
a mother and baby by the ocean in an article about Aquarius baby traits
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13 Aquarius Baby Traits & How To Support Their Best Qualities

They’ll be totally unique, that’s for sure.

by Abi Berwager Schreier
Originally Published: 

If you’re slated to give birth between Jan. 20 and Feb. 20, you’re having an Aquarius baby. Whatever your feelings about astrological signs and what they mean, you probably want to know everything you can about your little Aquarius baby and learning a bit about the classic traits of an Aquarius child just might sound fun. Birth charts offer food for thought, whether you live by them or are just enjoy zodiac predictions as a casual conversation starter.

So what can you expect your little Aquarius baby to be like, based on their astrological leanings? The energy of an Aquarius is freedom-loving and charitable according to Lumi Pelinku, “The Celestial Astrologer” and a spiritual coach. “They are ruled by the planet Uranus, and if you are familiar with this planet’s appearance, the rings that surround the planet are vertical as opposed to horizontal, which in itself is what describes an Aquarius personality — beyond the norm and otherworldly,” she tells Romper.

If you know you’re going to be having an Aquarius baby, “be prepared to raise an absent-minded genius,” says Suzie Kerr Wright, an astrologer, psychic medium, Reiki master, and certified life coach. “They're inventors, creative, and hilariously funny.” Are you glowing with pride yet?

As far as what makes an Aquarius baby different from children with other signs, Wright tells Romper, “They're always just a little bit different, and see things that no one else does and in a way no one else does. They can’t tolerate injustice, and will be the ones who become friends with the 'misfits' and outcasts. They generally do have a lot of friends from many different backgrounds.”

Check out more fascinating facts about Aquarius babies and children and just what makes them different. You may be raising to the next Albert(a) Einstein.

1Aquarius babies are social

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“Children that are Aquarius have a love of forming groups and sharing their stroke of genius ideas with other children,” Pelinku says. “They are inclined to form cliques that contain all the walks of life. They are thought-provoking at times, and this can be quite intimidating to other children because of their bizarre ideas. It takes time for humanity to catch on to their point, but eventually their message will be received open-heartedly.”

While it’s a good thing to be social, astrologer Lauren O’Connell notes that parents may need to “remind them to be an individual rather then being super about what friends are doing.”

2Aquarians are absentmindedly brilliant

Expect your Aquarius child to grow to be “curious, wandering, and the brilliant professor who puts his shirt on backwards and doesn't know,” Wright says. “They're definitely brilliant but lacking common sense sometimes. They wander from curiosity to curiosity and then forget where they were going. You'll get notes from teachers about how they have trouble paying attention, but they're super smart, acing tests, and staying ahead of other students in school.”

That said, astrologer Lauren O’Connell says its important to support their brilliance, mindfully. “Watch out for the ‘know it all’ tendencies, and remind them to follow their curiosities,” she suggests.

3Aquarius children express emotion through creative outlets

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“They're extremely inventive, although they probably couldn't tell you what made them think to build or draw or create something. They just know that they're supposed to create a certain outcome and they do it. But they can't tell you before they start how they're going to do it,” Wright says.

If you ever wanted a kiddo that walks to the beat of their own drum, Pelinku says you've got one in an Aquarius. These children are emotional beings, but don't always express it openly. Instead, they'll “harness their energy toward their creations, and this mindset will carry on throughout their lifetime. Many will be inspired by their ways of being because of their continuous dedication of giving back to humanity rather than serving themselves.”

4Aquarius babies don’t miss a thing

Their inquisitive nature is a good thing, but brace yourself for a kid who picks up on — and demands an explanation for — everything. “If they overhear you talking about someone and saying they've got ‘issues,’ you can bet your Aquarian little one will walk right up to that person next time they see them and ask, ‘What does it mean that you have issues?’ And then you're faced with the task of explaining how they heard it,” Wright says.

Oh boy. OK, so a kid who doesn't miss a thing. And also will “want you to explain things in explicit detail, and they don't understand subtlety,” Wright adds.

Bonus: this kid will also remember everything and use it against you later, according to Pelinku. “They store information in their sharp minds like an internet archive. So be mindful of the impact you can be to your Aquarian child’s life.”

5Aquarius babies will want to do everything themselves

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“You have to learn to let them figure out why something is not a good idea if you tell them they can't or shouldn't do something. They need to sort it out themselves, then they'll pick the right thing,” Wright says.

6Aquarians will surprise you

“They will keep you on your toes when it comes to what they believe or need. Just when you think you have them figured out, it changes. And they'll surprise you with their amazing talent for making this world a better place,” Wright says.

7Aquarius babies think outside the box

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“Parents of Aquarius children will be inspired to think beyond the box, or change the box altogether,” Pelinku says. “These children are geniuses from the start, and will teach parents to always take chances as opposed to living according to the collective’s conformity. Aquarians are naturally determined without being ostentatious, and they share their strength through helping others.”

8Aquarius babies can be a bit clumsy.

I mean, you should probably keep an eye on your kid no matter what, but Pelinku says an Aquarius baby or child is often so into their own thoughts that they can become accident-prone.

9Aquarius babies are “eternally curious”

“Aquarians are eternally curious,” Wright says. “You can expect the unexpected and you'll learn a lot from them. They never meet a stranger — their curiosity makes them want to talk to everyone and they ask incredibly insightful questions. Even as little ones, they're almost like an old person. An old, insightful soul. With a twist.”

10Aquarians can be volatile

And, like all children, Aquarius babies aren't exactly known for consistency. “They can be calm and happy one minute, then fly into a rage unexpectedly and no amount of logic or emotional support will pull them out of it. They can be very hard to understand as their minds work so differently,” Wright says. But, “they are consistent with their inconsistency.”

11Aquarius babies are visionaries

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Aquarian babies and children grow up to be visionaries, says O’Connell. One of the most important things a parent can do is support them and their out-of-the-box thinking. “They may lean more technical or more humanitarian, but let them get involved with things that are expansive and impactful,” she says.

12Aquarius children are great philanthropists

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When raised in a supportive environment, O’Connell says that Aquarius children tend to care about the greater good, and they very much believe in equality. Aquarians are “great collaborators, lovers of unique people, so they tend to have a wide variety of friends and many social networks” which sets them up to have a wide reach and a broad perspective. So if you do have an Aquarius baby, be prepared for them to grow into an eccentric, brilliant, creative, yet kind-hearted individual who always tries to help others, do the right thing, and include everyone.

13Aquarius babies are forward thinkers

In a similar vein to above, another Aquarian quality is being progressive or “future/forward thinkers” O’Connell suggests, because they have a unique ability to see patterns & trends. Perhaps your child will begin to show these progressive qualities early and you can ensure you nurture this behavior by allowing them to help others in need when they feel inclined and help them hone in on their forward-thinking ideas.

Whichever classic Aquarius baby traits your little one ends up having, we know for sure they’ll be the love of your life.


Lauren O’Connell, astrologer

Suzie Kerr Wright, astrologer and certified life coach

Lumi Pelinku, “The Celestial Astrologer” and a spiritual coach

This article was originally published on