As it turns out, if you snooze, you won’t lose.
The next time you’re in a crummy mood, try to sneak in a snooze. Research shows that a short daytime rest may in fact lift your spirits, as The Mayo Clinic noted.
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Swap your lunch break for a nap break to reap the potential benefit of better performance on the job. As Harvard Health noted, some employers, like Google, actually encourage napping at work for this reason.
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Who doesn’t want to be less stressed? Napping can potentially reduce your stress level thanks to the rest and relaxation that sleep provides, according to a study published in the academic journal, Sleep.
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Research shows that a nap can be good for your heart health by helping keep your blood pressure low during stressful moments, as Harvard Health reported. Napping can even improve your body’s immune response to keep you healthier overall.
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If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night with a great idea, you have REM sleep to thank — and napping for more than an hour can yield similar results, according to research from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.