
Literally 1,001 Ideas To Entertain Bored Kids (& Save The Entire Household)
In the first week of our family's official social distancing experience, I broke down. Like, more than once. More than twice, but let's not get into specifics here. The thing is, this is new territory for all of us, and as much as I try to explain to myself that working from home with my 5-year-old and 18-month-old right now is no different than the summer holidays, I know the truth. In the summer, my 5-year-old doesn't have school work. In the summer, ideas to keep bored kids entertained flow out of me because there are other people to help implement them: camp counselors, grandparents, neighborhood friends. When it's the Just Us All The Time show, there are bound to be hairy moments as my kid demands entertainment and I demand at least 10 minutes to answer my emails.
But luckily, we're not the only ones facing this battle. And if you've also got a kid (or several) home with you whining about being bored, I've got the perfect list for you: 1,001 (yes, 1,001!) ideas to keep them entertained. Some of them might need your participation, too, but the thing about this giant list is there's always another idea to choose. I've broken them down into pretty general categories, so if your kid says they're tired of reading, but missing their friends, they can choose an idea under the "connect with someone you love" category. If they're totally over being stuck in the house all day, set them up on a virtual tour in the "pretend you're somewhere else" category. And if their little introvert self loves being quarantined, but is feeling a little fidgety, hit up the "feather the nest" category to find a list of home ideas like making cozy reading nooks and wiping down surfaces to keep them occupied and productive.
And when all else fails, hit the "just be silly" category to do things like the Pee-wee Herman tape challenge.
1Learn Something New
You probably have school work to do at home, but this list is full of other great ways to learn something new.
1. Sign up for an Outschool virtual class online. (They have great options like vocabulary building and American government, as well as classes like Dungeons and Dragons and how to make animated movies.)
2. Take the Learn at Home courses from Scholastic.
3. Write down questions about random things — What do monkeys eat? — and spend the afternoon looking up the answers.
4. Download the Bright Futures activity book.
5. Learn 10 facts about Jimmy Carter.
6. Learn 10 facts about Katherine Johnson.
7. Learn 10 facts about Frida Kahlo.
8. Learn 10 facts about Florence Nightingale.
9. Learn 10 facts about Italy.
10. Learn 10 facts about China.
11. Read about the Coral Reef.
12. Read about koalas.
13. Learn how to tell time.
14. Learn all about chemistry at CreositySpace.
15. Take a lesson on the human body from Curiscope.
16. Learn the United States in alphabetical order.
17. Learn every state's capital.
18. Learn about the seven wonders of the world.
19. Learn 10 facts about penguins.
20. Learn 10 facts about koalas.
21. Learn 10 facts about pigs.
22. Learn 10 facts about horses.
23. Learn 10 facts about hyenas.
24. Learn 10 facts about pandas.
25. Learn 10 facts about rabbits.
26. Learn 10 facts about seahorses.
27. Learn 10 facts about your state.
28. Make a PowerPoint presentation about Kenya.
29. Learn how to speak in pig latin.
30. Take a bilingual class on geography and history at Encantos Learning Hub.
31. Learn how to cross-stitch.
32. Take a free computer science lesson.
33. Take a Collective Play Ground nature-based class.
34. Print some free science-based coloring pages, like pages on anatomy and biomes.
35. Play a math game at Cool Math 4 Kids.
36. Learn and play chess with other kids.
37. Take a Harry Potter herbology class on Outschool.
38. Learn all of the X-Men powers.
39. Look up fun pranks to play on someone.
40. Look up a bunch of knock-knock jokes.
41. Learn all about Saturn's moons.
42. Stream courses for free from The Great Courses Plus.
43. Learn 10 facts about crocodiles.
44. Learn 10 facts about Misty Copeland.
45. Research the 2020 Olympic Games coming this summer.
46. Read about Marie Curie.
47. Learn every planet's distance from the sun.
48. Learn 10 facts about sharks.
49. Learn 10 facts about puppies.
50. Learn 10 facts about kittens.
51. Learn about how kaleidoscopes became a thing.
52. Learn about who invented waffles.
53. Learn ventriloquism.
54. Learn American Sign Language.
55. Learn 10 facts about Helen Keller.
56. Read about Madam C.J. Walker.
57. Learn about the invention of peanut butter.
58. Learn about 10 different kinds of sharks.
59. Learn about 10 fish that live in the ocean.
60. Learn how to fold clothes like Marie Kondo.
61. Learn some origami.
62. Learn how to fold a fitted sheet.
63. Learn 10 facts about the Roman empire.
64. Learn how to fold napkins into fun shapes.
65. Learn about how the sandwich was invented.
66. Learn about how pizza was invented.
67. Read about the Roman baths.
68. Find places you'd like to visit someday on a map.
70. Print and color the NASA Space Launch System coloring book.
71. Try to make a diorama of one of the things you've seen on a virtual tour today.
73. Learn a card trick.
74. Host a "Night at the Museum" with your family — everyone can dress like a notable historical figure and share facts about themselves as if you're all exhibits in a museum.
75. Make multiplication flash cards.
76. Make long division flash cards.
77. Make sight word flash cards.
78. Make spelling word flash cards.
79. Make a raised salt painting.
80. Then learn how to draw and paint Baby Yoda.
81. Learn to salsa dance.
82. Learn to do the tango.
83. Learn five Shakespeare quotes.
84. Learn how to juggle.
85. Learn all of the spells in Harry Potter.
86. Learn how to speak Quenya, the language of the elves, from Lord of the Rings.
87. Learn how to speak Dothraki from Game of Thrones.
88. Learn how to speak Klingon from Star Trek.
89. Learn how to play a new song on the recorder.
90. Learn how to play the piano.
91. Learn about the Roaring 20s.
92. Look up the fashion of the 1960s and pick your favorite.
93. Learn about the Titanic.
94. Learn about all the bones in your foot.
95. Learn about all the bones in your hand.
96. Look up five simple everyday phrases in five other languages and memorize them.
97. Learn how to be a Disney imagineer with free online classes.
98. Pick a new habitat to learn about: desert, polar, woodlands, rain forest, ocean.
99. Sign up for Tinkergarten at home for fun DIY activities.
100. Take a class on U.S. history through the eyes of American Girl dolls.
101. Join the Star Wars resistance.
102. Learn all about NASA's Space Launch System rocket.
103. Take weather school classes from a meteorologist.
104. Find a city on Google Maps and research statues and monuments and buildings you see with Street View.
105. Learn about who invented shoelaces.
106. Then learn how to tie your shoes.
107. Look up ways to help bees.
108. Do some geography activities through Discover the World Education.
109. Learn about how sharks take care of their babies.
110. Learn 10 facts about hippos.
111. Read about the women that inspired Hidden Figures.
112. Look up three different careers that sound interesting to you.
2Get In The Kitchen
It's the perfect time to host a cooking show, honestly.
113. Bake shortbread.
114. Make a dessert.
115. Make a fruit salad.
116. Make caramel apples.
117. Pick a classic dish from another country to make.
118. Make an ice cream sundae.
119. Practice cutting skills on an apple.
120. Have an ice cream taste test.
121. Have a Chopped challenge by asking your parents to put different pantry items in a bag and you have to make something to eat out of them.
122. Use an ice cube tray to make a smorgasbord of snacks.
123. Bake snickerdoodles.
124. Make your own lunch.
125. Bake chocolate chip cookies.
126. Bake sugar cookies in different shapes.
127. Make a peanut butter pie.
128. Bake a birthday cake and blow out the candles with a wish. (Even if it's not anyone's birthday.)
129. Bake some challah bread.
130. Make French bread for French bread pizzas.
131. Make Rice Krispies treats.
132. Make a giant peanut butter cup.
133. Make your own "flower" arrangement out of fruit.
134. Make a Disney snack board.
135. Try a new recipe from America's Test Kitchen.
136. Learn how to make applesauce.
137. Learn how to make spaghetti sauce.
138. Learn how to make marshmallows.
139. Make chocolate truffles.
140. Make mozzarella and ricotta with a cheese making kit.
141. Try free recipes with Raddish Kids.
142. Put a candle in a meal and sing "Happy Birthday" to the meal.
143. Think of five new toppings you'd like to try on a waffle.
144. Plant a seed from the fruit you ate for a snack.
145. Regrow vegetables like scallions and romaine lettuce in water.
146. Bake banana bread.
147. Bake an apple pie.
148. Call your Great American Cookie to see if they have at-home cookie decorating kits to pick up.
149. Make a lattice crust on another pie.
150. Learn how to make your own pizza dough.
151. Learn how to make your own gnocchi.
152. Learn how to make your own noodles.
153. Make a sourdough starter so you can make bread later in the week.
154. Make a three-tier yellow cake.
155. Make the chocolate cake from Matilda.
156. Have a contest with your siblings to see who can create the most creative snack out of things in the pantry.
157. Learn how to make pancakes.
158. Learn how to make a cookie cake.
159. Learn how to make chicken noodle soup.
160. Go through the pantry with your parents and find things to donate to food banks.
161. Learn how to can vegetables.
162. Learn how to make jam.
163. Start a compost pile.
164. Call your grandmother and ask her what her favorite meal to cook for family is.
165. Write out your favorite family recipes on actual recipe cards. Write on the back of the cards why you love this recipe and why it's special.
3Pretend You're Somewhere Else
You may be stuck at home, but you don't have to feel like you are with these virtual tours.
166. Join a home safari of the Cincinnati Zoo.
167. Take virtual ride-throughs of Disney Park attractions.
168. Go on virtual field trips through Scholastic's Learn From Home website.
169. Take a virtual tour of the National Museum of Natural History.
170. Look up new places you've never been on Google Maps and do a virtual walkthrough.
171. Virtually tour the National Hellenic Museum to see over 20,000 Greek American artifacts.
172. Watch the California Academy of Sciences live penguin cams.
173. Watch the Zoo Atlanta panda cam.
174. Take a virtual tour of Yellowstone.
175. Take a virtual tour of Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska.
176. Take a virtual tour of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park.
177. Take a virtual tour of Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico.
178. Take a virtual tour of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah.
179. Take a virtual tour of Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida.
180. Take the Grand Canyon archeology virtual tour.
181. Take a virtual tour of the Tower of London.
182. Take a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace.
183. Take a virtual tour of exhibits at the Louvre.
184. Take a virtual tour of the Painted Desert.
185. Take a virtual guided tour of Paris.
187. Watch the San Diego Zoo elephant web cam.
188. Watch the San Diego Zoo tiger cam.
189. Watch the San Diego Zoo burrowing owl cam.
190. Take a virtual tour of NASA's Space Telescope Operations Control Center.
191. Take a virtual dive in a kelp forest.
192. Watch encore presentations from the Metropolitan Opera.
193. Take a virtual tour of Anne Frank's Secret Annex.
194. Take a virtual tour of the Colosseum.
195. Take a virtual tour of the Egyptian pyramids.
196. Take a virtual tour of the Roman forum and Palatine.
197. Take a virtual tour of the Pantheon.
198. Watch this homemade Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade.
199. Then watch the actual full Festival of Fantasy Parade.
200. Take a virtual tour of Stonehenge.
201. Take a virtual tour of Hogwarts.
202. Take a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel.
203. Take a virtual tour of the Statue of Liberty.
204. Take a virtual tour of the Lincoln Memorial.
205. Take a virtual tour of the British Museum.
206. Take a virtual tour of Alcatraz.
207. Take a virtual tour of the Empire State Building.
208. Take a virtual tour of Big Ben and The Elizabeth Tower.
209. Take a virtual tour of Westminster Abbey.
210. Take a virtual tour of the Georgia Aquarium.
211. Watch the San Diego Zoo koala cam.
212. Watch the San Diego Zoo baboon cam.
213. Take a virtual tour of an African Safari.
214. Take a virtual tour of Medieval Europe.
215. Take a virtual tour of Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
216. Take a virtual tour of The Museu de Arte de São Paulo.
217. Take a virtual tour of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.
218. Take a virtual tour of NASA's Langley Research Center.
219. Take a virtual tour of Times Square.
220. Watch a streaming puppet show from the Center for Puppetry Arts.
221. Take a virtual tour of the Great Smokey Mountains.
222. Take a virtual hike on the Great Wall of China.
223. Virtually tour a Frida Kahlo exhibit.
224. Watch the sea otter cam at Monterey Bay Aquarium.
225. Take a virtual tour of Olympia.
226. Go on a virtual tour of The Guggenheim Museum.
227. Go on a virtual tour of the National Gallery of Art.
228. Go on a virtual tour of Museé d'Orsay in Paris.
229. Go on a virtual tour of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.
230. Virtually tour the Pergamon Museum in Germany.
231. Take a virtual tour of Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
232. Take a virtual tour of the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.
233. Take a virtual tour of The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.
234. Take an interactive tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
235. Take a virtual tour of the Celtic world.
236. Take a virtual tour of Niagara Falls.
4Add Some Water To Your Day
Water is always a win when you're feeling bored or grumpy.
239. Make a glowstick bath.
240. Get a bowl of water and several cups/vessels to pour the water in and out of.
241. Have lunch in the bath.
242. Take a bubble bath.
243. Read in the bathtub.
244. Paint the tub and shower with washable paint.
245. Use Tupperware bowls to make pools for your little toys and figurines.
5Get Cozy
There are few things better than being cozy, so take the time to make it *really* cozy wherever you are.
246. Build a bed fort.
247. Pack a picnic lunch and eat it on the floor of your living room.
248. Make plans to rearrange your bedroom.
249. Find all the pillows in the house and make a giant cozy nest.
250. Pull out the sofa bed and have a campout in your living room.
251. Make your school area cozy with battery candles and blankets and pillows.
252. Fill the (dry!) bathtub with pillows and blankets and take a nap.
6Put On A Performance
Whether you're a drama kid at school, had to close a community theater production early this season, or just really love the stage, these ideas are for you.
253. Learn the words to every song in Hamilton.
254. Learn the words to every song in Seussical: The Musical.
255. Learn the words to every song in Cats.
256. Learn the words to every song in Sound of Music.
257. Learn the words to every song in The Wizard of Oz.
258. Learn the words to every song in Annie.
259. Learn the words to every song in My Fair Lady.
260. Learn the words to every song in Frozen.
261. Learn how to floss dance.
262. Start a family band like The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family.
263. Learn how to do The Chicken Dance.
264. Create song parodies like Weird Al.
265. Find a spot to become your "stage" outside like an old tree stump or a patch of gravel and put on a show.
266. Cast your siblings in a show and direct them.
267. Host a stand-up comedy show for your family.
268. Start a talent show with your siblings.
269. Learn all the words to every song from Mary Poppins.
270. Read a play, then draw how you would design the set and costumes.
271. Request a musical number for Andrew Lloyd Weber to play.
272. Watch a Broadway musical online.
273. Learn all the words to every song in Coco.
274. Put on a show for the neighborhood on your front porch.
275. Sing every school bus chant/cheer/song you can think of.
276. Join an Instagram Live singalong with Queer Kids Stuff.
277. Learn all the lyrics to a song you haven't heard before.
278. Learn all the words to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' theme song.
279. Learn the lyrics to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire."
280. Write your own musical about this time in history.
7Go Outside
If you have the option to head outside, do it. Just do it — and try some of these ideas while you're at it.
281. Just go outside and see what inspires you.
282. Go dig for rocks.
283. Pack a picnic lunch and eat it in your own backyard.
284. Have a water balloon fight.
285. Ride a bike.
286. Find puddles to jump in.
287. Set up a blanket outside for looking at stars.
288. Pull weeds outside.
289. Go outside and find five things for each color of the rainbow.
290. Make a bouquet of flowers and weeds and bits of grass from outside.
291. Play in the rain.
292. Roll in the grass and see how far you can go without stopping.
293. Make a garden outside of your playhouse in the backyard.
294. Draw on the pavement with a piece of tree bark.
295. Find flowers outside and press them in a book to preserve.
296. Spread pine straw.
297. Spread mulch.
298. Organize the garage.
299. Walk barefoot in the grass.
300. Take all your stuffed animals on a wagon ride.
301. Take a basket outside and pretend to gather nuts and leaves and flowers.
302. Make your own puddles with a hose.
303. Find a spot for reading outside.
304. Organize the shed.
305. Color the *entire* driveway with chalk.
306. Climb a tree.
307. Go outside and find a rolypoly.
308. Go outside and find a cardinal.
309. Go outside and listen for a woodpecker.
310. Make a wish on a dandelion.
311. Look for shooting stars.
312. Sprinkle glitter under bushes outside and see if fairies come.
313. Swing.
314. Use clothespins or paper clips to clip cards and art onto your bike wheel spokes.
315. Decorate your bike basket.
316. Add streamers and other decorations to your bike handlebars.
317. Set up the water table outside.
318. Make pine cone bird feeders.
319. Find a mud puddle to jump in.
320. Make paper boats for puddles.
321. Blow bubbles.
322. Take your dog on a walk.
323. Go outside and count how many different bird chirps and songs you hear.
324. Sweep the porch, deck, and/or pathways to your home.
325. Jump on a trampoline.
326. Pretend to go hiking in your backyard and write down what you see.
327. Create an obstacle course outside to run through.
328. Now create an obstacle course outside to ride your bike through.
329. Blow up all of the pool floats and use them as lounge chairs in the backyard.
330. Now place them all next to each other and lay on them like a giant bed.
331. Ride your scooter.
332. Ride your skateboard.
333. Ride your tricycle.
334. Ride your Power Wheels.
335. Find twigs in the backyard to turn into wands.
336. Find twigs in the backyard to turn into marshmallow roasters.
337. Play tag.
338. Play hackey sack.
339. Throw a frisbee.
340. Play badminton.
341. Throw a tennis ball to your dog.
342. Race your siblings.
343. Make a daisy chain.
344. Make a flower crown.
345. Have a pretend car wash for your bikes and Power Wheels.
346. Do your school work outside.
347. Read a book outside.
348. Sing songs outside.
349. Climb a tree.
350. Go for a jog.
351. Stare at the clouds and see if you can find images in them.
352. Look for dinosaur fossils in your backyard.
353. Climb a tree and pretend to be a monkey.
354. Slither in the grass and pretend to be a snake.
355. Take your hoverboard for a spin.
356. Go on a wagon ride.
357. Ride your tricycle.
358. Pretend to be Dora the Explorer in your backyard.
359. And then record yourself like you host an explorer show while you walk around in your yard finding sticks and leaves.
360. Ride a skateboard.
361. Go rollerblading.
362. Have a concert in your driveway.
363. Do a poetry reading outside.
364. Play on the monkey bars.
365. Play on a swing set.
366. Bounce on a giant bouncy ball.
367. Look for moss on a walk.
368. Go on a walk and find something that's a circle, square, and triangle shape.
8Connect With Someone You Love
While you're home and everyone else in your family is, too, use this time to really connect with each other (and your neighbors!) in safe, six-feet-away ideas.
369. Use FaceTime to have a lunch date with a grandparent.
370. Write letters to those in nursing homes.
371. Go through your old toys to find donations for neighbors who might need new things to play with.
372. Borrow a cellphone to film yourself interviewing family members.
373. Start a club with your siblings.
374. Write positive affirmations on Post-It notes and put them all over the house.
375. Look up places to volunteer in your community.
376. Write your teacher an encouraging note.
377. Make your parents some coffee.
378. Brainstorm Halloween costumes with your family.
379. Create your own game show and host it with your family.
380. Stream Netflix with friends through a Chrome extension.
381. Go "caroling" but with non-holiday songs.
382. Make art for elderly neighbors who are quarantined and deliver in their mailboxes.
383. Paint sweet messages on rocks and leave them on neighbors' porches and doorsteps.
384. Write encouraging notes to put in your windows for neighbors walking by to see.
385. Find out something new about each of your siblings.
386. Use the Marco Polo app to leave video messages for family and friends.
387. Write an encouraging note for your principal.
388. Write an encouraging note for any school employees still working.
389. Write an encouraging note for grocery store employees.
390. Write an encouraging note for restaurant employees.
391. Draw encouraging things on the sidewalk for your neighbors to see.
392. Write an encouraging letter to those working in a hospital.
393. Write an encouraging letter to those running animal shelters.
394. Interview your friends and family via FaceTime to find out what they think about the pandemic.
395. Write a list of questions to ask your grandparents.
396. Make up a trivia game with facts about your own family members.
397. Make a Chatbooks with your family.
398. Get your family's input and then make a dinner menu for when social distancing is over and everyone can be together.
399. Send notes to your neighbor through a fence.
400. Do a poetry reading for your family.
401. Help your family cook dinner.
402. If you have younger siblings, pretend to start a babysitters club to take care of them.
403. Play with your baby siblings.
404. Go tell everyone in your house one thing you love about them.
405. Give your parents a big hug.
406. Leave an encouraging note on your mailbox for the mail delivery person.
407. Eat lunch with your parents.
408. Help your parents cook.
409. Help your parents put flowers in vases.
410. Record a video of your day and send to a grandparent.
411. Have a tickle fight with your siblings.
412. Sit with your parents and relax outside.
413. Write a letter for your neighbors asking them if they're OK.
9Get Crafty
Upend that craft supply box and get to work.
414. Take a roll of tape and have at it.
415. Make paper dolls.
416. Create a giant rubber band ball.
417. Make a Rubes Goldberg machine of their own.
418. Cut furniture, people, and items out of magazines to glue onto paper for a paper "doll house."
419. Make a bookmark.
420. Make stained glass art.
421. Make floam.
422. Take all of the mismatched socks and turn them into puppets.
423. Make spray chalk.
424. Make a felt notebook.
425. Make glow-in-the-dark bubbles.
426. Make microwave play dough.
427. Make paper dolls.
428. Make paper-mache.
429. Make kinetic sand.
430. Sprinkle glitter on cardstock and make greeting cards.
431. Make a cut and glue station.
432. Make a coffee filter butterfly.
433. Make melted crayon hearts.
434. Make a pretty paper banner of Disney princess dresses.
435. Wrap Easter eggs in yarn.
436. Make fluffy cloud dough.
437. Make non-toxic bath crayons.
438. Make 3D princess paper dolls.
439. Use felt and glue to make your own pennants.
440. Make a solar lighthouse.
441. Make washcloth butterflies.
442. Make tissue paper flowers.
443. Make a sun dial.
444. Take an online music class.
445. Create an Alice in Wonderland hand puppet.
446. Find free craft and recipe ideas from Fred Rogers Productions.
447. Make bouncy balls.
448. Use Silly Putty on newspaper.
449. Create an alien with dry pasta and glue it all together. Use markers to add color.
450. Get a bag of pom poms, a pair of tweezers, and containers. Pick up the pom poms with the tweezers and sort them in containers by color.
451. Make LEGO stamps.
452. Make friendship bracelets.
453. Make necklaces out of dry pasta.
454. Make a ribbon wand.
455. Make salt dough plaques to paint and design.
456. Make marshmallow play dough.
457. Make a pom pom tube ramp.
458. Make binoculars out of toilet paper rolls and go outside.
459. Make bunny ear napkins.
460. Make a giant play castle out of cardboard boxes.
461. Make a birdhouse out of a milk carton.
462. Make a galaxy jar.
463. Make egg carton flowers.
464. Use straw weaving to make yourself a bracelet.
465. Make edible pudding slime.
466. Make a cupcake liner octopus.
467. Make glitter slime.
468. Make pretend snow.
469. Make a mini banjo.
470. Make a fairy light jar.
471. Use pasta and pipe cleaners to make a crazy sculpture.
472. Make bath paint.
473. Use shaving cream to dye Easter eggs.
474. Make water bottle wind spirals.
475. Make a flower garden with cartons.
476. Make modeling clay.
477. And then make a whole bunch of sculptures with it.
478. Build Cinderella's castle out of paper and cardboard.
479. Make a calm jar.
480. Make glow rice for a sensory bin.
481. Make Frozen silly putty.
482. Make dish soap silly putty.
483. Order a KiwiCo crate.
484. Paint sticks and turn into a wind chime.
485. Use pipe cleaners and beads to make bracelets and rings.
486. Make a mobile.
487. Make Q-tip daisies.
488. Make unicorn kinetic sand.
489. Make homemade lip balm.
490. Make a miniature space ship model.
491. Make moveable robots out of paper.
492. Make a crocodile mask.
493. Create a paper pizza craft with printable toppings.
494. Make chromatography butterflies.
495. Make marbled Easter eggs.
10Work On Your Art
If you're missing art class, there are tons of online tutorials and ideas to still create.
498. Learn how to doodle with Mo Willems.
499. Play What Should I Draw — kids can submit requests to children's book illustrators to draw a specific picture. Kids can draw, too!
500. Fill a blank notebook with stickers.
501. Draw a picture of a random item in your house.
502. Take art tutorials through Doodles Academy.
503. Color with ten crayons in one hand.
504. Use painter's tape to create a geometric design, color the space in with chalk, and then peel off the tape.
505. Attempt a claymation video — this will take hours.
506. Make a movie with a phone.
507. Draw something inspired by Andy Warhol.
508. Draw something inspired by Mary Cassatt.
509. Draw something inspired by Frida Kahlo.
510. Draw something inspired by Salvador Dali.
511. Draw something inspired by Picasso.
512. Draw something inspired by Georgia O'Keefe.
513. Draw something inspired by Matisse.
514. Learn how to use Procreate.
515. Make comic books.
516. Create an art gallery with finger paintings and pictures.
517. Make a stop motion video with Cloud Stop Motion.
518. Finger paint.
519. Draw a picture of what you can see out your bedroom window.
520. Contact your local painting studio to see if they have at-home pottery paint kits.
521. Turn an old binder into an artwork collection by filling it with paintings and drawings you make.
522. Draw what you would want your own royal crown to look like.
523. Draw a picture of the outside of your house, exactly as it looks today.
524. Paint some pine cones.
525. Put paint in a bag with a piece of paper for mess-free art.
526. Paint a stained glass window with watered down washable paint and dish soap.
11Get Creative
For when you want to make something, but you aren't sure what, there's this list.
527. Make a cardboard dome.
528. Read The Twits by Roald Dahl and draw your own diagram of Mr. Twit's beard. What would be in your beard?
529. Make up a fun, random costume.
530. Use a highlighter to give yourself a manicure.
531. Make your own museum exhibit in your house.
532. Make up a new magical animal, like a llamacorn.
533. Make yourself a pair of fairy wings.
534. Make teeny tiny things out of Play-Doh.
535. Put tiny items you love in a box and then make a treasure map to find the box.
536. Take pictures of what you're doing during each part of the day and make a photo album.
537. Make a video recording of yourself describing what's happening in the world.
538. Make up a new language and create a dictionary to go with it.
539. Make a time machine.
540. Take live crafting lessons from Spool School.
541. Decorate a mini bird house.
542. Make a projector for a phone.
543. Fill plastic bottles with dry rice or beans for noisemakers.
544. Make sensory bins.
545. Make a PowerPoint presentation on something that interests you and present it to the family after dinner.
546. Start a podcast.
547. DIY a marble run.
548. Create a new animal, write about it, and then make it out of Play-Doh.
549. Make a map of your neighborhood.
550. Make costumes from things around the house and put on a play depending on what they're wearing.
551. Draw pictures of fish and other underwater animals, tape them to the walls, and pretend to be in an aquarium.
552. Draw a face on your hand and film a video of hand puppets.
553. Learn some new magic tricks.
554. Make up pretend movie plots and draw posters to go with them.
555. Use cardboard boxes to make buildings for your toys.
556. Make a craft project about kangaroos.
557. Make your own Eiffel Tower out of blocks.
558. Make your own Mars Rover out of objects around the house.
559. Design and draw new fashion ideas.
560. Design a planet.
561. Now design the type of people or creatures that live on this planet.
562. Make a March Madness bracket for Disney movies.
563. Learn how to sew.
564. Learn how to knit.
565. Learn how to crochet.
566. Find all the hidden cows in this illustration from Sandra Boynton.
567. Print these I Spy pages and find all the items.
568. Make your own podcast with Pineapple Street Studios.
569. Use water beads to make a spa.
570. Make palm trees out of paper towel rolls and construction paper.
571. Make little creatures out of pom poms and give them all names and super powers.
572. Make sponges into water bombs.
573. Give yourself a manicure with markers.
574. Give yourself a pedicure with markers.
575. Decorate a shirt with puffy paint.
576. Make a kaleidoscope.
577. Make art for your window like butterflies and ladybugs.
578. Paint your face.
579. Make your own marble run.
580. Make a set/backdrop for your virtual playdate.
12Pretend To Be A Scientist
Don't forget your protective equipment with these easy-to-do-at-home experiments.
582. Do a rainbow rain experiment.
583. Make rain clouds in a jar.
584. Do a magic dancing rice experiment.
585. Do some science experiments with Peeps.
586. Do an elephant toothpaste science experiment.
587. Make a baking soda and vinegar volcano.
588. Make giant bubbles.
589. Make fizzy cloud dough.
590. Make Easter slime.
591. Make bubble foam.
592. Make Borax crystals.
593. Make mason jar aquariums.
594. Make fluffy slime.
595. Make crystal geode eggs.
596. Make sparkly slime.
597. Make glow-in-the-dark slime.
13Just Play
I mean, really. Just play.
598. Play "library" by setting up a bunch of books and pretending to "check" them out to family members.
599. Have a tea party with your stuffed animals.
600. Play hair salon.
601. Make a line throughout the house of action figures and play figurines.
602. Play vet with your stuffed animals.
603. Find every action figure related to a movie or TV show and reenact your favorite scenes.
604. Play movie theater with a movie, popcorn, and dim lights.
605. Play restaurant with all your toy food.
606. Have a camp-out. (Inside or outside, totally counts.)
607. Play zoo and pretend to be animals.
608. Play Barbies.
609. Pretend to be an astronaut.
610. Play with a Mr. Potato Head.
611. Play grocery store.
612. Play with train tracks.
613. Play house with your baby dolls.
614. Pretend to be a detective on the hunt for a case.
615. Pretend to be a secret spy.
616. Pretend the floor is lava.
617. Set up chairs and a sound machine with ocean sounds to pretend like you're at the beach.
618. Hide marbles and pretend they're the infinity stones and you have to find them.
619. Use your toy food to pretend like you're a catering service planning for a big event.
620. Pretend you're wearing an invisibility cloak.
621. Make a red carpet in your house and pretend you're going to an awards show.
622. Pretend to be an archaeologist in your house and find different things to label with their dates, what they were used for, and why they were made.
623. Pretend to host a news show for kids and explain to your viewers what's happening in the world.
624. Record yourself like you host an animal show while you follow your pets around.
625. Crawl around and pretend to be an animal.
626. Pretend to paint your face with soft brushes.
627. Throw random things in a pot and pretend like you're mixing a potion.
628. Then write out all the things this potion can do once it's concocted.
629. Pretend like you're hosting a talk show with a hand mirror.
630. Pretend to have a carnival in your backyard with rides and a ticket booth.
14Get Active
Even if you don't have a way to get outside safely and easily, there are plenty of ways to spend your energy.
631. Follow dance tutorials on YouTube.
632. Dance! Party! with your favorite songs.
633. Take a virtual ballet class with Cleveland Inner City ballet.
634. Do some online yoga.
635. Go on a family walk.
636. Learn the Electric Slide.
637. Try to do a handstand.
638. Take a free online class from the YMCA.
639. Learn a Brady Bunch dance routine.
640. Do karate workouts.
641. Learn how to dance to "Cotton-Eyed Joe."
642. Dance to "Cupid Shuffle."
643. Dance to "The Cha Cha Slide."
644. Learn clog dancing.
645. Have a crab-walking race.
646. Learn tap dancing.
647. Learn hip hop dancing.
648. Learn how to do a cartwheel.
649. Hop on a pogo stick.
650. Do a P.E. or fitness class with a friend through FaceTime.
651. Go for a nighttime walk with your family.
652. Learn the entire choreography to Thriller.
653. Do the Carlton dance.
654. Learn the Macarena.
655. Jump rope.
656. Go on a HeartSmarts Adventure to stay active.
657. Take a family PE challenge.
658. Practice a dance routine and then show it to your friends and family in a virtual playdate.
659. Learn how to do the Hokey Pokey.
Get even more creative with your reading with this list.
660. Listen to famous celebs and authors read children's books.
661. Read your absolute favorite book out loud.
662. Join Mac Barnett's story hour.
663. Listen to a live reading of a fairytale.
664. Read a book you haven't read before.
665. Read only adventure books for the whole day.
666. Make a giant list of books you want to read and check them off as you go.
667. Download free books from the New York Public Library.
668. Dress up like your favorite book character and then read the story.
669. Have a Julia Donaldson book read-a-thon.
670. Watch a live stream of Drag Queen Story Hour.
671. Read Little Bear out loud.
672. Read a Dr. Seuss book out loud.
673. Read a Sandra Boynton book out loud.
674. Read a Roald Dahl book and make voices for all the characters.
675. Listen to Harry Potter audiobooks.
676. Use Epic's digital library for free.
677. Read a book and find a quote you love.
678. Read every Llama Llama book you have out loud.
679. Read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and make up your own version of a rainy day.
680. Read a Maurice Sendak book out loud.
681. Read a book to your parents.
682. Read a book to your siblings.
683. Snuggle up in your bed with a book.
684. If you have a tent, pop it up in the backyard and go inside with blankets and pillows and books.
685. Watch astronauts reading children's books in space.
686. Record yourself reading a book to send to your classmates.
687. Read a Jan Brett story out loud.
688. Write your own version of The Day the Crayons Quit. What would your crayons tell you?
689. Read a Patricia Polacco book out loud.
690. Read an Emily Dickinson poem.
691. Read The Hobbit.
692. Read the actual comic book origin stories of your favorite superheroes.
16Screen Time.
Screen time isn't always bad, and it's OK to just let yourself enjoy a moment with a screen.
693. Watch these new-to-you classics on Disney+.
694. Play on your tablet.
695. Play a PBS Kids game.
696. Watch classic movies from your parent's childhood like The Goonies and Jurassic Park.
697. Start a new series on Disney+.
698. Watch the movie Matilda.
699. Get three months free of Nickelodeon's Noggin and watch Spongebob practice social distancing.
700. Watch old Mister Rogers' Neighborhood episodes.
701. Watch all the Cookie Monster movie parodies on Sesame Street. (Jurassic Cookie and The Walking Gingerbread are personal favorites.)
702. Watch The Pagemaster and think about your own adventures in a library.
703. Watch The Sandlot.
704. Watch Jeopardy on Netflix.
705. Watch Animal Planet's 94-hour marathon of puppies and kittens.
706. Watch an episode of The Magic School Bus on Netflix.
707. Watch a Disney Nature documentary.
708. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon.
709. Watch Rugrats on Hulu.
710. Play Don't Let the Pigeon Run This App.
711. Watch LEGO Masters and build your own masterpiece.
712. Then watch LEGO Masters and rank your favorite creations.
713. Start watching Lizzie McGuire.
714. Start watching Boy Meets World.
715. Play old school Tetris.
716. Play a Super Mario Bros. game.
717. Watch an Alvin Ailey dance video.
718. Watch The Mandalorian on Disney+.
719. Have a Star Wars movie marathon.
720. Have a Marvel movie marathon.
721. Watch The French Chef with Julia Child and write down all the recipes you want to try.
722. Watch The Great British Bake Off and write down all the recipes you want to try.
723. Watch Planet Earth.
724. Write down five new things you learned from Planet Earth.
725. Watch Planet Earth II.
726. Write down five new things you learned from Planet Earth II.
727. Watch The Blue Planet.
728. Watch The Blue Panet II.
729. Make a list on Netflix for a movie marathon.
730. Watch this marble run video.
17Build Something
Use whatever you have around the house to put your engineering and building skills to work.
733. Build a giant LEGO town.
734. Do all the puzzles in your house.
735. Organize your LEGO blocks by color.
736. Now organize them by shape.
737. Build every LEGO set you own.
738. Free play with the remaining LEGOs and build things until not a single brick is left.
738. Build something you virtually toured with Magna Tiles.
740. Build a city out of paper towel and toilet paper rolls.
Think of all the things you can write about right now. But if you need more ideas, here are some to get over your writer's block.
741. Write in your journal about this monumental event and how it makes you feel.
742. Create your own little books to "publish."
743. Write down some goals you want to accomplish during the quarantine.
744. Write letters to your future self about what you've learned during the pandemic.
745. Write down all of the things you're feeling — even the little feelings.
746. Open a book to a random page, read five sentences, and then write a story from there.
747. Use any of these writing prompts to write a story.
748. Write a list of things you want to do when social distancing is over.
749. Decorate the front of your notebook.
750. Write a Choose Your Own Adventure book.
751. Write a how-to book on making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
752. Write a story about what the perfect store would look like to you.
753. Write a story about going to the moon.
754. Write a story about the deepest parts of the ocean.
755. Write a book and then host a book signing and Q&A for your family.
756. Write your own newspaper.
757. Make a writing nook outside.
758. Sit by an open window for 20 minutes and write down everything you hear, see, and smell.
759. Write a letter to your favorite athlete.
760. Write a letter to your favorite author.
761. Write a letter to your favorite illustrator.
762. Pretend to be a book reviewer and write down what you think about the last book you read.
763. Write some jokes to make everyone laugh.
764. Set a timer for 15 minutes and write about anything until the timer goes off.
765. Write your own mythological story to explain something happening in the world.
766. Take a Star Wars reading and writing class.
767. Write a poem.
768. Write a haiku.
769. Write limericks about every member of your family.
770. Sit outside for 10 minutes and just write down everything you hear.
771. Make up a haiku about your day.
772. Make up a haiku about the weather.
773. Make up a haiku about your breakfast.
774. Recite all your haikus to your family pet.
775. Start your own humor column.
776. Write letters to children's book author Matt de la Pena.
777. Write your own autobiography.
778. Listen to the Rebel Girls podcast and write down if and how it motivates you.
779. Work through the I Am A Rebel Girl journal.
780. Write each day how you feel about being out of school and your extracurriculars.
781. Write each day how you feel about being out of school and your extracurriculars.
782. Sit on your front porch and write everything you see in 30 minutes.
783. Rewrite the ending to Cinderella.
784. Write a story about Queen Victoria.
19Play A Game
It's a simple idea, but it's full of fun.
785. Make up a scavenger hunt.
786. Play hide-and-seek.
787. Play hide-and-seek in the dark with a flashlight.
788. Play "Mother, May I."
789. Play "Simon Says."
790. Play Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
791. Play board games.
792. Learn how to play Solitaire.
793. Build a tower out of plastic cups and go bowling.
794. Play Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.
795. Find every missing piece to every board game and reorganize them.
796. Play hopscotch.
797. Play catch.
798. Have a kick-the-ball relay race.
799. Play kickball.
800. Make an obstacle course relay race.
801. Play Pretty Pretty Princess.
802. Have a balance-an-egg-on-a-spoon race.
803. Play basketball.
804. Play "I Spy."
805. Play the "Hot or Cold" game with a hidden object.
806. Play Guess Who?
807. Play Trouble.
808. Play Uno.
809. Play Candyland.
810. Play checkers.
811. Play croquet.
812. Play Life.
813. Play Clue.
814. Play a matching game.
815. Play Go Fish.
816. Play Old Maid.
817. Make your own matching game.
818. Create your own deck of cards.
819. Play The Quiet Game for as long as you possibly can.
820. Draw your name with an Etch-a-Sketch.
821. Play rock, paper, scissors.
822. Make a sound match game.
823. Play a game of thumb war. (And then wash your hands after.)
824. Watch old Nickelodeon game shows and create your own version.
825. Play dominoes the right way.
826. And then just make a line of dominoes and see if you can knock them all down in one go.
827. Play a game of MASH.
828. Play The Oregon Trail online.
829. Play tag.
830. Play Heads Up.
831. Print board games from Dog on a Log Books
832. Play football.
833. Play Pictionary.
834. Play Guesstures.
835. Play charades.
836. Play musical chairs.
837. Play Chutes & Ladders.
838. Play 20 Questions.
839. Play Boggle.
840. Play Scattergories.
841. Play Yahtzee.
842. Play Heads Up, Seven Up.
843. Play Kerplunk!
844. Play Scrabble.
845. Play Operation.
846. Play Monopoly.
847. Play baseball.
848. Play golf.
849. Play hockey.
850. Make up a board game.
851. Make up new rules to a board game you already own.
852. Play Crocodile Dentist.
853. Play Mousetrap.
854. Do a crossword.
855. Make your own crossword.
856. Do a word search.
857. Make your own word search.
858. Play the Scrabble Go app with family.
859. Play Jenga.
860. Make a ring toss game.
861. Make a horseshoe game.
862. Play cornhole.
863. Play a game of hangman with somebody.
864. Play a game of tic-tac-toe.
865. Paint rocks with Xs and Os to make an outdoor version of tic-tac-toe.
866. Race your siblings.
867. Have a video game contest with your siblings.
20Feather The Nest
You're going to be in your home for a while — spend some time making it extra wonderful.
868. Clean all the windows.
869. Organize everything into rainbow colors — books, markers, toys. Everything.
870. Condition all of your dolls' hair.
871. Find a spot in your room to turn into a reading nook.
872. Give the plants a shower.
873. Charge all the batteries around your house.
874. Clean under your bed.
875. Pick up all the toys in your room and organize them.
876. Vacuum your room.
877. Find a place to store all your favorite drawings and writings.
878. Dust your shelves and dresser.
879. Organize your closet by rainbow colors.
880. Hang twinkle lights in your favorite reading nook.
881. Cut out pictures of underwater animals and turn your bedroom into an ocean.
882. Go through the house and pick up everything on the floor.
883. Hang up Christmas lights for some extra cheer.
884. Wipe down all the baseboards in your house with a wet towel.
885. Go through your clothes and put aside anything you don't like to wear.
886. Then go through that discarded pile and pick what can be donated and what can't.
887. Go through any DVDs in the house and make a donate pile for titles you can watch on Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.
888. Mop the kitchen floor.
889. Pretend like you're hosting an HGTV show and clean and decorate your room.
890. Clean out your pajama drawer and make a pile of PJs you don't like or wear anymore.
891. Pair up all the socks.
892. Clean your fish tank.
893. Dust all your plants.
894. Wipe down your toaster.
895. Clean under your toaster.
896. Wipe the toothpaste out of your sink.
897. Pretend to be a robot and clean your room like one.
898. Pretend to be a robot vacuum and clean up all the little things you find on the floor.
899. Repot your plants.
900. Clean out a cupboard somewhere in the house.
901. Make a space in your house to create art.
902. Find items in your house to recycle.
903. Organize the family junk drawer.
904. Wipe down all the door frames in the house.
905. Take a basket into each room and put whatever doesn't belong in that room in the basket. Then put everything in the basket back where it goes.
906. Look under all the couches for random toys.
907. Wipe down all the doorknobs with a disinfectant wipe.
908. Then wipe down all the light switches.
909. Go find all the cups you've used throughout the house and put them in the kitchen.
910. Go under your bed and see what you can find.
911. Take all your dirty clothes to the laundry room.
912. Sharpen all the pencils in the house.
913. Color stars on paper to cut out and tape on sheets. Drape the sheet over your bed so it looks like you're sleeping under the stars.
914. Do a load of laundry.
915. Dust all the bookshelves.
916. Wipe down the coffee table.
917. Wipe down the refrigerator handles.
918. Wipe down the dishwasher.
919. Wipe down the washing machine and dryer.
More important now than ever, be sure to give yourself some quality self-care and love.
920. Give yourself a manicure.
921. Give yourself a pedicure.
922. Have a big glass of water.
923. Plan the theme for your next birthday party.
924. Lay in your room in complete silence for 10 minutes and see how you feel.
925. Take a nap.
926. Find a new podcast to listen to and relax.
927. Make a schedule for the day.
928. Brush your teeth.
929. Take a shower.
930. Floss.
931. Create a new hairstyle.
932. Go get dressed and out of your pajamas.
933. Brush your hair.
934. Have a spa day with cucumber slices over your eyes and pedicures.
935. Pick out what you're going to wear for each day of the week and organize your clothes.
936. Learn to French braid.
937. Wash your hands.
938. Paint a favorite quote on paper or canvas to hang in your room.
939. Look through magazines and cut out things that inspire you to make a vision board.
940. Do some calm stretches.
941. Take a Growga mindfulness class.
942. Figure out which shoes still fit you and which don't.
943. Make a wall calendar.
944. And then give yourself a goal for each day to put on the calendar.
22Just Be Silly
Not everything you do has to be productive: sometimes it can just be fun.
945. Dress all in one color, including socks and underwear.
946. Learn yo-yo tricks.
947. Try to balance a spoon on your nose.
948. Talk to your cat.
949. See how far you can roll a ball in the house before it hits something.
950. Figure out which Muppet from The Muppet Show you would be.
951. Have a birthday party for a stuffed animal.
952. Count how many blue cars drive by in an hour.
953. Make up a dance to the Ducktales theme song.
954. See how long you can hop on one leg for. Try to beat your personal record.
955. Watch an old sports game on mute and pretend to be the announcer.
956. Use a ball of yarn to make an obstacle course.
957. See if you can match up all the socks and throw them into a laundry basket from across the room.
958. Tell silly stories with a flashlight in the dark.
959. Make shadow puppets on the wall with a flashlight.
960. Spend an hour narrating everything you do like Morgan Freeman.
961. Name all of your plants and give them backstories. (Is the ficus friends with the fern?)
962. Learn how to wrap a present.
963. Put googly eyes on all the plants in your house.
964. Put googly eyes on all the canned goods.
965. Rename "normal" words like sandwich, toothbrush, and car.
966. Draw faces on all the bananas.
967. Make a funny face out of your snack.
968. Put googly eyes on all the coffee mugs in the cabinet.
969. Do the Pee-wee Herman tape face challenge.
970. Pretend your hand is a shark eating cars through the window as they drive by.
971. Talk in an English accent all day.
972. Host a Barbie fashion show.
973. Make up a bunch of fun names for nail polish colors.
974. Lay out colored pieces of construction paper and sort toys by colors onto the paper.
975. Count all the marshmallows in your bowl of Lucky Charms.
976. Throw all the blocks on the floor into their bin and yell, "TWO POINTS!" every time one goes in.
977. Line up all your ride-on toys and pretend you're Bruce Wayne picking your vehicle for the day.
978. Talk like Peppa Pig all day.
979. Count to 1,000.
980. Watch TV upside down.
981. Pretend you're playing with Zoltar Speaks from Big. What would you wish for?
982. Lay on your couch upside down and imagine what it would be like if the whole house flipped.
983. Memorize the alphabet backwards.
984. Follow your pet around and narrate their day.
985. Stand spaghetti noodles up in bits of play dough and try to thread Froot Loops, Cheerios, and other small round things onto the noodles.
986. Stamp the inside of your books with your name like a library stamp.
23Make A List
Sometimes a list can inspire you to create greater things — and sometimes they're just fun to make.
987. Create a list of your favorite Disney movies.
988. Make a list of your favorite snacks.
989. Make a list of your favorite words.
990. Now look up those words in Italian.
991. And then look up those words in Chinese.
992. Make a list of your favorite desserts.
993. Make a list of nice things to say to someone having a bad day.
994. Make a list of your favorite sandwiches.
995. Make a list of your favorite Disney characters.
996. Make a list of your favorite TV shows.
997. Make a list of your favorite colors, in order from most to least favorite.
998. Write a list of things you're grateful for today.
999. Make a list of all the places you want to visit one day.
1000. Make a pros and cons list of this time at home.
1001. Write a list of things that are making you happy right now.
Did we miss something? Email us at with the subject line "More ideas for bored kids."
This article was originally published on