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10 Hacks For Traveling With A Newborn On An Airplane

by Angela Johnson

One of the best parts of the holiday season is spending time with friends and family. But if your friends and family members are far away, getting there with a newborn can be enough to bring both of you to tears. But if you plan accordingly, you can make the trip a lot more comfortable for you and your tiny travel companion. If your travel plans involve flying at 30,000 feet, you're definitely going to need some hacks for traveling with a newborn on an airplane.

Remember when you were the one giving the side eye to the mom with the fussy baby on the plane? Well, now the tables have turned and you're that mom. From the moment the rest of the passengers see you preparing to board with your diaper bag and infant carrier, you become the target of sighs, eye rolls, and general disgust. Although you won't be able to predict when or if your little one will have an in-flight meltdown, you can do your best to make sure you are prepared for any possible scenario.

It may be a while before you can read People magazine on a plane again, but you don't have to avoid flying all together. Choosing the right seat, protecting baby's ears from cabin pressure changes, and packing (a few) of her favorite things can help make your holiday travel a lot more bearable.

1Pick The Right Seat

If you're flying with an infant, the seat you choose can make or break your trip. According to Parents, when traveling with a newborn, choose a seat near the window to avoid having to get up for other passengers. You may also want to sit as close to the front of the plane as possible to make it easier for you to exit the plane after landing.

2Find Out About Formula

As Baby Center suggested, check your airline's policies on traveling with formula before you head to the airport. Be prepared to turn it over to security for testing.

3Prepare For Delays

During the holiday season, airport delays are almost always unavoidable. Pack a few of baby's favorite toys and books to keep him entertained while you wait. You should also make sure you have enough diapers and wipes to get through the trip. According to Baby Center, you should have one diaper for every hour of travel.

4Protect Her From The Pressure

The cabin pressure during take off and landing can be extremely painful to baby's ears. As Parents suggested, let baby suck on a pacifier or bottle during take off and landing for some relief. If you are breastfeeding, those times are ideal for nursing.

5Befirend Your Infant Carrier

You're already going to have your hands full with a diaper bag and any carry-on luggage you may have. Why not make it easier on yourself by wearing your baby? As Baby Center suggested, place your baby in a front carrier to leave your hands free while moving through the airport.

6Stock Up On Wipes

One thing's for certain, when you're traveling with a newborn, messes are inevitable. As Parenting suggested, you'll want to bring along plenty of baby wipes for quick clean ups like diaper changes, spit ups, or other spills.

7Dress Baby In Easy Layers

Whether you're changing a diaper in a tiny airport bathroom or adding a layer if things get chilly on board the plane, you don't want to have to struggle with difficult clothing. According to Parenting, you should dress your child in clothing layers that are easy to take off and put back on.

8Bring A Blanket

If you're dealing with an airport delay, your baby may not want to be cooped up in a stroller or infant carrier. Bring along a blanket that you can place on the floor to give him a little bit of tummy time while you wait.

9Give Yourself Time

You may have been able to speed through the airport before your baby was born, but now you need to be prepared to slow down — a lot. Add in extra time to take baby out of a stroller and any outerwear at the security checkpoints. As Parents suggested, you can ask if your airport as a family-friendly security line.

10Choose A Non-Stop Flight

If you get cranky during long layovers, you can only imagine what it can do to your newborn. According to Parents, it's best to fly non-stop whenever possible.