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The Feminist Jokes From Katherine Ryan's Netflix Special Are Too Accurate

by Chrissy Bobic
Originally Published: 

Katherine Ryan’s new Netflix stand-up special, Glitter Room, isn't the first one the comedian was given on the streaming platform, but it touches on so many important issues. So, if you’ve never watched one of her specials, you should start with this one. She covers life as a single parent, being bossed around by her British daughter, and all aspects of feminism. And the feminist jokes from Katherine Ryan show how important her special is underneath the surface.

Her commentary might come in the form of jokes meant to entertain and make light of some important issues, but at their core, these feminist jokes make a lot of sense. And, it seems, her goal is to enlighten some of her fans, particularly men. At one point, she singles out one of the male audience members who seems to disagree with one of her sentiments. She makes a joke about being on her knees so that he can better understand where she’s coming from. It's all meant in good fun, but like most of Ryan’s other feminist jokes from Glitter Room, it likely hits close to home for a lot of women.

Most of her latest Netflix special is made up of jokes and social commentary about feminism, being a single woman at 35 years old, and raising a daughter on her own. And, in a way, her jokes might inspire you.

On Being Single By Choice

During her special, Ryan compared men to dolphins and said, "I am a woman who’s 35 years old and I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want a boyfriend. I love men, but I feel that men are like dolphins in that they should be enjoyed on holiday." She explained that despite friends and family consistently urging her to date, she feels perfectly happy being single.

On Getting Feedback About Making her Show A "Safe Space" For Men

"Someone said maybe build a set, like an entire kitchen, and then you’d be performing in a familiar environment," Ryan revealed to her audience. It was advice meant to help her better reach her male audience members who might feel uncomfortable by her feminist ideas. "But I just think they should grow a d*ck instead."

On Dating Just Because It’s The Social Norm

Ryan said that her friends and family tell her to date and find a man and that she could easily do so if she tried. But right now, that’s not for her and she is owning that. "Why do I have to be like you?" She said of dating just because other women her age might find it necessary.

On Men Thinking That Women Are Dangerous

Ryan said that men are far more dangerous to women than the other way around. She joked, "I feel that men are nature’s gun. You're statistically most likely to be killed by the one in your house." This is partly why she would prefer to keep a man out of her house for the time being. Fair enough.

On Safe Spaces For Men

According to Ryan, men already have plenty of safe spaces in society that creating a "man friendly" stage environment isn't really necessary. "Men have a lot of safe spaces," she explained. "Like the Senate, and the world, and comedy."

On Relating To The Men In Her Audience During The Netflix Special

When Ryan made a statement about 35 being too young for a woman to settle down, she noticed a man in the audience who seemed to disagree with her. So in order to relate to him better and, obviously, put him on the spot, she got down on her knees and said, "Have I made you uncomfortable already? My goodness. I don't have any sandwiches on me. Perhaps if I speak to you from my knees."

On Other Moms Commenting On Her Single Status

Ryan revealed that a mom at her daughter’s school has made comments about Ryan being alone and told her that she would be sad if she stayed single. To this Ryan replied, "I’d be sad if I was alone with you too… But when I’m alone I get to hang out with me."

On The Same Mom Warning Her That Her Time Is Running Out

The same mom warned Ryan that her time for having more babies is running out and that she needs to hurry up and do it before it’s too late. "I have more time than you do because I don't have to find 14 tiny shoes every morning and I don't have to sleep with your husband," Ryan joked.

On The Difference Between What Boys & Girls Are Raised To Value

Ryan said in her stand-up special that boys are taught to become someone and girls are taught to find someone. "I have chosen to do neither of those dog sh*t things," she said.

On Feminism Being About Equality For Everyone

Ryan explained that sometimes feminism isn't about hating men or wanting them to be less or have less than women. "We want everyone to be the same so that you can relax and drink some day wine once in a while," she joked. She said that feminism is as simple as being about men and women having the same opportunities.

On Sexual Assault In The Workplace

Ryan revealed that men often ask her "why the women are so upset" and what they can do to make it better. She said that they also ask what boundaries are necessary in the workplace. As Ryan bluntly put it, "Just stop f*cking vulnerable women, basically."

Ryan’s Netflix special is a must watch for both men and women and while there are plenty of jokes to go around on Glitter Room, there are a lot of underlying issues that Ryan touches on in the best way possible.

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