
Ted Cruz Says Han Solo Shot First & 7 Other Times 'Star Wars' & Politics Collided

by Danielle Campoamor

You know Star Wars: The Force Awakens is breaking box office records and has successfully taken over the world, when potential presidential nominees start chiming in. This week, Republican hopeful Ted Cruz said Han Solo shot first while fielding questions about Star Wars, The Avengers, Star Trek, and The Hunger Games.

Appearing on Geek Tank Radio on 600WREC, the Texas senator and Republican party nominee feigned his love for the Star Wars franchise, recalling the time he stood in line for "three hours" to see Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back when he was a kid. The also admitted that he watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens instead of watching the latest Democratic presidential debate on ABC, which aired Dec. 19.

He then snuck in which side of the fence he stood, when it came to the iconic argument of "who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?"

Just for the record, Han Solo shot first.

Cruz then went on to add that he was thankful Star Wars: The Force Awakens didn't feature Jar Jar Binks, before moving onto Star Trek and liking his personality to that of Spock and Captain Kirk.

While it's clear that Ted Cruz has the Force on the brain, he isn't the other politician to be pulled to the dark side (seriously). Here are seven other times politicians referend Star Wars and showed the force was with them, for better or for worse.

1When Hillary Clinton Quoted It During The Democratic Debate

At the last Democratic debate of 2015, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton referenced Star Wars in her closing statement, ending with the iconic phrase, "may the force be with you."

2When President Obama Had "To Get To 'Star Wars'"

President Barack Obama ended his final news conference of 2015 by telling reporters he was going be brief, then later saying goodbye because he has to "get to Star Wars", referring to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens screening at The White House.

3When The White House Wouldn't Build A Death Star

In 2013 The White House rejected a proposal to build a Death Star by 2016, sighting numerous reasons why the project would be impossible. It was estimated that a Death Star would cost $850 quadrillion and the Obama Administration doesn't support blowing up planets.

4When President Obama Said 'Jedi Mind Meld'

While speaking to reporters after meeting with Congressional leaders, President Barack Obama spoke of the sequester, saying he is unable to do a "Jedi Mind Meld" on Republicans. Although President Obama slightly missed the mark (It's Jedi Mind Trick), the force is clearly strong with this one.

5When Senator James Lankford Said His Favorite Character is Han Solo

During an Oklahoma Republican dinner on Feb. 19, 2015, U.S. Senator James Lankford said that his favorite Star Wars character is Han Solo.

6When President Reagan Created "Star Wars"

On March 23, 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced his Strategic Defense Initiative, which was aptly named by the media "Star Wars." Reagan's "Star Wars" was a missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic and strategic nuclear weapons, a bi-product of the cold war. It was later dissolved and renamed in 1993.

7When Donald Trump Slammed President Obama For Seeing 'Star Wars'

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump slammed President Obama for watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens, posting a new ad on Facebook and Instagram that claims President Obama prioritizes Star Wars over the war on ISIS.

Clearly The Force is not with Donald Trump, but we already knew that.

Images: Ethan Miller/Flickr; Giphy (5)