Labor Day

Here's What You Should Know About Shopping At Whole Foods On Labor Day
Find out what to expect for your holiday shopping.
Labor Day might be the unofficial last day of the summer, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend it at the beach or at a barbecue. For many states across the U.S., Labor Day lands right before (or right after) the first day back to school — so if you plan on spending your holiday gearing up for your kid’s first week at school, that definitely makes sense (it is a Monday in early September, after all). Grocery shopping may be one item you need to check off your to-do list, and if you want to head to Whole Foods, you’ll probably first want to know what Whole Foods Labor Day hours are. After all, there are only so many grocery stores that give you that many organic, non-GMO, healthy, all-natural options.
What are Whole Foods’ Labor Day 2022 hours?
According to the Whole Foods website, the store only has modified hours on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, and New Years Day, and is only completely closed on Christmas Day. Based on that and what has happened for similar holidays in the past, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that your local Whole Foods will be open for regular hours this Labor Day. These hours are typically 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., but of course you should always check with your local store to ensure that they’re following this. That means you can go into Whole Foods at whatever time you normally would to get your grocery shopping done for the week.
Labor Day deals at Whole Foods
While it doesn’t seem like Whole Foods has announced any specific Labor Day sales just yet, there are still plenty of things to grab on the holiday. One sale worth mentioning is that from now through Sept. 6, Whole Foods is offering 25% off all ready-to-drink coffee from brands like La Colombe, Chameleon, Califa Farms, and more — definitely a must-have if you’ll be spending the next morning trying to wake your little ones up to make the bus on time.
Weekly sales will vary depending on where you live, and stores haven’t announced most of their sales beyond the end of August so far. However, expect some deals on seasonal produce and some snacks to put in lunch boxes. If you need some extra help, the Whole Foods website has an entire section dedicated to back-to-school lunch and food ideas that is filled with great advice. And remember: you can always save an extra 10% (plus score exclusive deals) if you’re an Amazon Prime member as well.
In short, Whole Foods can still be your go-to for your healthiest grocery options this Labor Day since they’ll be open their usual hours. Head to the store for some all-natural goodies early in the morning so you can enjoy a barbecue that same day.