Peeps aren’t just for Easter, they are also the key ingredient in @craftyholidayhelper’s colorful chocolate marshmallow dip. Put out some honey graham crackers and enjoy a celebratory s’more (no campfire necessary). And yes, you can order Peeps on Amazon. @craftyholidayhelper, Instagram
If you’re looking for a light dessert, consider a chiffon cake with rainbow layers. It’s less dense than regular cake, but still just as sweet and satisfying. To make your own, check out this recipe. Calvin Chan Wai Meng, Getty Images
If you’re artistic, whip up some basic white macaroons and then hand paint them with rainbow swirls. Handmade Farmhouse has a great tutorial for anyone who is new to pastry painting. Pastry and Food Photography, Getty Images
It’s all about presentation with this super-sweet Rainbow Cereal Milkshake Pudding. Stock up on some paper straws and try your hand at whipping up your own with this recipe by @tastemade. @tastemade, Instagram
Not only are rainbow popsicles great for Pride month, but they’re also a perfect summer treat. For a super-healthy homemade version, check out this recipe. retales botijero, Getty Images
These petit fours (or Italian rainbow cookies) look gorgeous served up on a platter and taste just as good. If you’ve never made these layered rainbow treats before, this recipe will help guide you. Brian Bumby, Getty Images
Princess Pinky Girl knows how to add a splash of rainbow to her homemade sugar cookies — just add sprinkles. Just roll any cookie recipe around in sprinkles before popping them into the oven for baking. Princess Pinky Girl
Pick up a multi-colored ice cream flavor, like Superman, for a color-packed treat. Or, grab a few tubs of ice cream in various shades and dip the scoop in each flavor before transferring it to a cup or cone. Impromptu Photography / Cindy Gillespie, Getty Images
You can literally taste the rainbow with these pretty cupcakes. To make your own, top pre-made cupcakes with icing, mini marshmallows, and a rainbow candy belt. gollykim, Getty Images
Kettle corn is already a sweet upgrade to popcorn, but you can make your favorite movie snack even better by adding in some rainbow colors. Serve it out in some colorful cups as a snack or dessert during your Pride celebration. Jenny Dettrick, Getty Images
Nothing screams summer like shaved ice. Buy some flavors pre-made or try to make your own snow cone syrup using fresh fruit and simple syrup. Matt Hoover Photo, Getty Images
To recreate this fun treat, let each Jell-O color chill and set before adding the next to achieve distinct layers. mikroman6, Getty Images
A simple donut with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles is a classic for a reason. Make you own at home or pick one (or a dozen) up for yourself to enjoy. Enright, Brian, Getty Images