated that their mum and Winton’s dad might be interested in one another.
Pretzel is a chihuahua who doesn’t appear in Bluey as much as some of the other kids. The little we see of him indicates that he might be prone to boredom and a bit more standoffish than the other kids at Glasshouse, but when gently guided he can get into the swing of things.
Bingo’s School Friends
Bingo goes to kindergarten, which the Heelers call “kindy,” where she’s taught by Mrs. Retriever. By and large, we see less of her friends, but there are many who have appeared in multiple episodes and have even had some of their own storylines!
Lila is a sweet but very shy maltese puppy. Her best friend is Bingo, who inspires her to be brave and come out of her shell. In a rare flash-forward, we see that Bingo and Lila remain friends all the way to at least graduation.
Missy is a tiny Australian terrier and, due in part to her diminutive size, can get intimidated when other kids play a bit more rough than she expects. She’s finding her voice, though, and in the meantime is always there to help her friends.
Bentley & Zara
These cavalier King Charles spaniels are twin sisters and friends in Bingo’s kindy class. Bentley (brown and white) in particular is determined, and worked really hard to learn how to use the monkey bars.
Pom Pom
Pom Pom, a teacup pomeranian, is probably the smallest pup in the series, and her size informs how she interacts with the world but doesn’t stop her. After all, as she would say (and does, frequently) “Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed!”
Buddy is a pug but, more than that, he’s pure chaos in the best way. Often seen with his tongue absently hanging out, he’s a loud breather and does not stand on social graces. He’s usually seen doing something hilarious in the background. At Bingo’s birthday party in “Handstand,” for example, he could be seen taking swipes handfuls of frosting when no one was looking. In “The Creek,” he can be seen spacing out and picking his nose. He’s an odd kid, but good-natured.
Harley, Juniper, Jasper G., Jasper W. & Sadie
Harley (an akita), Juniper (a shiba inu), Jasper G. (a doberman), Jasper W. (a rottweiler), and Sadie (a husky) have appeared in multiple episodes, but mostly they are background characters. A few have had lines, and we’ve seen Juniper helping her mum at markets, but for the most part they are more secondary and tertiary friends to Bingo.
Bingo & Bluey’s Neighborhood Friends & Others
Of course, school isn’t the only place two imaginative, fun girls can make friends. Here are the Heeler sisters’ other pals.
Muffin & Socks
Muffin and Socks are Bingo and Bluey’s first cousins. Their parents are Uncle Stripe (Bandit’s younger brother) and Aunt Trixie. Socks is still a young puppy, so she’s still learning how to talk and tends towards puppy behavior (especially in early episodes) like barking and biting. But she’s overall loving and good natured. Muffin is... a lot. She’s loud, volatile, a little naughty, and more than a little bit assertive since she’s used to getting her way. As time goes on, however, she’s mellowing a bit, and she loves playing with her cousins.
Lucky & Chucky
Lucky and Chucky are yellow labs who live next door to the Heelers with their dad, Pat, and mom, Janelle. Lucky loves sports and is quite competitive, but he’s always kind to his friends. Chucky is a bit more sensitive than his older brother, but he still loves watching “football” (soccer to Americans) with his family.
Judo is a chow chow who lives next door to Bluey and Bingo. She can be a bit imperious and, frankly, a little mean, but like all kids, she’s learning how to play in a way that’s fair for everyone. Her mom is Wendy who is herself a little bit snooty at times, but is also learning to let loose.
Jean-Luc is a black lab from France and meets Bluey while he and his family are at the same campsite. While he doesn’t speak English and Bluey doesn’t speak French, the two share the universal language of play and form a quick and lovely friendship. In a flash-forward toward the end of the episode “Camping,” we see that they reconnect at the same camp spot when they’re teenagers.
Winnie is a chocolate lab who befriended Bluey at the neighborhood playground. Her dad, Fido, has become friends with Bandit. Winnie is gregarious and high-spirited, and seems to really like wildlife.
Gruber is a German shepherd who helps his dad at the markets. He’s appeared once at Glasshouse Primary but doesn’t appear to be a regular student there anymore.
Hercules, a St. Bernard who appears to be a bit older than Bluey, has a lovely redemption arc in “Circus.” He starts out as a bit of a bully, but learns to use his strength and size to help smaller kids. He just needs a little understanding and a nudge in the right direction.
Dougie is a cavapoo and is unique for several reasons. For one, he’s not technically a friend, but his play parallels Bingo’s in the episode “Turtleboy” where they just keep missing each other at the playground. For another thing, Dougie is deaf and uses Auslan (Australian sign language) to communicate.
And that’s it! At least, that’s all I could count. But with new episodes coming out in April 2024, there might be more friends to discover. We can’t wait to meet them.