Holiday Shopping

You're Safe With Safeway's New Year's Eve & New Year's Day Hours
Don’t stress.
After days of holiday feasting and fete-ing, by the time New Year’s Eve shows up, you might be totally over grocery shopping. And no one would blame you. It’s at these moments, when shoppers dig deep and turn to their favorite retailers to answer the grocery call. Places like Safeway. At Safeway, the stores are designed for swift and easy shopping plus the chain carries loads of options, so you know you’ll get what you need. And what you’ll need might be very specific just before the start of 2022. But is Safeway open on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day?
Is Safeway Open On New Year’s Eve?
Sources say yes. According to, your favorite grocery chain keeps its doors open with regular hours (that’s 6 a.m. to midnight) on NYE. Hear that? Midnight! Even if you run out of champagne a half hour before the ball drops, no worries. Just send a DD over to pick up what you need. More chips? No problem? Some coffee for the exhausted parents who for once just want to keep their eyes open until 12 a.m.? They’ve got that too.
Is Safeway Open On New Year’s Day?
And what about New Year’s Day when you wake up to a house full of family and realize it’s on you to make breakfast happen? Great news there too. The first day of the year is just another workday at Safeway which, according to, only closes on Christmas Day.
Throw on some jeans, or hell, who cares, go in your PJs starting at 6 a.m. and grab all the goods you need to make a brunch feast. We’re talking breakfast sausage, eggs, pancake mix, mimosa ingredients (because you likely ended up crashing at 9 anyway and are feeling more than ready to toast a new year).
With Safeway operating at full capacity during the New Year’s rush, you won’t have any problems keeping fed and happy as you say goodbye to 2021.
This article was originally published on