
Your 2021 Horoscope Is Definitely Looking Up, Taurus
Major career growth is on the horizon.
Hey Bulls, how are you doing? Feeling a little shell shocked from 2020? Ready to shake off this season and head into a new year with new goals and a new outlook? Same, same. This year has been a trying one for all signs, but there’s reason to believe it’s been particularly difficult for Tauruses. By their very nature the earth sign craves connection, loves to host, and appreciates the good stuff in life, all things that have been in short supply. Will 2021 be more of the same? What do the stars hold? We asked two expert astrologers to tell us your Taurus 2021 horoscope.
The first thing to know is that if you’ve felt pretty off since, oh, March, you’re not alone. Kirby Moore, a Charlottesville, Virginia based trauma-informed astrologer with Wisdom Healing Arts says Tauruses crave structure and discipline, and in a year where a pandemic has made life anything but, that’s been unnerving. But, he adds, if Tauruses can find some time for self reflection and self-care, they can tap into their best attributes in 2021.
Ask celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, of Kyle Thomas Astrology, and he’ll tell you that “2021 will be a major moment for all Tauruses.” He says that it’s important to note that “revolutionary Uranus has been shaking your life up since 2018. This has caused you to break into new territory in every way. You are in a major process of recreating yourself and will continue to be until 2026. Do not live within patterns that limit your happiness and self-expression.” That means pursuing relationships with people who help you to grow. “If already committed, bring more passion, adventure, and spontaneity into your union. This will help you to become happier than ever before and could change your life forever.”
But Taurus must also be aware of it’s natural stubborn instincts as they pertain to relationships. “For Taurus, the more you get to know yourself, the more you can relate better to others, because then that stubbornness can turn into decisiveness,” explains Moore. “It can turn into clarity. If I know why I'm stubborn, that's really important. But if it's just sort of unconscious resistance, that's hard for other people to deal with, too.”
Next year is not the time to take people for granted, Taurus. If you want to enjoy your life and grow friendships, you'll have to remind yourself to nurture those relationships.
It’s no secret that the pandemic has wreaked havoc on the financial stability of thousands of people. And for some Tauruses, this may have been a wake up call. As Moore says, people in the Taurus sign love the finer things in life — good food, good wine, fashion, rich experiences. To have those suddenly taken away may have been a bit of a trauma. To manage life in 2021, especially in a still-unpredictable economy, Taurus would be wise to adjust their habits and try to take pleasure in new (read: affordable) things — while keeping a savings safety net in the process.
If that sounds too grim, here's some good news: Thomas predicts major professional growth for Taurus next year, a sign that finances could be turning around.
Taurus's sudden career success might be attributed to The Great Conjunction of 2020, Thomas says. What’s that? On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will appear so close together that they will be about 1/10th of 1 degree apart.
“This will take place in your achievement sector marking this as your ultimate destiny from 2020 to 2040 (solar tenth house),” adds Thomas. “You will take on a tremendous amount of work and responsibilities in your professional life. The harder you apply yourself, the further you will grow. Many Taureans will achieve significant long-term glory, success, or even fame. You will be in very high demand in the years to come and you will become looked upon as a leader.” He goes so far as to say that Tauruses will shine above all other zodiac signs professionally and many Taureans will reach the pinnacle of success worldwide. Can I get a “heck yeah!”?
But to achieve this kind of success, Taurus, you gotta be a good head space. Moore understands that for many Bulls, this year has been, well, a lot of bull. Career goals have been put on pause, some have had to change their work life entirely, cutting back from full-time to part-time to full-time homeschool instructors. How much the pandemic has shifted career paths may be depressing, but Moore says Taurus can get back on track by prioritizing self-care which will lead to mentally clarity. “Getting outside, maybe taking an Epsom salt, those are especially good for attending to Taurus’s need to go at their own pace.”
Finally, when it comes to parenting, Moore has some very specifically advice for Taurus in 2021: "Don’t treat your children as possessions." Possessiveness is a big part of Taurus’s nature, so it’s worth reminding yourself that your children are “unique individual human beings” he says.
“Taurus and Scorpio need more objectivity, they need more detachment, more impartiality, being neutral, being able to say, ‘Wow, I wonder who my child wants to become? I wonder who they are? Can I give them the space and the resources to become who they want to be?’” Do that, and your whole family will benefit in 2021.
So take a deep breath, Taurus. Next year is looking up. To harness your power, take time for clarity, self-care, and self-reflection and you can expert great things to come. And if you want more insight, Moore offers COVID safe virtual sessions via Zoom.