
Let Healthcare Workers Know You Care With These 10 Instagram Captions
Having more free time at home sounds great, in theory. But if you find yourself constantly refreshing Instagram, or thinking you should check the app as you’re already scrolling through the app, then it may be time to do something positive with all that time you're spending online. These 10 Instagram captions dedicated to doctors and nurses are an easy way to show health care workers that you value what they’re doing and are grateful for their help during this unprecedented pandemic.
Health care professionals (along with other essential workers including grocery and gas station employees, public transportation operators, and pharmacists) are putting in long, exhausting hours, not seeing their families, and risking getting sick. Their bravery deserves recognition from everyone who does have the ability to stay home (and it bears mentioning that, as I’m sure you’ve heard, staying home is just about the best thing we can do for everyone right now, even if it seems mundane).
If you can, it’s always nice to send meals or coffee to your local hospital workers, make masks and gowns, or even donate blood. But if you want to show support in a way that reaches a large audience and is totally free, you could consider leaving a sign of gratitude in your front yard, or using one of these Instagram captions to show health care workers how thankful you are for their service.
1"As the rest of the world takes a step back, nurses & doctors step up."
It seems like everything is on hold, but the lives of health care workers are anything but paused right now. This caption is a nice reminder that while most people hunker down at home, nurses and doctors are working long, grueling days to help us all.
2"Stay home, because doctors and nurses can't."
This gentle message will serve as a reminder to your followers to stay home because health care workers don't have the option to (and I'm sure there are days when they wish they could stay on the couch and watch movies). I've seen doctors and nurses posting this one, but a bit of support in their message is always welcome.
3"When we can touch again, the first thing I'm doing is hugging a health care worker."
It will be a happy and strange day when we're given the OK to touch people outside of our immediate family or housemates. Whenever the time comes, doctors, nurses, and all essential workers deserve a hug or a pat on the back.
4“To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse.” —Rawsi Williams
Rawsi Williams is a nurse and a speaker, and her words ring so true during this pandemic. The selflessness and the service health care workers are showing deserves to be acknowledged as a rare gift.
5 “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly.” —Stephen Ambrose
Stephen Ambrose is a historian and author (he wrote biographies of President Nixon and Eisenhower). Though he isn't alive to witness the coronavirus outbreak, his words ring as true as ever; it's impossible to thank or praise nurses and doctors enough.
6"We owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our medical professionals. They're still giving their all for us every day, and we can't thank them enough for their bravery and their service." —Barack Obama
Barack Obama actually tweeted this on World Health Day (April 7) but the sentiment is profound any day. Health care workers are so brave and they're providing an invaluable service. Plus who doesn't love an Obama quote?
7"Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs."
The hashtag #healthcareheroes has over 32,000 posts now, and this is a great caption to go along with any of them. It works especially well if you have a picture of a doctor or nurse decked out in PPE.
8"Hero Fuel"
If you want to do a deed to show your gratitude to health care workers, you could order lunch or coffee to be delivered to your local hospital. Some sandwich shops are even thoughtfully sending "heroes for heroes" (you may also know the hero sandwich as a sub, grinder, or hoagie).
9"Thank you, Grazie, Merci, Gracias, 谢谢"
If all you can think to say to the hardworking health care workers is thank you, then that will be enough. This caption has the words thank you written in English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Chinese, but you could list as many languages as you'd like. I like how this one pays gratitude to doctors and nurses all over the globe.
10"Save one life, you're a hero. Save a hundred lives, you're a nurse."
The number of lives a nurse saves is unfathomable to the average person, but to so many hardworking nurses, it's just part of their job... and they so rarely get the credit they deserve.