
Honestly, Babysitters Are The True Heroes Of Mother's Day
Last year I had the best Mother's Day ever. Ironically, it was the first one in seven years that I spent apart from my kids. I thought it would be weird or lonely without them, but it was actually pretty amazing. Since then, I've re-thought what Mother's Day is supposed to be — a day that honors moms — and honestly, my ideal Mother's Day is one without my kids. That's where babysitters come in. Babysitters are the unsung heroes of Mother's Day, and I salute you. Seriously, you're the best.
Being a great mom means taking care of yourself first so you're able to take care of your family. Being a mom can be awesome, but some days it can also be seriously hard, and I can't do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. At least, not without taking a break once in a while. That's why I'm more than happy to admit that babysitters help me be a better mom. I honestly couldn't do it without them.
Us moms only get one day each year that is supposed to be for us. In my opinion, we shouldn't have to spend it doing crafts, eating at busy restaurants full of other people's kids, or changing poop-filled diapers. Getting a babysitter allows me to do what I want on Mother's Day, especially when what I want is to spend some time alone or with my partner. This Mother's Day, I'm getting someone to watch our kids again, and I refuse to feel ashamed about it. I know my kids will have a great time having adventures with their babysitter, the true hero of Mother's Day for so many reasons.
Because Babysitters Let Moms Get What They Really Want On Mother's Day
Society is constantly telling us moms what we should want, but most of the time society is wrong. Like most things, the reality of a stereotypical Mother's Day usually doesn't live up to our "picture perfect" expectations. On a day that honors moms for all of their hard work, I deserve to hand over the keys to an awesome babysitter and spend the day getting what I really want.
Because Babysitters Give Moms A Break From Their Kids
I am a way better mom when I take breaks. Everybody wins when we hire a babysitter on Mother's Day. My kids get to have a great time with someone they adore and who adores them, and I get a well-deserved and much-needed break from my kids, which makes me love them more.
Because Kids Have A Great Time With Babysitters
Our babysitters are so good at creating fun experiences for our kids, and our kids have a great time while mom and dad get to create some fun on their own.
Because Kids Aren't Allowed At The Spa
I get so tired of only going "kid-friendly" places. Sometimes mama needs some alone time at an "adult-only" venue. (That totally came out wrong, but you get the idea).
Because Babysitters Can Distract Your Kids So You Can Use The Bathroom Alone
I so rarely get to use the bathroom alone, so it's honestly become a special treat. It's sad when you think about it, so I won't think about it. Instead, I'm going to hire a babysitter so I can poop alone.
Because Babysitters Give Kids A Break Their Moms
My kids are seriously better behaved for babysitters than they ever are for me and my husband, which is a good thing, because otherwise they'd never come back. It takes a village to raise healthy, happy kids, and babysitters are definitely a part of my village.
Because Babysitters Are Way Better At Arts And Crafts
Babysitters are willing to sit at the table with your kids making Pinterest-worthy crafts, when this sort of thing makes you want to stab yourself in the eye with a Popsicle stick. They'll even let your kids use glitter, you guys. If you're lucky, they will help them make adorable Mother's Day presents for you, which are so much sweeter when you don't have to finish them yourself after your kids lose interest.
Because Babysitters Help Moms Enjoy Some Uninterrupted Sex
All this mom really wants for Mother's Day is some uninterrupted sex. I probably won't tell the babysitter that, but she may figure it out when she notices my post-sex glow when I pick my kids up. Consider my wink to be code for, "Thanks, babysitter, for helping this mom really enjoy Mother's day."
Because Babysitters Allow Moms To Eat At A Restuarant Without A Kids' Menu
The last thing I want on Mother's Day is to take my kids to a restaurant full of other people and their kids. It's so nice to be able to leave my kids with a sitter to enjoy frozen pizza and Frozen (for the millionth time), while I have Thai food with my partner.
Because Babysitters Let Moms Get Some Sleep
I haven't really slept well since 2008, unless you count our Mother's Day honeymoon. This year, maybe we'll just stay in bed and let our superhero babysitter call the shots. After a day of sleep, I will totally be a better mom, or at least a more well-rested one.