
This $15 Target baby pool is the perfect size.
Courtesy of Samantha Darby

You Will Not Regret This Perfect Baby Pool From Target

Seriously, it’s $15 and the best size for your little swimmers.

by Samantha Darby

Target’s seasonal aisles during spring and summer are like entering another world. One that smells like coconut and palm trees and chlorine. One full of bright, happy colors and pineapple-shaped everything. And one that promises a sweet summer full of adventures.

OK, I know it feels like I’m getting a little poetic here, but it’s the truth. The Target summer aisles are my favorite, especially when I’m grabbing something from the Sun Squad brand. There are pool floats, water slides, and more, but if you have a baby (one that can sit up that is), there’s one thing you absolutely need from the summer aisle: the Sun Squad inflatable baby pool.

Look, I’m not always a big believer in buying baby versions of things. I have a 6-year-old and a 2.5-year-old, and one inflatable pool is just enough. But last year, when my girls were 5 and 18 months, I felt like I needed one more pool to contain them. Mainly because the baby could of course sit up, but was barely having her chin above the water line in the big inflatable pool and I... basically couldn’t relax.

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Enter this baby pool! Look, this thing is perfect. The product description says it’s best for ages 2+ but, with supervision, I would let a baby that can sit up independently splash in this thing. It’s the perfect size. Like literally. It’s 36 inches high and 40 inches wide, and it’s a breeze to put together. It comes with a little inflatable rectangle — even the surface of the pool inflates for added cushion! — with velcro in the corners for the inflatable sun shade. That sun shade — it’s a lifesaver. I obviously slathered my baby in sunscreen until she was greasing out of my arms like our own slip-and-slide, but that sun protection was such a great reassurance. (And it can be popped right off if you’d rather have some sun rays.)

This pool also includes these sweet little inflatable rings for baby to play with, and the inflatable toys attached to the sun shade make a squeaking noise as baby squeezes them. Oh hello, it’s also only $15.

If your baby’s crawling and mobile, it’s even more fun to watch them climb in and out of this little pool. I’m telling you, things are always better in miniature, and that’s definitely true for this pool. But even last summer, both of my girls could sit in this little pool to play, and two 18-month-olds were able to fit in it comfortably together to splash.

This $15 Target pool is the perfect size.
Courtesy of Samantha Darby
Even big kids love playing in this baby pool.
Courtesy of Samantha Darby
The pool even comes with toys.
Courtesy of Samantha Darby

And it’s cute! You guys, it’s so cute. And it’s so easy to blow up. I used a pump for the actual pool and sun shade, but I blew up the rings with my own lungs, and it took no time. If you don’t have a pump, you could still blow this up without a problem. And when you’re ready to deflate, it’s small enough to fold up and stash away.

So whether you have one little baby who wants to splash or just need an extra pool for the tiniest member of your family as the big kids swim and kick, trust the Target summer aisles. And, you know, trust me, too. This pool is the best.