He may have begun as a one-inch shell in a YouTube short, but 12 years later, Marcel is the star of his own feature movie.
Don’t Limit Yourself Based On Your Size
Marcel can do everything anyone else can do – ski (on toe nails from a man), write with a pen (but it takes the whole family), and wear a hat (a lentil) – he just might do it a little differently than other folks.
Sometimes, You Just Gotta Improvise
Marcel is a positive little guy, but he does regret he’ll never have a dog... so he drags around a fuzzy piece of lint and calls it Alan. It fills the void.A24
But if you are provoked, well, remember that time Marcel’s brother got into a fight and impaled a guy with a brush? (We still don’t quite know how... also probably don’t actually impale anyone with a brush...)
It’s common knowledge (we’re told) that it takes at least 20 shells to make a community. But even if all you have is one remarkable person, like Marcel’s Nana Connie, it’s important to hold them close.
There Are People Out There Who Want To Hear Your Story
Who would have guessed that millions of folks would want to hear about the tiny life of an itty bitty shell? But it’s having such a unique point of view that makes you all the more intriguing!A24
Whether hang gliding (on a Dorito) or setting on a cross-country trip to find your long-lost family, Marcel showed us that, yes, sometimes living life to the fullest can be scary, but it’s worth it.
Your People Are Out There
When you feel all alone, just remember that somewhere out there are others just like you just waiting for you to find them...
He may be a shell with shoes and one googly eye, but he likes that about himself (and has a lot of other great qualities as well): we all need that energy.