
Diane Durongpisitkul/Stocksy

Say These Things To A Mom On Mother's Day Morning & Start Her Day With A Smile

by Kristina Johnson

Most moms I know have fairly simple desires for Mother's Day: some time to relax, some time to hang out with family, and maybe a simple card or bouquet of flowers. It really doesn't take much to make it a super special day for mom, and sometimes, all you need is a few well-chosen words. There are some things to say to a mom on Mother's Day morning to set the tone for a wonderful day ahead.

You honestly might be surprised at how easy it is to make a mom happy on Mother's Day. It's usually not about lavish gifts or over the top events (though if that's what she wants, do your best to come through). It's mostly just about saying thank you and letting her know how much you care about her and recognize the hard work of being a mom. Which, seriously, is something that we should all try to do every day, and not just once a year.

Remember to say these 10 things on Mother's Day and it's basically guaranteed to be the best day ever (and of course, actions speak louder than words, so remember to back them up with sweet gestures, too).

1"Happy Mother's Day."

It may sound like common sense, but I've heard so many moms complain that their loved ones let the day pass without any sort of acknowledgment whatsoever. Don't do that.

2"I Love You."

Nothing melts a mom's heart like hearing those three little words. It's the greatest gift that doesn't cost a penny. Say it early and often on Mother's Day (and every day, really).

3"I Appreciate Everything You Do."

Being a mom is amazing, but it can also be such a thankless job — the hours are terrible, the pay is non-existent, and there's often little to no time off. Simply saying thank you, and letting her know that you see and appreciate what she does for the family, feels awesome to a mom.

4"Go Back To Bed."

The number one item on my Mother's Day wish list is sleep, glorious sleep. Many moms have long forgotten what it's like to sleep in after a few years of parenting, so getting the OK to get back under the covers for a couple more hours will be a welcome gift.

5"Here's Your Breakfast."

There's no better way to let mom she's about to be treated like a queen for a day than to bring up some breakfast in bed. It's such a relaxing treat, especially for a mom who typically puts off her meal until everyone else is served. It'll really start the day off on a high.

6"I'll Take Care Of Everything."

When they're at home, moms are almost always on duty. There are meals to be made, laundry to be folded, and messes to be cleaned up. Not having to worry about any of that, even if just for a day, would be incredibly rejuvenating and refreshing to any mom.

7"I Got You Something."

So many moms will tell you that they don't need anything for Mother's Day, or that your presence is their present. But let's be real: unwrapping a gorgeous gift, no matter how big or small, will put a smile on her face.

8"I Made You Something."

You don't have to break the bank to show a mom how much you care. Store bought gifts are nice, but handmade ones can be even more touching. Knowing that someone took the time to plan and work on something thoughtful and unique just for them is a present most moms wouldn't trade for the world.

9"What Do You Want To Do Today?"

Planning a Mother's Day surprise can be wonderful, but make sure it's what she really wants. You might find that the last thing she feels like doing is to get all dolled up and go out somewhere. If all she wants to do is lounge around the house enjoying some peace and quiet, make it happen.

10"This Is Your Day."

Moms get pulled in a lot of different directions on Mother's Day. They may want to spend the day solo, but they often feel guilty about leaving the kids or disappointing their own mom or mother-in-law. A gentle reminder that it's her day will go a long way toward making sure she celebrates it in a way that makes her happiest.