
This Video Of Princess Charlotte Making A Silly Face After Seeing Herself On TV Is So Cute

Just adorable.

by Jen McGuire

Princess Charlotte and Prince George joined their parents at Westminster Abbey for great-grandfather Prince Philip’s memorial service on Tuesday, and of course it’s always tough to be a kid at such a serious affair. On top of all the big, heavy emotions of the day, there’s also all of that sitting there and, let’s face it, getting bored. It can be difficult for a kid to just sit in church and find a way to occupy themselves. But 6-year-old Princess Charlotte found a way. When she saw herself on television she seemed to be utterly delighted, and naturally the rest of the world delighted in her delight.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge brought Princess Charlotte and her 8-year-old brother, Prince George, to the late Duke of Edinburgh’s memorial on Tuesday, leaving 3-year-old Prince Louis at home, presumably because he might have been a bit too young for the serious occasion. Indeed, even Princess Charlotte appeared solemn when she first arrived at Westminster Abbey holding her mom’s hand. Middleton appeared to comfort Princess Charlotte by reminding her that she was allowed to smile, and from that point forward she seemed more relaxed.

Especially when she caught a glimpse of herself on television. Princess Charlotte was sitting between her mother and brother in a pew at Prince Philip’s memorial when she caught sight of herself on television. You might think she would be pretty accustomed to such attention by now, but apparently it’s still pretty exciting to see yourself on television. Even if you’re a famous little royal. Because she sort of did a little jump, made a goofy face, and then couldn’t stop smiling.

This wasn’t the only time Princess Charlotte was able to amuse herself. During the singing of one of the hymns, Princess Charlotte glanced back to see Princess Beatrice smiling at her and they shared a cute little moment.

As Princess Charlotte gets older, chances are she will be expected to join more royal events every now and then. Until now, she has really only joined her parents for child-friendly events like seeing a Christmas pantomime or standing with the rest of the royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the Trooping The Colour. Now that she’s being included in more formal affairs, it’s a good thing she knows how to keep herself occupied.