
Hilarious Christmas Memes That Are Extremely Relatable This Time Of Year
Alexa, play “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” Again.
Memes are obviously in style all year round, but when it comes to the holidays, they simply add to the festive cheer. Extra points when they can spark a good laugh, something that is totally needed during this time of inevitable chaos. That's why it doesn't hurt to stockpile a collection of funny Christmas memes to share during the holiday season. Your followers are sure to get a kick out of these amusing posts, whether your social media platform of choice is Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Better yet, share a meme that gives a nod to your personality or lifestyle. People who truly know you will get the joke, making it that much more hilarious. You can also send funny holiday memes in text messages or emails to amp up a not-so-amusing message (and cheer up anyone who needs a smile during this stressful year).
While you're at it, be on the lookout for other memorable holiday moments to document. For example, if your kids write a funny letter to Santa, snap a photo and send it to loved ones to brighten up their day. Above all, try to find the humor in everything to boost the holiday cheer. With these Christmas memes, you can do just that. And while there are still gifts to be wrapped and cookies to be baked, at least you’ll have some comic relief.
1For The Halloween Lovers
It seems like people are tossing their pumpkins out in exchange for Christmas decor earlier and earlier every year, but why not keep both around? When you can’t decide which side of the holiday war to be on — Halloween or Christmas — this seems like a totally reasonable middle ground. It’s all about the spooky Christmas vibe for 2021.
2The Truth Of This One Hurts
You know, sometimes you just hit “purchase” on an online order even though it is decidedly not advisable. It seems that no matter how strict your budget for Christmas shopping, the credit card decision á la Joey is eventually made. But no regrets, right? OK, maybe a little regret — perhaps Phoebe knows what she’s talking about.
6It’s Just What You Do
The same can be said of Netflix’s holiday movies, but you’re totally OK with that, too. What else are you going to pay partial attention to as you perfect your Christmas present wrapping skills? That is an activity that takes focus.
8Finally, They're Making My Biopic
If that’s what it takes to get a little recognition in this household, then so be it. Be honest, she is all of us. We deserve a movie. I want to be played by Meryl Streep. Now the only question is: Is it a comedy or a psychological thriller? The world may never know.
12More Dad Jokes, Please
I love everything about this. This one is for dads everywhere, especially the ones running low on classically dry dad jokes. Sometimes, communication really is hard.
17The Real Covid MVP Alongside Fauci
OK, this one was in its prime relevance last year, but it’s still up there with the most hilarious Christmas memes because, let’s be real, it’s that funny. Although for 2021, maybe it’d be more accurate to remove the truck altogether due to supply chain issues. But alas, come through, vaccine manufacturers! Also, I wouldn’t say no to getting a Diet Coke.
18It's Going To Happen
“Don’t ride the scooter downhill, you just got it. I mean it. You’ll fall. You fell.” But hey, they don’t call it learning from experience for nothing. Better yet, they’re just practicing their kinesthetic learning style.
This is what happens when an unhinged internet gets a hold of one of the most beloved holidays, and you can hardly be mad about it. Whether you’re already stocked up on Christmas spirit or can’t seem to get in the mood, there’s no way to boost the holiday cheer like some hilarious Christmas memes.
This article was originally published on