
Leo, Buckle Up For A Bumpy Ride In 2021
Relationships might be tested, but your career could take off.
After spending much of 2020 in quarantine and isolation, it's hard to imagine any relationship facing a more difficult test. Well, buckle up, because the Leo 2021 horoscope makes it seem like lockdown was only the beginning. Both adults and kids will find themselves taking stock of their relationships with partners, friends, or colleagues throughout the year, but it won't be without some rewards.
In an email to Romper, celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas explained that Jupiter and Saturn will have a major influence on Leos' relationships in 2021. He says "partnerships will be front and center in 2021" for Leos and you can expect to see "strength, prosperity, and life lessons manifest" in this area throughout the year. Helene Cierzo, founder of Heart House Astrology, also emphasizes the role Saturn and Jupiter will play in 2021 for Leos, specifically in the areas of career and finance. In an email to Romper, she says "there definitely will be opportunities to increase finances this year if you align with the right people," and "2021 just might be the year you take a giant leap of faith and reinvent the way you do your career."
Saturn and Jupiter's influence seems to seep into nearly every area of life throughout 2021, and kids are just as susceptible to the planets' impacts as adults are. Here's what to expect.
With the constant presence of Saturn in your sign throughout the year, you will likely face a bit of conflict and even feelings of distance with your partner. Thomas says, "Oftentimes, partnerships go through a very difficult time and you will feel lonelier and at odds with one another" when Saturn is influencing them. "Weak relationships will shatter during these years [but] the unions that make it through will become stronger than ever before and are likely lifelong."
It's not all unpleasant news, though. Thomas says "soulmate connections" are likely to happen during this time and "there will be some Leos that get engaged, move in, or become married in 2021." He also says Leos who find love in 2021 could likely end up with someone who "brings stability to your life" and who "will push you toward your goals."
Between mid-May and the end of July, Cierzo says, "Jupiter will shift into Pisces and can bring an increase in finances." She notes that this could happen in a number of ways, including from "other people's money" such as an inheritance, your partner getting a raise, or investments. She also explains that "if you align with the right people" there will "definitely be opportunities to increase your finances." However, Thomas acknowledges that, with Saturn in your sign, "it will admittedly create some adverse effects" that make it more difficult for you to reach your goals, including your financial ones. Cierzo's advice is to "remain resilient through changes in 2021" to ultimately land on top financially.
If you've been on the lookout for your lifelong partner, or you've been thinking about starting or expanding your family, 2021 could be your year. "Powerful eclipses will take place in your sector of love and fertility this year," explains Thomas, "foretelling passionate romance or even the possibility of a pregnancy." The potential for either one of these outcomes is highest in May and December when your sign experiences eclipses in "your true love and fertility sector," Thomas says.
This is where you're going to thrive the most in 2021. "As for professional matters, the year will start off with a bang for you," Thomas explains, "so get ready for fiery momentum." In 2021, Cierzo says entrepreneurs "can see an increase in clientele, or could land a very wealthy client, that will be around for a long time." For those who aren't working for themselves, she says this could be the year you take a much-anticipated new job or even get a big promotion.
Throughout the year, Thomas says: "You will consistently meet challenges, obstacles, and conflicts with partners or authority figures" and you can expect positive restructuring in your professional relationships. In January, "there definitely could be changes on the career front," notes Cierzo. "There could be changes within the organization, that you will have to shift the way you approach your work. Some of you could have a greater need for freedom, and you may decide to go another route, all together, when it comes to your work." In February, June, and December, she says you may "feel like a slave" at work and, unless you decide to go into business for yourself, she suggests you "remain flexible and adaptable."
From the end of July through December 28, there are a lot of opportunities for your career to really soar because "Jupiter will move back to your 7th house," explains Cierzo. She says there will be potential for you to "align with the best business partners, gain new clientele, and sign any new contracts." Also, Thomas notes that November is an especially important month because "a new cycle of powerful eclipses begin" which may "launch your career to epic new proportions ."
As for Leo kids, Thomas admits the year may be a bit tough on them thanks to Saturn's opposing presence. He says, "They may feel more isolated, alone, and more focused on their independence," which will drive them to seek out "their 'person,' whether that is a mirror in a friend, teammate, collaborator, or crush." The good news is that they'll likely find success in their search because Thomas says Jupiter's presence will "gift them with opportunities" for "important new relationships [to] emerge."
It seems like Leos will have a few challenges to face in 2021, but there will be some rewarding new relationships and revelations in the end. You'll evolve personally throughout the year, and rise to the top professionally. You may not find fortune and fame in 2021, but at least you won't have to relive 2020.