
North West Pranked Her Aunt Khloé Kardashian Into Thinking She’d Been Asked On A Date
With her mom’s help, too.
There’s really something going on with 10-year-old North West and her aunt Khloé Kardashian on Season 3 of The Kardashians on Hulu. Not only did North try to sneak a little drink of her aunt’s wine during an episode, now she’s out pranking her and making her think a man asked her on a date. With her mother Kim Kardashian’s full support, I might add.
This week’s episode of The Kardashians saw North join her mom in Milan, where she was working with Dolce and Gabbana on their fashion show, along with her aunt Khloé. Kim’s friends told her about a flirty moment Khloé had with a man staying in the room next to her at the hotel, and this is when North came up with her idea.
“We should make a note saying it’s from him and hang it on Koko’s door, like, ‘Hey, can we go on a date?’” North suggested, while Kim noted that she “hopes Khloé doesn’t get pissed off.” The little entourage headed to the Good American designer’s room to leave the note along with a white rose on her door, with North calling it “the best prank of the season.”
Despite the fact that the note was written by a child, Khloé fell for it.
The single mom of two spoke to Kris Jenner later at the gym to tell her about the note she found. “We got back to the hotel around 3 a.m. and there was a note on my door with a rose and it was like, ‘I want to take you on a date, it’s your neighbor, knock two times if you want to go on a date,’” she told her mom. And what’s worse, she went to the man after the fact and thanked him for the note. Of course he had no idea what she was talking about, and when she explained he asked to see the note. “So I went to get the note and I gave it to him,” Khloé explained. “He was like, ‘1, I’m so offended you would think this was my handwriting. And 2, I just didn’t write this for you.’”
She immediately suspected North, who has become quite a prankster in recent months, and said she was “mortified” not to have realized the note was written by a child. And more than a little annoyed at her sister for not giving her a heads-up about the prank. As for Kim, pranking seems to be the way she bonds with her daughter. The two pranked North’s 5-year-old sister Chicago by doing her makeup to make her think she was an art teacher on a recent episode, and clearly had a great time doing it.
I guess the whole family needs to be on high alert around these two.