
What To Say To Someone Who Has Lost A Pet
It can be hard to find the right words
Pets are commonly called “fur babies” for a reason — they’re a hugely important part of the family. It can be hard to know what to say, and looking at some nice sayings for the loss of a pet can help you get over the tongue-tied feeling you might have if a friend or family is dealing with one of these sad losses. Pets have all kinds of benefits for families, from improving kids’ mental health, being part of the family Halloween costumes, and even being part of your Elf-on-a-Shelf scenes during the holiday season.
It’s almost always better to say something than nothing, and to avoid minimizing the loss. And let’s face it: there aren’t any comforting words to say when someone loses a pet that can completely make them feel better. But acknowledging the hole that’s left in their family, and sitting with them in their grief (without trying to make it go away) can go a long way to helping them feel less alone during what’s sure to be a tough time. And if you have the time or space, offering to run errands, bring by a meal, or do some childcare for someone dealing with a loss can be a really nice gesture.
General ideas for what to say to someone who has lost a pet
If you knew their pet, you can help them remember and celebrate the pet’s life, and help them know that their pet will live on in your heart too.
- Share a favorite funny memory about the pet.
- Share your favorite thing the pet used to do.
- Share your memory of when the pet joined the family.
- Share pictures you have of their pet, maybe with some cute captions.
- Have you or your kids draw a picture of their pet in remembrance.
- Write a poem (an acrostic with the letters of the pet’s name is great if you’re not feeling super inspired) that celebrates all the pet’s qualities.
Sayings for when someone loses a pet
These sweet condolences can be sent in a card, in person, or via text. Any way you send them, they’re sure to be much appreciated.
- Dogs come into our lives and leave pawprints in our hearts. Thinking of you with sympathy.
- So sorry to hear about the loss of your furry friend.
- Forever would not have been long enough with [pet’s name]. Thinking of you.
- If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, dogs would outlive us all.
- May the beautiful memories of [pet’s name] bring you comfort in this hard time.
- Sending you heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your beloved companion.
- No matter how long we might have had with your sweet pet, it wouldn’t have been enough.
- May sweet memories soften the sadness in your heart.
- The only thing equal to the pain of saying goodbye are the wonderful memories that will stay in your heart.
- Some angels have fur — so sorry for the loss of your friend.
- With heartfelt sympathy — please know that we’re thinking about you in this tough time.
- You and your family took such wonderful care of [pet’s name] until the very end. I know it must be so hard to say goodbye. Thinking of you.
- What a long and wonderful life [pet’s name] had with your family. It won’t be the same without them.
Whatever you say, your friend or family member will appreciate how you were there for them during this difficult season.
This article was originally published on