Instagram Captions

Fun Instagram Captions for Your Winter Break Adventures
No matter how you feel about winter break, these captions will help you share it.
“Winter break” is a phrase that means completely different things when you’re a kid versus when you’re a parent. If you’re a kid, it can mean presents, snow, hot chocolate, and sleeping in. If you’re a parent, it can mean many, many days in the cold of winter without either childcare or much to do. But, it’s also a time to slow down and make some great memories. Either way, winter break is a literal break from the routine, and you’ll want winter break captions for your pictures that celebrate that fact.
If you’re a teacher, you’ve probably been dragging yourself to the finish line of winter break day. For teachers and kids alike, the last school day before winter break often can’t come soon enough. Whether winter break means that you need snow day captions or whether you live somewhere where a white Christmas will always remain a dream, you’re definitely doing something over winter break that’s a little different from your everyday routine.
Winter break captions for parents
- Winter break = pajamas all day (for both kids and adults)
- Having a great winter break with all my little elves!
- Has school started again yet?
- We’re in winter break mode—no grinches allowed!
- Oh no, I can’t threaten to call Santa anymore.
- “One kind word can warm three winter months” (but the kids won’t stop fighting)
- I get to the end of winter break and realize that teachers should make a million dollars a year.
Quotes about winter for anyone
- “Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.” —Khalil Ghibran
- “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” ― Edith Sitwell
- “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”― Percy Bysshe Shelley
- “In the depth of winter, I finally learned there was, in me, an invincible summer.” —Albert Camus
- “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ―John Steinbeck
Winter break captions for teachers
- Two weeks of sleeping in!
- Chillin’ out for winter break
- “I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be.” —Office Space quote for when people ask what I did over winter break
- My schedule: Netflix. Eat cookies. Repeat.
- TGIWB (Thank goodness it’s winter break)
Winter break captions for students
- No homework for two weeks!
- Schoooools out for...winter
- Winter hibernation mode for students
- Turning off the alarm clock for the next two weeks
- You won’t catch me without a mug and a blanket for the next two weeks
- Me thinking I’m going to catch up on everything over winter break...but then I sit on the couch and don’t get up
Winter break captions for snowy days
- #sleigh
- Dreams of a white Christmas came true!
- “When it snows you have two choices, shovel, or make snow angels.” —Anonymous
- We’re in hibernation mode
- Snow days are the best days
- Having a great day in the snow with my little snow angels