
This Mom’s Hilarious Elf On The Shelf “Fart” Prank Is Going Viral On TikTok

Her kid just kept going back for another whiff of the jarred toot.

by Katie McPherson

There’s a nice list and a naughty list, right? So it makes sense that some Elves on Shelf and their families tend to be a little more mischievous than others — and that’s great, no judgment here. If your kids happen to love bathroom humor (and what kid doesn’t, honestly) or gets a real kick out of catching their elf doing something naughty, you need to recreate this mom’s viral Elf on the Shelf idea: a fart in a jar. Yes, you read that right: Fart. In. A. Jar.

On Nov. 27, Brittany Jenkins (@bmjenkins89 on TikTok) posted a little video of her Elf on the Shelf fart in a jar idea with the caption, “This has been the best prank that our Elf has pulled on us so far! The reactions were so worth it!” She explains that she sprinkled cumin and nutmeg into a mason jar, plopped in the elf with a note expressing that he, uh, passed gas, and covered it with a lid. The note dares the kids to take a whiff, which hers did with absolute glee. (And in the most relatable mom moment of this whole TikTok, she doesn’t have the lid for this specific jar, so she uses plastic wrap.)

Jenkins’ post has around 40,000 likes and more than 12,000 saves, so it seems lots of parents are planning to use the fart in a jar trick at some point this month. Other parents commented that they’d use real fart spray for their kids (“Show them no mercy,” one said) while others recommended peppermint essential oil for a candy cane-scented toot. And lots of commenters LOL-ed over the fact that Jenkins’ son just kept coming back for more whiffs of the jarred fart.

An added bonus to trying this Elf on the Shelf idea is that your kid will have a chance to handle their elf and move them around throughout the day. You’re not supposed to touch the elves normally — it causes them to lose all their magic — but since your kid’s elf will be safely inside of a jar for the day, your kid will get to cart them around and hang out with them if they so choose. Though, if you think your kid will want to do this, maybe try a fart in a Tupperware container or something that isn’t glass so it’s safe for little ones to handle.

If your kid is old enough to know that touching the elf is a big no-no, they might lose it if their nose happens to graze the elf’s hat while sniffing for a nose-ful of nutmeg fart. In case of a magic-loss-related emergency, you can restore your elf’s magic together in a few different ways. You can sprinkle some cinnamon on them, “charge” up their magic under the Christmas tree, or sing them a Christmas carol.