
10 Halloween Costume Ideas That Make Great Use Of Your Kid's Stroller
Halloween is just around the corner, and if you have a tiny baby, you may be wondering what to do for their first Halloween (or if you even should venture out trick-or-treating since they obviously can't eat candy and it's really all for you). Logistically though, you may be looking for Halloween costume ideas for strollers so you're not lugging your baby all over the neighborhood all night.
These 10 costume ideas for a stroller-bound baby include pre-made covers for your stroller and even a DIY for the creatively inclined parent. Whether it's a princess carriage, a dump truck, or even a John Deere tractor, this list has something for everyone's Halloween wish list. A lot of them even lend to fun family costumes so everyone gets in on the fun — and so you totally earn that candy. Many of Carter's baby costumes would lend perfectly with these, and as we all know they are too cute for words. And they're 50 percent off right now, so win-win. Your baby will be rolling around in cuteness, creativity, and style. So extra Snickers for you this year, parents. And bonus: no exhausted arms or weary back from wearing your baby all night.
1Pacman Arcade Stroller
Head over to Home Depot for cheap moving boxes and a box cutter to make this amazing Pac-Man Arcade stroller costume. Get free Pac-Man printables to color, and use an old controller stick if you can part with it. If you can't, a rattle would do. Regular paint ($5, Target) and construction paper ($5, Target) would work just fine in recreating the arcade machine we all grew up loving. Dress your baby in a primary color and paint white eyeballs on the front for a ghost. Or you could even do an all yellow outfit for Pac-Man or Ms. Pac-Man.