
Virgo, Your 2024 Horoscope Is Encouraging You To Let Loose — For Once
It’s perfect to be imperfect.
Stop for a second and breathe, Virgo. You’re too hard on yourself sometimes, aren’t you? You can’t help it, since it’s in your nature to be extraordinarily efficient, even if you often impose those expectations onto others. It makes sense, though, because you pride yourself on perfection and the ability to analyze any situation. But having such high standards, especially for yourself, might make you downright miserable. Thankfully, your 2024 horoscope wants you to ease up a bit on yourself and find the fun in everyday life.
If ever there were a hall monitor of all the astrological signs, Virgo would be it. Want a problem solved? Ask a Virgo. The earth sign, which runs from August 23-September 22, is a busy little bee, always juggling several somethings in the air all at once. You like everything in its proper place (playdates at your house put other parents to shame). Speaking of which, Virgos have a tendency to over schedule themselves, especially when it comes to their kids and all of their activities. They’ll sign up to be Room Parent, the coach for their kid’s soccer team, and a Scout Leader, too. While all of these efforts are admirable, they can come with a hefty price tag — and that’s your patience and sanity, if you’re being honest with yourself.
So along comes your Virgo 2024 horoscope to remind you that being in the moment (whether you’re at work or your child’s music share) is what’s really important.
Listen, you’re no slouch in the love department, Virgo, despite what your symbol is. And while you can come across as slightly stoic, you’re actually quite sensitive with big feelings. But because of your need to think (and rethink) absolutely everything, you could be missing opportunities to find someone you truly vibe with — and it may not be who you might expect. “Relationships with people who are older than you could be promising this year, as well as encounters with lovers from the past, either in this life or the last one,” explains Gahl Sasson, an astrologer and author of The Astrology of 2024. Your ruling planet is Mercury (aka The Messenger of Communication) so be sure to tap into that astrological power to express your wants and needs.
Thanks to Saturn roaring its way through your House of Marriage, you’ll find that 2024 is the time to revitalize your relationships, Virgo. “Work on understanding in relationships, especially with the Venus-Saturn conjunction on March 22,” say Sonya Schwartz, an astrologer and founder of Authority Astrology. “This means being patient and kind in love as this is the year for growing closer.” While that could mean reconnecting with your partner (or even getting hitched), it could also be the moment when you accept that things just aren’t working, and you decide to part ways. No matter what path your partnership takes, it’s important to honor your emotions.
Virgo, your attention to detail is stellar — literally. You pay your bills (mostly) on time and your credit score is enviable. So for your 2024 horoscope, continue focusing on your finances. Important dates to note are August 19 and December 24 which can affect your finances. “You’ll need to be careful and smart with money,” Schwartz cautions, “especially during Jupiter-Saturn squares on August 19 and December 24.” As always, slow and steady is the way to go for money growth, but that’s not something you need to be reminded of, Virgo.
All that saving needs to add up to something, and in 2024, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts to stop your unnecessary spending in the form of large cash sums. “Investments and inheritances are coming your way in 2024,” says Sasson. Knowing how methodical you are with money (and everything else in your life, really) there’s no worry that you’ll blow it all on something silly. Still, a treat here or there wouldn’t hurt, so be sure to splurge on something fun — and put a pause on your pragmatic approach to spending for a moment.
You run a tight ship, Virgo. School trip forms need to be filled out? Check. Kids need new sneaks? Already in your Amazon cart. Whatever needs to get done in your family is easily accomplished, thanks to your list-loving nature. But you might want practice being more playful (and less practical) in 2024. Equally important is connecting with not just your kids, but your entire family, too, particularly older relatives. “Try to talk and understand family more during Sun-Jupiter trine on October 14,” says Schwartz. “It's a good time for family chats as well as being patient and understanding with relatives.”
And if your in-laws are, well, in-laws, 2024 can be a great starting point to foster a connection with them — but only if you want to. “Your relationships with the in-laws can dramatically improve this year,” says Sasson. That doesn’t mean it has to, especially if boundaries have been irreparably broken. But if you do miss your mother-in-law and want her to be a positive force in your family’s life, it might be a good idea to see if you can both see eye-to-eye again. This window of communication opens in June and will last for a year, so you have time to make amends or leave things as they are.
Normally, you’re intently focused on your family or work — and the two hardly (if ever) intersect. That’s all about to change in your 2024 horoscope, Virgo, as the time and energy you channel into your work will also extend into your family life. “If you focus on finding ways to shine in your professional life, your family will benefit, especially in the second part of the year,” says Sasson. So spruce up your skills (or learn some new ones). If you’ve been playing with the idea of going back to school to get your degree, seize the moment, advises Schwartz. It shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for you, since you derive so much delight from details and enjoy learning new concepts. Ultimately, any investment you make in your professional life will be financially favorable for your family.
A word of caution, though. As you embark on creating a connection between your professional and personal life, be wary of those you work with, since a business partnership could yield not just poor profit margins but something more serious (i.e. a potential lawsuit), according to Sasson. “It’s best to work with people you’ve known for a long time,” he advises. And make sure that your work aligns with your belief in the greater good so find a position that has a purpose.
Virgo, your 2024 horoscope predicts a year of limitless possibilities. It’s up to you to make the most of it and learn to live unabashedly in the moment.
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