
10 Hilarious Mother's Day Cards Made By Kids That'll Make You LOL
I remember being so excited in elementary school when Mother's Day or Father's Day would come up. We got to do really fun arts and crafts to give to them for their special day, and in some cases, apparently, tell them how we really feel? As an adult now, I think these exercises at school may be more for the teacher's enjoyment and amusement than the actual gift — and who could blame them? Kids definitely say (and apparently draw) the darndest things as shown in these 10 hilarious Mother's Day cards made by kids.
When I was in school, I don't remember having these hilarious ad lib type papers to fill in the blank. And I'm sure my parents weren't too upset about that. Because of these fill-in-the-blank sheets that are all the rage these days, moms can't get away with keeping their "wine habit" a secret or the fact that her favorite thing ever is cleaning the toilet (because whose favorite thing ever isn't cleaning the toilet, am I right?), and the fact that she drives a penis mobile around town. Apparently, Mother's Day is now about determining who the favorite kid is and that kid securing their place at the top, and apologizing for all the other brats to whom she gave birth. You're sure to have a lot of laughs if you get a Mother's Day card as funny as these cards along with your breakfast in bed of burned toast and undercooked eggs. But because you're the best mom ever, I know you'll enjoy them with a smile.
P.S. if you ever need a good laugh, ask your mom to dig out the old cards you made her. (Assuming she kept them, and I'm totally sure she did.) You know how much you love your mom now, but it's pretty cool to see that love through the old set of your 5-year-old eyes.
1Nothing Says Love Like A Penis Mobile
Get your minds out of the gutter — haven't you ever seen a car (?) before?
2Gee, Thanks
Ain't that the truth? Straight and to the point, this kid isn't messing around. At least he acknowledges your efforts.
4You're Welcome
Apology accepted? Hey, isn't this supposed to be about mom and not you? (Just kidding. Any chance to throw siblings under the bus is always a win.)
6You're Welcome?
What can she say to this? It's the least she can do — keeping her son alive. At least he's being honest and knows where priorities lie. And let's be honest, pretty much the first half of your kid's childhood is trying to save them from all the things they're doing to potentially kill themselves, like touching outlets and refusing to eat. It's a wonder moms remember to feed themselves. (Oh, they don't.)
7I Love You More Than...
What a compliment. Her kid loves her more than the iPad, and that's no small feat.
10Mom's Favorite Thing Is Cleaning The Toilet
Isn't this your favorite thing, too?
In addition to hilarious handmade cards, maybe help your kid pick out something a little more sentimental this year, whether mom is a cat lady, hipster, pregnant, or really into DIY and Target (because what mom isn't?). I'm sure she'll love laughing at the hilarious cards the kids give her, but it's nice to round it out a bit.
And if you're a last-minute shopper, don't worry, Amazon Prime's got your back for Mother's Day.