Hello, Childhood

American Girl Is Bringing Back Kirsten, Addy, & Josefina
And us millennials can’t handle it.
American Girl is a brand synonymous with girlhood for so many of us, and after years of sleeping with the catalogues under my pillow, shopping for my own daughters’ American Girl dolls and accessories is just the best. Nothing, however, beats the brand in the ‘90s, and they’re bringing back a nice big dollop of nostalgia with a re-release — American Girl is brining back Kirsten, Addy, and Josefina. And my heart can’t take it.
Originally released in 1986, 1993, and 1997, Kirsten Larson, Addy Walker, and Josefina Montoya were some of the very original American Girl dolls, and were each retired over the last few years. Some of the vintage, OG American Girl dolls have made a comeback before (hello, Samantha Parkington), but this re-release will get you even more in the feels. Each special edition Kirsten, Addy, and Josefina will come in their original Pleasant Company packaging and signature paperback book, with the packaging labeled The American Girl’s Collection, just like it was back then.
And since the girls have missed a few birthdays over the last few decades, Kirsten, Addy, and Josefina’s original Happy Birthday! books with original cover designs and original birthday party dresses will also be released.
I mean, it doesn’t get more Big Bow Girl than these three characters. Kirsten was a literal pioneer, Addy was an absolute survivor, and Josefina was a strong queen. Each of them faced lots of tragedy and despair in their original stories, and bringing them back feels so special for the girls who never got to delve into their stories.
I can distinctly remember when Josefina was added to the line-up — up until then, the five American Girls were Felicity Merriman, Kirsten Larson, Addy Walker, Samantha Parkington, and Molly McIntire. Bringing in a whole new character, and one with as rich of a history as Josefina, was a big deal, and I can remember falling in love with her, her sisters, and their gorgeous culture through the catalogues.
I will always be an American Girl and love all of the brand’s new directions, but the historical collection will always be my favorite.
You can buy the tribute collections for Kirsten, Addy, and Josefina online now at AmericanGirl.com.