
10 Easy Elf On The Shelf Ideas, Because You're Not Martha F*cking Stewart
In theory, most parents are totally on board with the Christmas magic of the Elf on the Shelf. The idea that your kids are going to wake up every morning with anticipation in their eyes and race around the house trying to see what the Elf was up to last night is a lovely holiday dream. But in reality, December gets busy and stressful quickly, and that Elf gets lost by the wayside — and if it doesn't, something else surely does. Which is why we all need easy Elf on the Shelf ideas, because you're not a craft queen with endless hours of time or help on her hands. Your holidays are much, much too busy for make-your-own snow globes and the endless glitter that will be showing up around the house, your clothes — everywhere! — until Easter.
Instead, how about we just freeze the Elf on the Shelf in a cup of water overnight and blame Elsa? Sounds hilarious and adorable and very, very easy. Snow angels with flour? That's one ingredient and an Elf — both of which you have. It couldn't be easier than that. Got some bananas? A little bit of Sharpie art will go a long way.
If you're looking for the easiest Elf on the Shelf ideas out there, you've come to the right place.
1Frozen Meets Elf
Sometimes the Elf gets himself into tricky spots, like simply frozen into a cup of water. Elfa obviously took no mercy on this new intruder. You might want to stick him in the dryer for a few minutes once he thaws out.
2Team Minions
Have a Sharpie and a few bananas? The Minions couldn't be easier to doodle — even if you don't have much of an artistic streak. And the kids will flip when they see all their favorite characters together.
3Snow Angel Elves
If you have powdered sugar, flour, or even baby powder, you can make your Elves into angels. Just make sure to make them in a spot you can easily vacuum or wipe! This is not supposed to create a headache for you.
4Elf Snow Ball Battle
I'm going to level with you. Skip the powdered sugar and load up on more marshmallows. You'll thank me when you don't have anything to clean up because your kids have eaten all the marshmallows!
5Game Night
Even elves love game night, right? If you don't happen to own Pie Face, either your Elf could arrive with it, or you could substitute out any board game and it up to appear that your elf or elves are completely enthralled in it.
6Little Drummer Elf
Raid your recycling bin for this easy setup. It might look a little complicated, but it really doesn't take more than a few empty cans, a couple elastic bands and some sparkly pipe cleaners.
7Marshmallows On Fire
Candle? Check. Marshmallows? Check. This one couldn't possibly take you longer than a minute to put together. Do this one with caution though: don't light the candles unless you are only going to have it on for a few seconds and you are not going to take your eyes off of it.
8Solo Flight
If you've got a toy airplane, you Elf is cleared for take-off. Straight into the Christmas tree, if you're looking for the cutest entry possible.
9iPad Watching
Most kids can relate to the Elf taking a little break for a show on the couch. Everyone needs to relax now in then, especially this little fella if he's been up and down to the North Pole every night!
10Crash Landing
A coffee filter and dental floss give this Elf a crash-landing into your home, straight from the land of reindeers and Santa. Best part? It won't cost you a dime because you've probably already got these supplies in your home.
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