
These Hilarious Valentine's Day Cards Prove That True Love Has A Sense Of Humor

by Cat Bowen

I've been married since a few days after the beginning of time, and I still love Valentine's Day. My husband and I don't do much in the way of presents, but we always get each other cards. My hubs usually goes for one of those "requires cellophane and might have a considerable amount of gold calligraphy on it." I, on the other hand, usually go for something cheeky and fun. (I am not the serious one in our marriage.) Each year I try to outdo myself, and this holiday, I found these hilarious Valentine's Day cards. Honestly, I don't know how I'll decide.

There are a ton of places online to find great, hilarious Valentine's Day cards, and most of them ship really fast. If you've waited until the last minute, you can always buy a printable card for your lover — just make sure to print it on decent stock. (Not whatever the copier at work has in its loader.) Alternatively, it's really sweet to make your own valentine, and if you have a bit of a funny bone, you can use it to your advantage. As for me, I prefer to buy mine already made and ready to be personalized.