
Astrology For Kids: Here's What 2022 Has In Store For Them
It’s going to be quite a year.
The past two years have been downright nutty (to put it mildly) especially for kids who had to navigate virtual school, cancelled plans and parties, and the long wait for the vaccine. If you’re wondering what the next year holds, knowing your child’s 2022 horoscope can be a great place to start.
“From January to May, and November and December, Jupiter, planet of miracles, will be in Pisces. This will enhance the more loving aspects within children and parents,” Kyle Thomas, pop culture astrologer for the New York Post & Page Six tells Romper. He adds that from May until the end of October, though, Jupiter will be in Aries, which means your kid could be feeling more feisty and eager to assert their independence (to put it nicely).
Read on to hear from two celebrity astrologers about what you can expect from your kid’s 2022 horoscope.
You may notice your Aries child seems more serene or dreamy this year. “While most of the year they’ll be more creative, serene, and spiritual, they could be deeply focused on understanding their place in the world,” Thomas tells Romper.
“Aries children will be especially intuitive this year, too.” Your child may need your help in navigating conflict resolution. “Their task in 2022 is to pick and choose their battles wisely. Sometimes, learning to be gracious in defeat is a big win,” celebrity astrologer Kristin West says.
Be prepared for your little bull’s social circle to open up in 2022. “They’ll likely be focused on connecting with people as much as possible, whether it’s friends, family, or even other kids at the daycare or park! They will likely feel especially popular,” Thomas says.
When they’re not rallying the troops to hang out, Taurus kids may show new interests, skills, or talents. “Let your Taurus child follow their impulses and heart this year. They may even teach you a thing or two,” Kristin West, celebrity astrology expert and tarot card reader tells Romper.
Expect ups and downs from your Gemini child this year (but what else would you expect from the twin sign?). “Your Gemini kid may have a hard time prioritizing this year. They might be feeling hemmed in by too many rules and procedures,” West says.
But they also may be pulled in interesting new directions. “Gemini children will have a major year that focuses on being recognized by the world around them for their unique talents, skills, and gifts. This will make them somewhat flashy and demanding of attention, but also because they want to feel like they are stepping into their power,” Thomas tells Romper. The winter may be rocky, but by summer, your Gemini child will be thriving and making new friends.
Cancer children will be called to step out of their comfort zone this. Your Cancer child’s 2022 horoscope may include some anxiety that will ultimately make way for an exciting achievement. “Many Cancerian children have been more comfortable with schooling from home, but now may have pandemic anxiety surrounding school. Discuss your child’s fears (and your own) openly with your Cancerian child. They’ll appreciate your vulnerability,” West tells Romper.
2021 may have felt “rocky or a little lonely” for your lion babe, as Thomas says. While 2022 stills leaves Leos craving connection with friends, parents, and siblings, this year they should find what felt lacking last year. “Leo children will have a very important year that focuses on trust, intimacy, sensuality and vulnerability,” Thomas says.
West says that Leo kids may feel a bit out of sync at times, but engaging in an “age-appropriate charity activity” could be just the thing they need to feel like themselves.
Both Thomas and West are quick to say that the Virgo’s 2022 horoscope looks promising. “Virgo children have a majestic year ahead of them. Connecting with a ‘mirror’ will be important to these kids, as they want to feel like they’re with someone that reflects them,” Thomas says. “In this case, they could be quite focused on mirroring someone else’s habits — whether it’s a parent, sibling, best friend, or celebrity! No matter what, this partnership will help them to feel like they belong.”
As is normally the case with orderly Virgos, schedules will be a big deal. “Maintain good routines and schedules to steady them against the more frantic energies of the year,” West says. One potential challenge this year, West mentions, is sleep troubles or nightmares.
Parents of Libras: be prepared for your kitchen to become a science lab. “Some Librans may start devouring information about space, innovation, and inventions,” West says, adding that others may get particularly interested in a social cause.
“Libra children have a great year to come in regards to their routine, productivity, and health! This bodes well for any kids who are looking for more consistency and stability in their day-to-day lives,” Thomas says. They also may form a close bond with a pet or caretaker.
If your Scorpio kids’ 2022 horoscope is any indication, then this year is going to be a good one for your scorpion child. And try not to zone out when they’re telling your about their dreams; West says that, “Scorpio kids might have strangely prophetic dreams in 2022. Their intuition and knowing is keen and may even shock you.” Encourage their gifts but keep them grounded in this world by spending time outside, maybe on a nature walk.
“The stars are energizing their creativity, helping them to express themselves and showcase new artistic skills. Some Scorpio children could even feel like they’re in the spotlight,” Thomas tells Romper.
Expect a lot of love this year from your little Sag. “Sagittarius children will feel more stable and connected to their home and family this year — especially their parents,” Thomas says.
Both astrologers mention that Sagittarius kids could come up with some fun ideas for how to shake things up in their day-to-day. “Your bouncy Sagittarius kid has felt cooped up at home. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at some of the fun ideas they come up with all on their own for family field trips.” If physically leaving the house isn’t an option, you can encourage them to make a fort, or as Thomas says, “transform their bedroom and space into a playground and sanctuary!”
You should see your Capricorn child blossom this year when it comes to communication. “Connecting with others, whether it is through symbols or speech, will be exciting,” Thomas says. Your goat child may exhale a much-needed sigh of relief they didn’t realize they were holding. “Capricorn children get much needed pressure relief. Though they may still have some growing pains with Pluto in Capricorn, you little goat is better equipped to handle disruption and go with the flow in 2022,” West says.
Thomas also adds that you may see your child bonding with their siblings this year, which should be welcomed news.
Your little Aquarius will be learning some important lessons this year that will help them thrive. “Aquarius kids are learning the value of time, order and rules this year. Saturn, one of their rulers, moves into Aquarius. Your child might struggle with homework deadlines and other time management issues. Exercise patience and model patience to your child,” West says.
These lessons may leave them temporarily “a little bit battered and bruised,” as Thomas says, though on the bright side they should expect a lot of gifts this year, and they may become extra interested in what’s theirs. “Whether it’s their favorite new toys or that shiny one they haven’t gotten yet, they’ll be focused on what they feel they ‘own’ and can control, as they further understand a sense of self-love and personal power,” Thomas says.
2022 is looking good for your little fish; in fact, it could be one of the best years of their life. “A tremendously lucky year awaits and they will feel more expressive, creative, joyous, and vibrant,” Thomas says. “Good blessings, fortune, and favor will smile upon them. 2022 will also be a major year for new beginnings for these kids as they seek to show the world what makes them unique and special.”
Bust out of the markers and the craft supplies because West says Pisces children will be feeling creative and imaginative this year. “Encourage them to create what they feel is beautiful,” West says.
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