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The 1 Thing Each Zodiac Sign Can Look Forward To In 2021

From Aries to Aquarius, here are some of the really cool life events that are coming for each astrological sign

by Jennifer Parris
Originally Published: 

Sure, almost everyone hopes for health and happiness in the New Year. (And a boatload of cash couldn’t hurt, either.) But what’s the one thing on your wish list that you really, truly want to happen? Based on your zodiac sign, astrologers say there is one thing you can look forward to happening in 2021 the most.

Will 2021 be the year you find true love — or finally get the courage to get out of that dead-end relationship? Or will you finally get that job you always wanted? Each year brings a fresh new start, and with it, limitless possibilities. But in addition to all the things that might happen based on your astrological sign, there’s one standout event that could make the New Year a total game changer for you — and take your life in a totally new direction.

So, from Scorpio to Sagittarius, Leo to Libra (and yes, Cancer to Capricorn), this is what’s going to make 2021 amazing for you.


Quarantine hasn’t been an easy stretch for you, Aries. Since you’re so social, you’re probably raring to go and get back in touch with the outside world. But put some purpose to your (safe) socializing, Stephanie Gailing, an astrologist and author of The Complete Book of Dreams tells Romper in an email. “Community projects hold great promise for you this year,” she says. “Connecting with others who have shared values and visions can help you discover talents you didn’t realize you had, and may even create an unexpected stream of income.” Maybe you’ve been mobilized by the Black Lives Matter movement and want to help others in your area sign up to vote. Whatever the cause, 2021 is your year to pursue it.


Of all the signs, Taurus, you’re the one who’s really ready to rock your career. You’re going to see huge changes at work — it might be switching to remote work permanently, or just getting paid what you’re worth. Maria Marmanides, a professional astrologer, agrees. “This is a year when you’ll be able to realize your own worth and value and have others reward you for it,” she tells Romper in an email. “2021 will be big for your career — think like a promotion at a current job, getting new opportunities, or landing your dream job and also in being appropriately compensated for it.” Don’t be afraid to go after what you want, Bull, because the stars are aligning in your favor.


Education is of the utmost importance to you, Gemini, and 2021 is your time to really take a deep dive into your studies. But it’s not just about being a bookworm. “It’s a year of not only expanding your horizons but also up-leveling your knowledge,” says Gailing. “You may find that you’re even more interested than usual in topics that have a philosophical, spiritual, cross-cultural, or psychological bent.” So take some time to figure out what really interests you (whether it’s cooking or Greek mythology), and figure out ways in which to incorporate it into your life, be it an online class or joining a club or community with similar interests.


Feeling frustrated and upset by 2020, Cancer? It’s understandable, considering how rough this past year has been for you. So look forward to lots of rest and you time come 2021, Marmanides advises. “2021 is giving Cancer the permission to take some much-needed rest, relaxation and recuperation,” she says. “If the last several years, and 2020 in particular, presented some major challenges to your dreams and plans, now you have an opportunity to reset and by the end of the year, reclaim your power.” While self-care might seem like a luxury, you have to carve out time for yourself, Cancer. (And just taking a shower doesn’t count, okay?) Do whatever it takes for you to restore yourself, and you’ll see great gains in 2021.


This year, it’s all about relationships for Leos. They might be of the romantic variety, reconnecting with friends, or even making new ones. (You might even forge a friendship with your cranky next-door-neighbor, Leo.) “Even if you find that you’re scaling back on the amount of people that you spend time with, the relationships you deem to be worth the investment will help expand your world,” says Gailing. But obvs, the first (and most important) relationship you’ll have is the one with yourself. So be sure to nurture yourself and fall in love with who you are… and who you’re meant to be.


Get ready to buckle up and enjoy the ride, because as Marmanides says, “2021 is coming in fast for Virgo, and if there’s any zodiac sign that can keep up with the pace, it’s you.” And while that might seem slightly overwhelming, you’re going to be able to take it all in stride. “After 2020’s onslaught of new hats to wear — like let’s say distance-learning instructor while also managing your own career — the stars are here to help you get organized,” she says. Sure, you might still have a lot to do, but as long as you’re armed with a list and can-do attitude, you’ll do just fine.


2020 had your creative juices pent up, Libra, but in the New Year, it will all flow freely. So if there’s an inner sculptor who’s looking to come out, this is the time, according to Gailing. “If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to connect with your creativity, 2021 is here for you,” she says. And if all that creativity sparks some passion inside you, don’t be surprised if you start feeling some romantic stirrings as well. This is your year to welcome them both into your life.


“Never one to shy away from the intimacies and intricacies of life, this year is giving Scorpios a chance to delve deeper into relationships,” says Marmanides. “Don’t be afraid to fine-tune and finesse not only your inner circle, but your inner sanctum throughout 2021.” Thing is, you’re not just going to let any ol’ person into your core group of gal pals, so it’s important to ensure that you continue to stay selective in your friend choices. “You’ll also have opportunities to secure more emotional and financial stability and get more rooted in the place and with the people who feel like home,” she says.


Learning has always been a lifelong passion of yours, and 2021 is your time to shine. “It’s a great year to dedicate yourself to acquiring new knowledge,” says Gailing. “Taking a class, studying a new language, or enhancing your communication skills will not only be enjoyable but may also benefit you at work as well.” But don’t feel like you have to completely commit to one course of study — if you find that your interest suddenly starts to wane, look for new ways to explore (and expand) your knowledge base.


You might be a workaholic, but this year it’s time to sit back and relax… sort of. Capricorn, you love to do your job well, but you might be finding that there’s more to life than just your 9-5. “If the last year has left you questioning if work really has to be *this* hard, take heart in knowing that 2021 is bringing you the energy of finding pleasure in being of service,” says Marmanides. “Use this time to find the joy in giving of yourself to others, and you’ll get to see how your true value is more than just a bank balance.”


Challenging yourself to find out who you really are has always been something that has intrigued you. In the New Year, you’ll go even farther to find out who you are — and what you want in life. “2021 brings you on a journey of self-discovery,” says Gailing. “It’s a year in which you’ll further understand who you are, how you want navigate your life, and how to express yourself to others in a way that feels really aligned.” Even though it might feel like an impossibility (because, well, kids), set aside time each day to discover what makes you happy, what is working for you…and where you see areas for self-improvement.


A sensitive soul, it’s time to shrug off your troubles and start finding some solace — in yourself. “In 2021, you can look forward to turning that caring and loving attention onto yourself,” says Marmanides. “If the last year has felt collectively heavy and burdensome, with you absorbing that energy, this is your chance to release anything that feels too weighty and doesn’t belong to you.” Try not to take on too much so that you can align with what really feels right to you.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it right this second, there is so, so much to look forward to in the New Year. So while you might have good luck in many different areas in 2021, there is something extra special for each zodiac sign that can help guide you along towards the path you’re meant to be on.

This article was originally published on