
This Video Of The Rock's Daughter Dropping Spaghetti Is Classic Toddler Mischief
Haven't you ever heard of the Spaghetti Fairy?
Anyone who has lived with a toddler can tell you that they're primary three things: adorable, hilarious, and a mess. A recent Instagram video of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's daughter, Tiana, definitely ticks all three boxes... plus just a pinch of fairy magic.
The adorable video was posted Sunday evening and cinematically opens right in the thick of the action: a small pile of uncooked spaghetti strewn all over an otherwise clean kitchen floor. Pan over to Tiana (Tia to her family), the youngest of Johnson's three daughters. "Tia," her dad begins as she looks up with big brown guilty eyes. "What just happened?"
"I don't know," she replies, an answer literally any parent of a 2 year old could have predicted. After gently pressing her further, Johnson offers a sarcastic suggestion. "Was it the Spaghetti Fairy that came and just dropped it all on the floor?"
Immediately, Tia seems to have figured out who did it. "Yeah!"
While the toddler can't exactly describe the culprit (she looked like "a fairy"), she is adamant that this whole mess was, in fact, the fairy's fault. She just flew on in and dropped it on the floor. And then, while everyone was watching, she did it again!
See the (hilarious) video below.
This is, as far as we can tell, the only time a Spaghetti Fairy has been captured on film: truly an historic event.
While Tia is the clear star of this saga, we have to give credit to Johnson's calm but firm A+ parenting here. He balances taking his little one to task with just letting some silliness happen — clearly he knows that these are the moments that make the less fun messes bearable.
As with most dads and their little girls, it seems wee Tiana gets the better of her superstar father on the regular. (A common trait, in my experience, of youngest daughters in particular, who seem to be able to get away with anything and everything.) A recent post showed the two playing Barbies together which he explained "in reality means..Daddy holds this Barbie for a solid 45min straight while baby Tia does whatever she wants and completely ignores Barbie the whole time."
We feel you, sir. At least it's not the other variation of playing Barbies with a toddler: you doing everything while your child sits there demanding to be entertained by Barbie. (And heaven help us if we do something wrong, despite having received no direction whatsoever.) These kids are lucky they're so damn cute.
But even so, of all the jobs Johnson has had over the years — football player, professional wrestler, actor, producer, and businessman — dad is his favorite. "I realized being a father is the greatest job I have ever had and the greatest job I will ever have,” he said on an episode of Oprah’s Master Class in 2015. “I always wanted to be a great dad."
It seems to be going well! And we're sure the Spaghetti Fairy would agree!