Love Languages

Your Guide To Love Languages: Words Of Affirmation
It’s all about acknowledgment and appreciation.
Feeling loved is a crucial part of keeping your connection strong when you’re in a relationship. But showing appreciation and care toward your partner looks different for every couple. Even between you and your partner, you may each have different ways that you prefer to give and receive feelings of love. If you or your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, knowing what to say and how to say it can go a long way toward keeping your spark alive.
The 5 love languages
The concept of love languages comes from marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the best-selling book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts. The book outlines five ways that romantic partners best experience and express love through quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, and physical touch.
Initially intended as a way to help couples strengthen their relationship and stay in love through all that life throws their way, the concept has evolved greatly since the book was first published in 1992 with spin-off books, apps, and conferences devoted to exploration of each of the five love languages. It’s now widely recognized as not only a way for romantic partners to learn about one another, but also to help bolster family relationships, workplace interactions, and friendships.
Here’s a closer look at what each of the five love languages and what they mean:
Quality time: One-on-one time spent together with uninterrupted, focused attention.
Words of affirmation: Spoken or written phrases that show support, appreciation, encouragement.
Acts of service: Actions that make a person’s life easier are deeply appreciated or used to show care.
Gifts: The giving and receiving of meaningful or desired objects to show love and appreciation.
Physical touch: Love is expressed or felt through non-verbal means using touch and body language to show affection.
Love language: words of affirmation
The use of words of affirmation is simply a way to acknowledge appreciation for your significant other or even applaud effort on your partner’s part. Think about the way it might make you feel to hear someone say “thank you” when you’ve done something nice for them. It feels good, right? For people who identify with words of affirmation as their primary love language, nothing says “I love you” quite like an affirming comment. It’s an automatic confidence boost. Whether written or spoken, words of affirmation are meaningful gestures that make the recipient feel loved and supported.
If words of affirmation is your partner’s love language, having a list of things to say that will help show your love and appreciation for them can go a long way toward strengthening your relationship. On the flip side, if this is your love language, you can suggest that your partner share affirming phrases with you or regularly verbalize their gratitude for you and the things you do. You can say things like, “I love when you tell me what I mean to you,” or “Hearing how much you appreciate me makes me feel so good,” to encourage them to actively use more words of affirmation.
Not sure which love language you or your partner identifies with most? Take a free quiz on the official 5 Love Languages website to find out. If one or both of you could use some ideas for words of affirmation to share, read on for ideas.
Words of affirmation to make your partner feel appreciated
Thank you for...
You make my life better.
When you helped me with [task], I felt so loved.
I appreciate when you...
You take such good care of me.
I am so thankful for you.
I’m sorry for...
I appreciate that you are always here for me.
I know I can always count on you.
Your support is so appreciated.
You handled that situation so well.
Can I ask you for advice? I value your input so much.
Your support means so much to me.
I value your opinions.
You always work so hard.
You’ve done a great job.
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you for making time for us.
I love that you did this for me.
Words of affirmation to boost your partner’s confidence
I believe in you.
You are so much fun to be with.
I need you.
You’re the best partner.
You’re an amazing parent.
I’m proud of you.
You inspire me.
My life has more meaning because you’re in it.
You’re so amazing.
You’re so special.
I miss you.
I trust you.
You make everything better just by being you.
I love your optimism.
Your outlook is inspiring.
The way you see the world is beautiful.
I have total confidence in you and your ideas.
You inspire me.
You’ve got this!
Words of affirmation to make your partner feel loved
I’m so happy to have you in my life.
You’re my best friend.
I miss you.
You’re a dream come true.
Our family is so lucky to have you.
I respect you so much.
You are so funny.
You light up the room when you walk in.
Everyone who knows you, loves you.
Your energy is so good.
My favorite part of your personality is...
You’re so kind.
I love spending time with you.
I love going on dates with you.
I want to be with you all the time.
Being with you makes everything feel easier.
You are so good at what you do.
Everyone who knows you is lucky.
You have the best vibes.
You are my favorite person.
I never get tired of being with you.
I love how genuine you are.
Words of affirmation about your relationship with your partner
It makes me so happy to be with you.
You make me feel so loved.
I love that you understand me.
I love the way you make me feel.
Thank you for being there for me.
It made me so happy when you…
I love that you get me.
Thank you for loving me.
I love our life together.
I trust you.
Being with you makes me feel incredible.
I don’t know what I’d do without you.
You make me feel safe.
I will always be here for you.
You always make everything better.
Words of affirmation when your partner’s having a bad day
I see that you’re hurting. How can I help you?
I want to make you feel better.
You are so loved.
Everything is really going to be OK.
Trust yourself like I trust you and everything will be fine.
Bad days happen, but I know you can overcome them.
I want you to feel safe. How can I care for you better right now?
You matter.
You’re so important.
This bad day doesn’t define you.
You are strong and smart and kind.
You deserve so many good, wonderful days.
No matter what, I am here for you.
You have so many people to lean on right now.
Don’t let this affect the wonderful person you are.
You are so worthy.
Words of affirmation to make your partner feel safe
You can trust me.
I am always here for you.
I will never leave you.
You are safe and loved and worthy.
Your voice matters to me.
I always want to know how you feel.
You can tell me anything.
I promise to always listen before reacting.
I want you to be happy.
You can lean on me.
I love you — all of you.
I want to protect you.
I will guard your heart.
Your emotions are so valid, all of them.
There is no right or wrong way to feel.
You are doing exactly your best.
Words of affirmation about your partner’s parenting
Our kids love you so much.
You are such an active, considerate parent.
Thank you for always being thoughtful with our kids.
The way you look at our children speaks volumes.
Our kids can feel your love, even if you’re not here.
You have given our children so much strength.
The way you pour into our children is inspiring.
Thank you for raising these babies with me.
Thank you for being a parent and not a babysitter.
You inspire me to be a better parent.
Your patience with our kids is inspiring.
Thank you for making our children feel safe.
Thank you for always listening to our kids.
I’m so glad our kids can trust you.
Our children will grow up feeling safe and loved because of you.
Words of affirmation to make your partner feel heard
I trust your feelings.
I hear you.
I’m listening — do you want advice or just a sounding board?
I understand your feelings.
Your emotions are valid and important.
I value your input.
Listen to your intuition.
You can say whatever you want to say.
I love your thoughts.
I love when you share your ideas and feelings with me.
I am always ready to listen to you.
I admire how true you are to your feelings and emotions.
When words fail, the ultimate affirming statement for someone who identifies with words of affirmation as their love language is to simply say, “I love you.”
This article was originally published on