11 Backyard Games To Play As A Family On Father's Day
To kids, summer means playing in the backyard. And why shouldn’t it? The air is fresh, the grass feels soft under their toes, they can take naps under the shade of their favorite trees, and the space allows them to play tons of awesome backyard games with their siblings and friends. Adults are also big fans of the backyard because it’s great for dinner parties, growing fruits and vegetables, and it's a place where the family can bond and be together.
But juggling a job and family time in the backyard is very difficult for parents, and 75% of moms and dads feel like they don't spend enough time with their kids. However, here's the truth: kids cherish every moment they get with their parents -- even the tiniest ones! Whether it's a quick bedtime story or a conversation at dinner about a funny thing that happened at school that day, kids think it's exchanges like these that make their parents awesome.
Minute Maid has partnered with Romper to remind moms and dads that it's the little things they do for their kids that mean the most. So this Father's Day, celebrate the family through play! Here are some easy backyard games the whole family can enjoy and take part in together.
Frozen T-Shirt Race
The object of the game is to be the first one to put on a frozen t-shirt. To make the tees nice and icy cold, dunk them in water, put wax player in between them (so they don’t stick to each other), and wait for them to freeze. Then, whip ‘em out and see who can put one on the fastest!
Bean Bag Ladder Toss
In this game, players take turns tossing bean bags between the rungs and whoever earns the most points wins! If the kids are learning addition in school, you can use small numbers to encourage them to add up their own scores.
Lawn Twister
There’s nothing like a big heap of overlapping limbs on the verge of collapsing to get the party started. Lawn Twister is played just like the classic version ("left hand blue," "right hand green"), except you paint the circles directly on the grass! If you want to make it extra silly, use fewer colors!
Pool Noodle Ring Toss
Did you know that you can use pool noodles for games outside of the pool? Yeah, you can! If you tape noodle ends together into circles and stick pencils into the ground to make a few stand up vertically, voila! You've got yourself a game of ring toss!
Not only is memory an entertaining game, but it's also challenging! This Father's Day, ditch the tiny playing card version that's lying in a drawer somewhere and make your own deck using poster board and some colorful markers!
Backyard Bowling
These inflatable pins are almost 2.5 feet tall, so your little ones (and Dad) will have a much easier time getting a strike. To make things better: shoes are not required!
Fish'n In A Kiddie Pool
In this hands-free game, you’ll need a kiddie pool filled with water and some water-resistant toys, or marbles if the kids are a bit older. Each player has two minutes (or however long you deem sufficient) to use their toes to get as many of the toys out of the kiddie pool as they can!
Water Balloon Piñata
If it's extra hot on Father's Day, gather some water balloons and hang them up on a clothesline or a rope that's tied between some trees. Then...let loose! Hang them in varying heights to keep things exciting.
Water Gun Car Race
For those who love toy cars, prepare to learn about a whole new way to race them! Grab your water guns and squirt at them until someone crosses the finish line!
Ladder Golf
This is usually played with golf balls, but to make it kid-friendly, use tennis balls!
Nature Scavenger Hunt
If your kids are learning about plants in school, a nature-themed scavenger hunt is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. You can print out a list of items that are in your backyard, attach them to brown paper bags, and have your little ones go out in search for them.
Remember, the goal is to have as much fun as possible, so don't stress about the rules! Just have a blast (and maybe let Dad win a few times).
Images: vinogradov_il/fotolia
Landee Anderson, Tausha Hoyt, Mary Hoover, Heather Mann, Amazon, Nikki Mans, Louise and Jenni, Kimbo (2), Sara Wellensiek, Kimberly Brown
This post is sponsored by Minute Maid.