
2021 Is Going To Bring You Some Balance, Libra
Get ready for some major life fulfillment.
Most everyone is ready to bid adieu to 2020, and it's only natural to hope for better days ahead. If you're into astrology, then check out the Libra 2021 horoscope that sheds some light on the year ahead. For the most part, Libra people can look forward to a more stable and balanced experience for the next 365 days, which is good news indeed.
Get ready for a fresh start in the romance world. "Libra can look forward to new beginnings full of passionate romance and security in 2021," astrologer Dom O'Bannon tells Romper. "In 2020, you took time to reclaim your power, find balance, and get clear on what you were really looking for in love. In 2021, it manifests and it's here to stay!" Other experts predicted the same sort of positive energy ahead. "2021 is full of promise for Libras in the relationship department — Libra’s favorite. We begin the year with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius transiting Libra’s 5th house of creativity, pleasure, romance and risk," says Dana DeFranco from the Allegedly Astrology team. In other words, Libras looking for love could very well have a few potential partners to choose from in the early part of this year, as DeFranco further explains. For a little inside info, here's the zodiac signs most attracted to Libra, as explained in Bustle.
The year ahead may also bring some good news for you in terms of finance. "Your finances will be working for you in 2021, not the other way around!" says O'Bannon, and new opportunities for a lifestyle change may come about this year. With that in mind, it might be a wise move to keep this info close to your chest. "This year in particular, be protective of personal finance — as social as Libra-energy people are, this is one area that will do well to be kept private. It's a good idea to put protective systems into place that will allow finances to grow and thrive in multiple economic climates," says Emily Ridout, MA, Professional Yoga and Astrology Teacher. For many people, there are plenty of other reasons not to discuss finances, in part because responsibilities can vary so much from one person to another, according to Elite Daily.
The famously social Libras will probably have more chances to mix and mingle in the months ahead. "In particular, Libra-rising people will experience some relief to the strain that was put on relationships in 2020. The constraints that show up in relationships this year are likely to have a beneficial influence on Libras, allowing them a structure through which to flow with their natural amiability," says Ridout. In fact, you might even make a new BFF in the coming year. "Look forward to making a lot of new connections that help lead you to success. New relationships forming are inevitable for you at this time so keep your eyes open," says O'Bannon. This is good news for anyone who's felt a bit lonely during the social isolations days of 2020 (aka basically every person on the planet).
This could be a big year for you professionally. "You’ve been searching for more purpose in your career — looking to feel connected to the work you do," says O'Bannon. "Be patient with yourself as this does not happen overnight, and know that you are fulfilling your purpose with each step of the journey." This could be the year you take on more leadership roles or even start your own business, as O'Bannon further explains.
At the same time, 2021 may also be a good time to reassess your career path. "Keep in mind that most Libras will only truly flourish in a career that they love. If the spark of love is present in the work they do, then they'll be much more capable of excelling," says Ridout. If you want a little more guidance, here's how to determine which career fits you best, as noted in Bustle.
If your little one is a Libra, then look for positive changes in the coming year. "Libra children can expect a year of major growth! There may be some 'growing pains' as they navigate friendships, school, and activities, but if they engage fully with life, the Libra child should experience both beneficial, joyful growth, and just enough challenge to build a little grit," says Ridout. It's also a great time to encourage your kid's creative interests. "Young Libras will experience a surge in resilience, independence, and creative urges with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. To help them make the most of these transits, encourage their interest and participation in fine arts of their choosing. Creativity and freedom go hand-in-hand after all," says DeFranco. Let them explore their artistic side, even if this means making a mess now and then. Here's some cool craft kits for kids featuring everything from friendship bracelets to a wind chime kit, according to Romper, that just might help inspire your kid's creative potential.
For Libras of any age, here's to a more fun-filled, relaxed, and balanced 2021.
Dana DeFranco from the Allegedly Astrology Team and host on Allegedly Astrology Podcast
Dom O'Bannon, astrologer on Instagram and YouTube
Emily Ridout, MA, Professional Yoga and Astrology Teacher
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