
2021 Is Going To Be A Productive Year For You, Virgo
Seriously, this is the Year of the Go-Getter.
Virgos, born between Aug. 22 and Sept. 22, will be happy to hear that after a difficult year, the future's looking bright. If you're wondering what's in store this year for you or for your Maiden-sign child, check out the Virgo 2021 horoscope.
Ready for some good news? "The year ahead will have both professional success and personal happiness for you, Virgo. The planets are moving in a new pattern that will certainly smile upon you," celebrity and pop culture astrologer Kyle Thomas tells Romper. Read on for more of what 2021 holds for those pragmatic Virgos in your life.
You could start the summer on a steamy note, Virgo. "The most majestic moment of the year for your relationships is when miraculous Jupiter, planet of fortune and happiness, moves across the sky for you," Thomas says. This movement will occur between May and July, and you may find yourself taking your relationship to the next level, Thomas says, whether that's by getting engaged, married, starting a family, or moving in with a partner. If that feels a little soon, Thomas adds, "it's more likely that the discussions of such things will take place then, but the follow-through in these areas would come in 2022."
Don't feel too discouraged if you start to get cold feet about some of these big decisions toward the end of the year. "Venus will go retrograde on Dec. 19 in your 5th house. So you will be closing out the year reevaluating your needs and desires when it comes to love and romance." Be sure to follow your gut, but don't let the fear of commitment cause you to miss out on a great thing.
You're going to work hard this year, but it will pay off (literally). March 21 through April 14 is a prosperous time for you, lucky Virgos. "During this time you can see a return on investments," Helene Cierzo, founding astrologer at Heart House Astrology, tells Romper. "Your partner could get a bonus or you could even receive some gifts during this time. When Jupiter crosses your 7th house cusp from May 13 to July 28, you may receive an offer about a new business partnership. If you deal with clients, you may also attract more clients during this time, or land a very wealthy one!"
Working out and starting a fitness routine may feel less like an obligation this year, and more like something you actually love doing. You could tap a friend to become your fitness pal, and instead of meeting for drinks, meet up for a spin class or a walk. "Saturn is asking you to really get disciplined with your health routines this year. The best way to deal with Saturn is to do a little every day. So choose something and stick to it. Whether it is daily yoga practice, or daily walks, just make the time and you will eventually see the results," Cierzo says. In the process of helping yourself, you may find you're helping those around you, too. "You will find great happiness in serving the people that you love and establishing stability, security, and a routine in every way," Thomas says.
You may get an email, text, or a DM from a past flame or an old friend toward the end of the year. There's a chance for a reunion between the two of you, either to give the relationship another shot or have a productive conversation which may help you move on. "You are one of the luckiest zodiac signs to reunite with someone from the past — whether for closure or another chance. Spend the year assessing if this is the healthiest decision for you," Thomas says.
Well, Virgos, buckle up for a wild year professionally. A lot will be asked of you, but you will be able to rise to the challenges and exceed your own (very high) expectations of yourself. "Your work life will become busier and more intense than ever before. If you feel that your 'day job' just isn’t fulfilling you anymore, you will rapidly shift to find something that provides more sustainability," Thomas says.
And while you may be called to put all your energy into work, don't forget to carve out space for self-care and time to spend with the people you love. "You are set to have a tremendously busy year, so make sure that you assess your work-life balance," Thomas adds. But making strides at work, and doing work that is fulfilling will be a major part of your year. "You’ll be especially fired up to tackle your goals in August and September, so create your vision board and launch toward it then. Venture forward into new territory."
Good things are in store for your Virgo child this year. Thomas says they'll have a very busy year when it comes to their progress and productivity. "They will be especially active, and their physical health will improve. They could be very busy with school and see more routine come to their lives," he says. Your child may be a little clingy at the start of the summer, but it should pass quickly. "From May until the end of July, they'll be extremely focused on their 'main person,' whether that be a parent or best friend, as they desire to pull close to someone who mirrors them."
Virgos, you'll be unstoppable this year with successes in your career, bank account, health, and personal relationships. With all the productive, go-getter energy surrounding you, don't forget to make the time to relax and spend quality time with friends and family.