Labor Day

Publix Is There For You With Their Labor Day Hours
You'll have enough food and supplies to get through the festivities.
Labor Day is quickly coming, and woot, you can’t wait for that three-day weekend. Nothing to do but soak up the sun, hang with the kiddos, and eat copious quantities of grilled goodness. But all it takes is for one guest to bring along a plus one (or five) you weren’t planning on, and suddenly, you’re scrambling to see if you can get your hands on some extra macaroni salad. As you jump into the car, it’s best to know ahead of time: is Publix open on Labor Day?
Labor Day is one of those few holidays (like Columbus Day or Thanksgiving Day) that doesn’t have a date set in stone. And as such, it can creep up on you if you’re not watching. This year, though, Labor Day is on Monday, September 6, since it’s the first Monday in September. It’s kind of late this year, seeing as how it can be any day from September 1 through September 7. But food first: will you be able to get a Chicken Tender Platter to tide the kids over come Labor day? Well, the public will be pleased, because Publix is open on Labor Day.
Don’t feel like cooking? Just head to Publix’s deli section, where you can find freshly prepared foods that will feed a crowd. For $6.99 per pound, you can get some smoked pulled pork, which feeds about 2-3 people. It’s served hot so that all you need to do is grab some buns, and you’ve got a smokin’ sandwich. And speaking of sammies, you can get a whole selection of subs at the deli for $34.99; it’s your choice of three different kinds of bread (white, wheat, or Italian 5-grain), meat (think turkey, roast beef, ham, or the Ultimate), and cheese (like American white or yellow, provolone, or Swiss).
If meat is what you’re after, you’ve found your match at Publix. Publix is also gearing up for your grilling needs, with Boneless New York Strip Steaks ($8.99 per pound) or Lean Ground Beef Burgers or Slider Burgers for $6.49 lb. It is offering $5 off your next delivery or curbside pickup with an order of $35 or more. Boneless and Lean Pork Loin Country-Style Ribs could also grill up very nicely, too.
But here’s something else that people probably don’t think about on Labor Day Publix’s food runs: diapers. Yes, watch your baby have a massive blow-out, and then discover that the extra package of diapers you thought you had, well, you don’t. That’s when you’ll be grateful for a supermarket like Publix’s being open so you can get your hands on some diapers and wipes to clean up that little tush.
You never know what you can potentially run out of until it happens. That’s why having a nearby Publix open to do some last-minute shopping just might take some of the labor out of your Labor Day festivities.