Grandparents Day is just around the corner, coming up on Sept. 8. Do you celebrate the grandparents on this day? True, it may seem like another manufactured holiday created to buy cards or send flowers, but I have no problem with this one. If you're lucky enough to have had a great relationship with your own grandparents, and your children do as well, then I say bring on the accolades. Also these Grandparents Day quotes, which are kind of awesome on their own, and perfectly describe why Nana and Pop Pop are the best people around.
My children don't see their grandparents very often since we live in another part of the country, but when they do, those moments together are so precious. And as it turns out, that quality time with grandchildren is good for the grandparents' health as well. In 2016, Swiss, German and Australian researchers found half of the grandparents in their study who participated at least occasionally in their grandchildren’s lives were more likely to live an additional five years more than those not involved in their grandchildren's lives. So, the next time your children are spending time with their grandparents, think of the health benefits for them, as well as the memories your children are making. That deserves its own quote, in my opinion.
Happy Grandparents Day!
1"To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms, but absolutely terrified of the word 'boo.'" — Robert Brault
My children have grandfathers who just love to be silly with them and are always willing to go along with a joke (no matter how ridiculous). They will never admit that they might actually know the end of a joke or story, and will always laugh the hardest or scare the easiest; in other words, they are their grandchildren's biggest fan. As it should be, right?
2"Every house needs a grandmother in it." — Louisa May Alcott
I must admit, I chose this quote because I'm just a little bit excited about the latest adaptation of Little Women, based on the classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, hitting theaters this December. But while grandmother living with us might make our living quarters just a bit tight, I definitely wish we had more frequent visits.
3"Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being." — Margaret Mead
There is something about having access to the full representation of your family that I believe does help complete you as a person. Dig out your family tree and check in with the grandparents on family stories; it could be an opportunity for everyone to learn something new.
4"My grandchild has taught me what true love means. It means watching Scooby-Doo cartoons while the basketball game is on another channel." — Gene Perret
So much of parenting is about sacrifice, and as it turns out, that also extends to grandparents. Only unconditional love allows for cartoons when grandfather's favorite match is playing on another channel.
5"If nothing is going well, call your grandmother." — Italian proverb
Grandmothers just make everything better, whether it's the new ideas they bring to solve a problem or their positive nature, especially when it comes to their grandchildren.
6"A grandparent's love knows no bounds. It does not recognize bedtimes or curfews, and agrees that dinner can be cookies and ice cream. It can provide unlimited cuddles and kisses, and always has time for one more story." — Unknown
Ha! This is so true. If you're trying to get your child on any kind of schedule, bedtime or otherwise, now is not the time to drop them off at their grandparents' house.
7"An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Anything longer than that, and you start to age quickly." — Gene Perret
All that time together is wonderful, but yes, exhausting! While science tells us that grandparents who babysit live longer, you might want to thank Grandma with a new pair of cozy slippers or plush blanket for naps every once in a while (or perhaps, on Grandparents Day).
8"If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first." — Lois Wyse
I'd like to take issue with this considering I'm the middle man in this scenario, but I do kind of get what she's saying. Having a grandchild around is all the fun of children without the rules and regulations.
9"Because (grandparents) are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them, they can often reach out past pride and fear of failure and close the space between generations." — Jimmy Carter
I definitely believe this to be true. I've often said that kids act differently when their parents aren't around, and that's a good thing! Grandparents have the ability to get at the heart of the matter if there's a problem, and explain a solution in a way that children can accept more easily than if it were coming from their parents.
10"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children." — Alex Haley
That stardust is why Grandparents Day was created, and why it deserves to be celebrated.