
A 1st Grader Just Got Old Navy To Add Pockets To Girls' Jeans Where They Belong
“I do not like that the front pockets on the girl’s jeans are fake.”
It’s a situation that is all too familiar — you go to stick your hands in the pockets of your pants, only to find that the pocket is sewed shut or doesn’t exist. One first grader in an Arkansas elementary school is already fed up with this problem. And seeing Old Navy’s response to her asking for real front pockets in her jeans shows that change might be coming.
Kamryn, a 7-year-old first grade student at Evening Star Elementary in Bentonville, Arkansas wrote a persuasive letter to Old Navy, asking for them to put real pockets in the front of their jeans sold at the store. “Dear Old Navy,” she wrote in the letter, shared in a post on Evening Star Elementary’s Facebook page. “I do not like that the front pocket of girl’s jeans are fake. I want to put my hands in them. I would also like to put things in them. Would you consider making girls jeans with pockets that are not fake. Thank you for reading my request.”
Old Navy not only read her request, but responded to it, too. The clothing retailer sent a letter back to Kamryn thanking her for her feedback, but sent Kamryn four new pairs of jeans — all with real front pockets included. Talk about making a change and using your voice at a young age.
The retailer’s response to Kamryn was too sweet. “Kamryn, thank you so much for taking the time to write us about pockets on girl’s jeans,” the letter reads. “The Old Navy Kids product team appreciate your information, it’s great feedback for us as we develop new product.”
Old Navy does sell girl’s jeans with functioning pockets, but some pairs of jeans do not have them. And although it’s just jeans, Kamryn’s words have the power to make a change. It’s similar to when Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle convinced a corporation to fix a sexist ad when she was just 11 years old.
Kamryn’s determination to make a change is something that her mom, Kimberly Gardner, noted in an interview with Good Morning America. “She’s very passionate about life... and uses her voice,” she said.