
Kailyn Lowry Reveals Her Twins' Names & We Haven't Heard These Before
We love alliteration...
Teen Mom OG star Kailyn Lowry announced the arrival of her twins, Babies #6 and #7, back in January on her Barely Famous podcast with boyfriend Elijah Scott. But while we had details of Lowry’s birth story, she didn’t reveal the children’s names. But on Feb. 9, she posted a sweet video highlighting the babies’ nursery, including blankets emblazoned with their names: Verse and Valley. “Complete. Whole,” Lowry wrote alongside the post. “Everybody’s here.”
Valley (a girl) and Verse (a boy) join Kailyn’s older children, Isaac, 14, whom she shares with ex Jo Rivera; Lincoln, 10 with ex Javi Marroquin; Lux, 6; and Creed, 3 with ex Chris Lopez; and Rio, 14 months, whom she also shares with Scott. The video offered small glimpses of the little ones (including showing their full heads of lovely dark hair) and their new room featuring side-by-side cribs. At one point, the video lingered on a pacifier which had the words “Milk Snob” on it, prompting some commenters to laugh that they thought one of the baby’s names was, in fact, “Milk Snob.” And while a few commenters thought the little ones’ names were “weird,” most were on board with their uniqueness.
“I love how different the names are!!” one commenter wrote. “Those kids never have to worry about having the same name as 5 other kids in their class.”
Little though the babies may be, they’re two more people in an already big family. Lowry took to TikTok recently to joke about the challenges of so man kiddos — breaking up fights, struggling to find a quiet moment, so. many. carseats. But, she assures viewers, while she never imagined this for herself, she wouldn’t have it any other way. That said, seven is apparently enough: she shared on her podcast that during her c-section, she had her fallopian tubes removed to permanently prevent future pregnancies, noting that seven kids is “crazy.” She said there was a bittersweetness to the decision: on Barely Famous she talked about how seeing “regret” as a possible side effect of sterilization prompted her to thing about the procedure in those terms, which created some complicated emotions. Nevertheless, she said that it’s a procedure she would have done again; she says she “feels done.” So too, apparently, does Scott, who shared on the same podcast episode that he would be going in for a vasectomy as well. (Take no chances, that’s what I always say.)