
Show Your Love On National School Nurse Day With These 25 Instagram Captions
There’s so much to say.
They put Band-Aids on skinned knees. They stop nosebleeds with ice packs and they hand out a change of clothing if your child has an accident at school. They even administer life-saving medications when need be. We're talking about school nurses, of course, and they heal all day long. So what better way to praise these unsung heroes than by posting these Instagram captions for School Nurse Day?
If you have a school-aged kid, then you’ve probably gotten a call (or 10) from your school nurse at some point, whether it was for something simple like forgetting to send in a health form or something more serious, like your kid bumping heads with another child on the playground. But if remote learning taught us anything, it’s that school nurses do a lot, and are an extension of the health care that you as a parent provide for your child. That’s why there's no better time to show some appreciation than with Instagram captions on National School Nurse Day (which always falls on the Wednesday during National Nurse Week; that’s May 11 in 2022). So post a photo of your school's nurse or your child holding a "Thank you, school nurses" sign with one of the following captions and watch the virtual hearts fly.
1“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.”
Sometimes sweet and simple is the way to go. You can include this caption with a pic of your child’s school nurse, who may have helped your child understand their allergy better, and never, ever made them feel excluded or left out.
2“Your passion for those little patients is appreciated by parents every day!”
A school nurse is an easy job — said no one ever. It takes a special kind of person to care for so many students on a daily basis, not only offering medical expertise, but caring for them emotionally as well.
3“Because of you, our kids stay safe and healthy at school. Thank you!”
The last two years have been trying for everyone — but can you even imagine what school nurses have gone through? From dealing with everyday illnesses to tracking Covid cases, it’s been A. Lot. Give nurses the props they deserve with a heartfelt Insta caption that says it all.
4“We want to recognize you for all your hard work.”
From icing owies to helping bring a child’s fever down, there’s so much that school nurses do. (Plus, there’s a ton of paperwork that accompanies each incident, too!) Acknowledging them with an Instagram caption and the hashtag #schoolnurse will make not just your own school nurse feel good, but all nurses, too.
5“Kissing boo-boos takes a special kind of school nurse. Thank you!”
Having patience is such an important part of a school nurse’s job, especially for the elementary-aged “patients.” That’s why a school nurse who is able to care for those smaller students is special, indeed.
6“Thank you for being an amazing school nurse.”
Every parent’s interactions with the school nurse are different. Some might get a once-in-a-blue-moon call letting them know that their child spiked a fever, while others might get a daily check-in for a child who has serious allergy issues. Any way you look at it, a school nurse is amazing for their ability to care for all kiddos, no matter what the issue might be
7“Thank you for enchancing our child’s classroom environment.”
Think about it: if your child is feeling ill in class, they can’t learn. After all, who can focus on fractions when menstrual cramps come on with a vengeance? In that way, school nurses are critically important when it comes to your kiddo’s education, and their ability to continue learning in a truly healthy way.
8“We know that it hasn’t been easy for you the past couple of years, and we wanted to thank you for taking care of our kids during such a tough time.”
Even though things are definitely better than they were, say, a year ago, we’re not out of the woods yet. And being mindful of the fact that school nurses were crushed with Covid cases (and still managed to tackle everyday illnesses) is just a testament to how dedicated they are to their jobs.
9“You give parents peace of mind, and for this, we thank you.”
When your kiddo is feeling well and going to school every day, it’s kind of easy to forget that the school nurse is still there, always available to help any child who comes through their doors. It’s a peace of mind that sometimes we might take for granted, but never should.
10“You are such an important part of the school staff. Thank you for taking care of our kiddos!”
Even though you might have more interaction with your child’s teacher or a guidance counselor, for example, the school nurse is a pivotal part of the staff. Make sure your Instagram caption conveys that sentiment, which they’ll be thankful for.
11“Thanks for ‘nursing’ my kiddo back to health.”
Who hasn’t had a child who wound up in the nurse’s office with a tummy ache? Thank your child’s school nurse by acknowledging all that they have done for your child, whether it was giving her ginger ale or some Tylenol for a headache. It all matters.
12“We love our school nurses!”
School nurses tend to sick children, call parents, and keep everything running — all at the same time. They do so much, and might not always get the recognition they so rightfully deserve. Just saying that you love your school nurse can make them feel appreciated.
13“You are a lifesaver.”
If you have a child with an allergy or some other potentially life-threatening medical issue, you know how true (and scary) this statement can be. Nurses can sometimes mean all the difference in getting your child the medical care they need when they need it.
14“Giving you a virtual high five!”’
Since schools are closed, you can’t go into your school nurse’s office and offer her thanks. Instead, you can send a socially distanced high five to that medical marvel who cares for the kids in your child’s school. And you don’t even have to use hand sanitizer afterwards.
15“Our school nurse makes the grade!”
For everything that they do, school nurses deserve an A+. They coordinate medical care for hundreds of students at a time, and also take the time to know each child and understand their needs. For that alone, they should get a gold star sticker, too.
16“You are our health care hero!”
Not all heroes wear capes. Truth be told, these frontline workers are heroes when it comes to students’ safety. And seeing a child succeed or get better is what matters most to them.
17“Thanks for supporting students in times of crisis, school nurses.”
Sometimes, school nurses do a lot more than bandage a banged-up knee. They also handle children’s emotional issues, too, and should be applauded for their efforts to keep kids happy, both mentally and physically.
18“School nurses rock!”
What better compliment can you give someone than to say that they rock? After all, if your child pees his pants during playtime, it’s the nurse who will get him clothes to wear without making him feel badly. That's a total rockstar quality.
19“Thank you for drying my child’s tears when I couldn’t be there, school nurses.”
School nurses have the ability to tend to a twisted ankle as a medical expert — and offer care and compassion to the child, too. And that’s what sets school nurses apart: They can be both a physician and a caregiver to so many children.
20“School nurses go above and beyond.”
Even though they’re in an office, school nurses are an omnipotent presence in the school. So many of the responsibilities to keep the student body healthy and safe fall squarely on the school nurse’s shoulders. That’s why they truly go above and beyond to make school a better place.
21“School nurses are a vital part of the school staff.”
Teachers often get the praise when it comes to school-related matters. Show your school nurse that they are just as important as your child’s instructors by giving them a social media shout out.
22“Compassion is their superpower. Happy School Nurses Day!”
Sure, they might not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But a school nurse possesses compassion in order to care for children in their care. And that just might be more important than super speed or strength.
23“You’re a superstar in scrubs! Thank you, school nurses!”
Forget about the tights and capes. Nurses have the know-how to potentially save a child’s life and still be able to keep their cool no matter what each day brings.
24“Thank you for putting so much heart into everything you do!”
Find an illustration of a cute heart to use with this Insta caption. While teachers might be shaping your child’s mind, school nurses are tending to your child’s health and heart, literally.
25“Thank you for your service, school nurses!”
When you think about it, school nurses are really frontline workers. After all, your child will be sent to their office first for any medically-related issue. A simple "thank you" can express your heartfelt thanks for everything that they do.
When you think about all the people who are a part of your child’s educational experience, don’t forget to include your school nurse. They're the ones who keep little minds happy and healthy so that they can learn and thrive during the school day... and beyond.
This article was originally published on