
Hey Capricorn, Your 2021 Horoscope Says Better Days Are Ahead
From a new sense of independence to an upswing in cash flow, there are some very good things in store.
Right about now, you’re probably ready to cap off 2020, Capricorn. It’s most likely been a year of change and transformation, some good and some, well, meh. But if you were born between December 21 and January 20, you’re sure to see some big changes coming for 2021, you sea goat, you. So if you’re looking to uncover what lies ahead, here’s your Capricorn 2021 horoscope — and it’s kind of awesome.
Although it takes two to tango, independence is what it’s all about when it comes to romantic love this year. “By seeing your greater ability to do things on your own, you’ll feel less dependent upon your partner,” Stephanie Gailing, an astrologer and co-creator of the My Stellar Year online course, tells Romper in an email. “This will not only have you feel a greater sense of confidence and self-value, but may enhance your attraction factor.”
And by taking some time for self-reflection, you’ll actually set yourself up for building a better relationship. “Take it slow in the love department in the first half of the year, cultivating a stable foundation with a lover or someone new,” astrologer Sarah James Carter tells Romper in an email. But it won’t stay slow for long. “By November 5th, Venus will enter a four month stint through Capricorn, heating things up again in the bedroom, reigniting that spark.”
Sure, you might have had some financial struggles in the past, but 2021 is your year to make beaucoup bucks. Adama Sesay, a professional astrologer, definitely sees some additional dollar signs in your foreseeable future. “Your material wealth and how you earn a living is due for an innovative change this year,” says Sesay in an email to Romper. “This is due to the planet of luck Jupiter, and your ruling planet Saturn moving through the sign of Aquarius throughout the year in your second house of earned income.”
Still, just because more money might be coming into your life doesn’t mean you should spend with abandon. “It’s important to be exceptionally diligent and thoughtful about it,” says Gailing. “Don’t quickly sign on the dotted line of too-good-to-be-true opportunities; rather do your due diligence to see if they have solid foundations.” Look for ways in which you can save more of what you earn, and (womp womp), learn how to really rock a budget.
Quarantine wasn’t easy on anyone, but it was a real challenge for you, wasn’t it Capricorn? Come 2021, you’ll be able to meet up with friends and family again, and it will feel so, so good. “In true Capricorn fashion, take the lead and organize a virtual wine tasting with your girlfriends to kick off the new year,” Sarah James Carter, an astrologer tells Romper in an email. “Summer will be especially social for you, with Jupiter passing through your friendship house May 13 to July 28, and will be an excellent time to reconnect with the gang and have a little fun!”
Career/Professional Goals
“For the last few years, the hustle has been real for you, and that hard work may finally be paying off,” says Carter. “With Jupiter dancing with Saturn in your house of material resources, you may find financial stability with a reliable flow of income.” But be sure that your job is fulfilling so that you allow yourself room to grow in your new position. That way, you can really take the time to cultivate a career that you love — and not just be in it for the paycheck.
Is your kiddo bouncing off the walls? (Well, aren’t they all?) This year was rough on every kid, especially cute lil’ Capricorns. “As our major planets make their exit out of Capricorn moving into the New Year, you may find your little billy goat with a new zest for life and feeling a little less anxious,” says Carter. “Support this energy by sharing in this excitement!” Try something fun and new, even if it’s as simple as cooking something in the kitchen or playing an impromptu game of hide and seek.
The point is: spending quality time with your kiddo in 2021 will make a major impact... for both of you. Says Gailing: “Teach them more about the skills at which you feel adept; not only will they expand their talents —and their belief in themselves — but it can offer you some surprisingly beautiful shared experiences.”
As you enter 2021, make sure that your focus isn’t just on your family, but yourself as well. Says Sesay: “Taking time to honor what you are truly worth and taking time for self-care are the best ways to take advantage of 2021!”
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