
The whole family was together for Thanksgiving.
Bruce Glikas/WireImage/Getty Images

Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like The Happiest Mom In This Rare Selfie With All Her Kids

Her content smile says it all.

by Jen McGuire

Sarah Jessica Parker is a mom who knows a little something about that empty-nester stage. Her 21-year-old son James Wilkie is off living his adult life with his friends, and her twin daughters are 13 years old, another age when life is shifting away from the family unit in ways both small and large. So when the entire family, including husband Matthew Broderick, posed for a rare selfie together, Sarah Jessica Parker’s face said it all. That pure contentment of having all of your kids together for the holiday. It’s the most powerful thing.

The And Just Like That... star spent Thanksgiving weekend in California, according to a post from son James Wilkie, with her whole family. This includes 13-year-old twins Tabitha and Marion, who all posed for a super cozy family on what looked to be a huge bed. Broderick was at one end and son James on the other, while the three women in the family all curled up in the middle under a blanket.

Everyone looked relaxed and content, hopefully after digging into a big holiday meal, but SJP fans couldn’t help noticing that she looked especially happy in the sweet family photo. “As a mama, that’s one happy mama having all her kids together! Happy Holiday to all,” wrote one social media follower while another simply wrote, “That family picture, though!”

It’s been an emotional few years for Parker as a mom, particularly with her son heading off to school. She shared a beautiful tribute to James back in 2021 when he turned 19, writing at the time, “He is 19. Today. He doesn’t wake with us. He is in his life. Away. In his studies. Among new friends. Sending home details. There is so much to tell.”

Aside from Wilkie, Parker’s twins are also at a bit of a precipice. They started high school, of course, and are looking so grown up these days. Even joining their mom on the red carpet for the Hocus Pocus 2 premiere, walking around in high heels that she designed herself, which is exciting, but also sort of bittersweet. A shift in the family dynamic. This family selfie represents a shift back, as it were. Everyone all snug together, just being. No wonder Sarah Jessica Parker looks so content, it’s all any of us really want as moms.