
These Photos Show The Royals Enjoy A Cocktail Just Like The Rest Of Us
Champagne, beer, wine... you name it.
Being a member of the royal family has its advantages and disadvantages. You don’t really get a whole lot of privacy; that’s a disadvantage for sure. But you do get access to some pretty great cocktails. And depending on how you feel about imbibing in an alcoholic beverage or two, I’m going to go ahead and slate that in the advantage column. Especially now that the royal family seems to be getting a bit more loosey-goosey with every passing year.
So much so, in fact, that Queen Elizabeth herself has launched not just one but two brands of own beer and even two different types of gin from plants on her property. The 94-year-old monarch has long been a fan of enjoying a glass of gin and Dubonnet at the end of a long day ruling over the United Kingdom, so why shouldn’t she have her own gin distillery on the grounds of Sandringham Estate? No wonder the family always spends their Christmas holidays at Sandringham when the gin could potentially flow non-stop.
Queen Elizabeth certainly has set the precedent for having a lovely little drink every now and then. And the rest of the family has followed suit. Pictures of every generation (well, the ones who are legally allowed to drink, anyhow) enjoying a cocktail show the royal family at their most relaxed.
One can almost hear the Queen herself saying, “It’s Miller time,” in her most dignified accent.
The Party Princess
Fans of The Crown probably already have a pretty solid image of Queen Elizabeth’s younger sister Princess Margaret as the party princess. So here’s a photo of her drinking a cocktail and smoking a cigarette in 1980 to seal the deal.
Don’t Drink & Buggy
Does anyone look cooler than Prince Philip, casually drinking a beer while he sits in a horse drawn carriage in 1966? Of course not.
Anniversary Toasts
To celebrate their silver wedding anniversary, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were toasted. And hopefully got toasted.
My Goodness, My Guinness
A visit to the Guinness factory in Ireland in 2011 had the Queen and her husband looking positively giddy with excitement. The beer must have been pretty delicious.
When In Rome
Queen Elizabeth got the ball rolling on her official visit to Italy by knocking back a bit of champagne before her speech. Good idea.
A Drinking Trio You Have To See To Believe
In 2014, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited Pope Francis in Vatican City and they all looked very excited about a bottle of wine.
Working Up A Thirst
Do you know what really hits the spot after a polo match? A glass of champagne. At least according to Prince Charles, apparently.
To The New Couple
Prince Charles and Princess Diana were newly married when they traveled to New Zealand in 1983, and everyone wanted to toast the happy couple.
Cocktails & Evening Gowns
Princess Diana looked like she was really enjoying her cocktail during a presidential state dinner in Cameroon in 1990.
Newly Single & Living It Up
Princess Diana was fresh out of her divorce when she was feted in New York in 1995 as a noted humanitarian and had no problem partaking in the beverages.
The Heir Turns 21
Prince Charles gained a new drinking buddy when his oldest son Prince William turned 21. The two enjoyed some beer during their trip around Wales in 2003.
The Family That Drinks Together...
To celebrate Prince Charles’ 50th birthday in 1998, Queen Elizabeth had a drink with her oldest son. The tradition continues.
Like Father, Like Son
Prince William and his dad drink a beer after a polo match in 2004.
Prince Harry Joins The Party
Prince Harry enjoys a cocktail at a garden party in 2010.
Drinking Like A Local
In 2012 Prince Harry visited Belize and tried out a local drink. I think he liked it.
Now That’s A Beer
Kate Middleton must have really worked up a thirst during a 2017 rowing match in Germany, because that’s one big beer she’s holding.
Bottoms Up
Kate Middleton joined Prince William for a whiskey tasting in Scotland in 2014. She didn’t look as though she minded too much.
Beer In Bavaria
Prince Charles and his wife Camilla Parker Bowles are big fans of drinking beer in Bavaria together.
Down The Hatch
Camilla Parker Bowles had no problem getting behind a wine tasting in Crete in 2018.
Drinking On The Job
At a 2018 party in Dublin during a royal visit, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry drank a little champagne on the job. Nice work if you can get it.