
10 #BreastfeedingTruths Many Nursing Moms Can Relate To

by Olivia Youngs

In a culture that is largely misinformed about the benefits and experience of breastfeeding, raising awareness about breastfeeding is one of the strongest tools we have. One of the goals of Breastfeeding Awareness Month is to make the world more aware of the struggles and stigmas that come with this experience — a task Romper was happy to help with. All throughout the month, women have shared their #breastfeedingtruths on social media, and the stories are truly eye opening.

Aside from learning more about the amazing facts about breastfeeding and breast milk, this campaign proved that nursing isn't a universal experience. Some moms can't breastfeed at all or choose not to. Many nurse their children into toddlerhood. Others stop after a few months or weeks. Some moms pump exclusively, others only as needed. The beauty of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and this month's campaign, is that every story was celebrated, not only the success stories.

Whether you shared your story or not, this month is an amazing reminder of the capability of mother's bodies and the benefits breastfeeding holds not just for babies, but for mothers as well. And even though Breastfeeding Awareness Month is coming to a close, it's a movement that should be celebrated all year long.


"I tried desperately to breastfeed and we struggled to the point that I finally ended up exclusively pumping. Found out at 3 months my son had a lip and tongue tie and even though he had the revision, he liked the bottle too much by that point. So even though I don't get that 'special bond' that women talk about, I know my baby is getting all of the health benefits of breast milk and I'm doing the absolute best that I can for him. I also breastfeed because formula is ridiculously expensive. But mostly because I would do anything to make my baby as healthy as possible."

2Sarah H.


"I decided to participate in this hashtag, because I wanted to bring awareness to this fact — not all women can breastfeed. That was sadly a lie I believed that almost caused my baby to be failure to thrive a week after birth. Though it hurt me a lot, my little girl is happy and thriving, alert and smart, and I thank God for formula."

4Christie D.


6Kristin H.

7Danielle C.


9Jamie K.

10Olivia Y.