
2021 Is Going To Loosen You Up, Scorpio
Prepare to feel liberated.
Hey all you Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 babies, looking for some good news? Scorpio kids, this year has been tough. It’s rocked and rolled every Zodiac sign, but there’s reason to believe 2021 might be better especially for you. So let’s take a look at your Scorpio 2021 horoscope.
“To say that 2021 will be an interesting year for Scorpios would be an understatement,” says astrologer Narayana Montúfar. “As the presence of Uranus, the planet of surprises, deepens in your opposite sign Taurus, Scorpios are learning an extremely valuable life lesson — It’s OK to lose control and go with the flow. This is definitely hard, as Scorpio is a fixed sign, set in its ways. But Uranus’s energy can not only be refreshing — it can also be exhilarating if we’re open to its gifts.”
Gifts?! That sounds worthwhile, right? But what does that mean? With the help of Montúfar and celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, here’s a taste of what’s to come on a variety of fronts for this sign known for its powerful presence.
“If you’re one of those Scorpios that has been holding on to a relationship that no longer feels right, be prepared to see it go. And don’t expect to feel sad about it — the feeling will be more of liberation,” says Montúfar.
Thomas also has some interesting predictions on the romance front for Scorpio. “Love and passion will still bless your year, so don’t you worry,” he says. “Jupiter, planet of miracles, will enter your realm of true love and romance in May until July, helping your heart to swell and burst! As this planet often connects us with soul connections, single Scorpios are especially favored to cross paths with a twin flame or destined lover.”
Those in committed relationships should take note of a fated Nov. 2021 Lunar Eclipse in your marriage and commitment sector. “This often brings you much closer with the person you are with — moving in, engagement, or marriage — or brings to light the fact that 'it just isn’t meant to be.'" If that is the case, Thomas echoes Montúfar and says, “Pack your bags and move on.”
Montúfar adds that if “you’re single and looking, the best times to date are when goddess Venus visits romance-obsessed Pisces from Feb. 25 to March 12, and when she visits your sultry sign from Sept. 10 to Oct. 8. And who knows, you might even end up dating someone who is not your usual type.”
As for the dreaded word money, well, good news there. Thomas says, “The eclipses this year speak of destined moments around money, likely increasing your prosperity and abundance. This may signify a new job, raise, or lucrative client — perhaps even more than once!”
But watch out for getting carried away with your new found cash flow. Montúfar says, “When it comes to finances, also expect the unexpected, as this is a year in which the market will have more than the usual fluctuations due to taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus throughout the year. Another aspect that could make you overspend is the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius during the entire year, so as much as you can, try keeping a lid on your spending so you’re not scrambling when a rainy day comes.”
“As the planets move and spin within new spheres of your life, you’ll see more growth and expansion. Your domestic life will become especially favored, helping you to find more stability and happiness at home and with family,” says Thomas.
“Connections with your kindred will prosper and you could even be welcoming more people into your family. You will truly set down the roots that make you feel more stable than ever before, and you will make peace with your past,” he adds.
Scorpios, if you feel depleted on the career front, that’s to be expected. Montúfar says that when it comes to career and professional growth, you might be showing up to this year quite tired and a little burned out from being so busy in 2020. “The freedom-seeking and liberating energy of 2021 also translates to this area of your life. This means that you might not want to stay at your current job, as you will want to invest more of your energy into new and exciting projects that you have been cooking in your mind. Watch out for overworking and pushing yourself to the limit during the Saturn-Uranus squares around Feb. 14, June 14, and Dec. 24.”
Fertility, conception, and pregnancy are likely for those trying, Thomas reports. And family remains important.
“Family is an area of life that will be quite busy for you, especially at the beginning of the year,” says Montúfar. “With both Saturn and Jupiter now in Aquarius, your sector of home and family, you might see yourself helping out a family member or even seeing your tribe grow. If you’ve been wanting to have a baby or even getting a pet, this might be the year to do so, as you will have the expansive energy of Jupiter helping you out.”