
11 Life-Changing Netflix Hacks You NEED To Know
Let's be real; Netflix was one of the greatest things to ever hit the market. Not only did it create a way for people to save money on movies and cable, but it offered people a way to watch a few of their favorite shows that may not be on-air anymore. Though Netflix has been a saving grace for me personally, it's had an even bigger impact on moms and dads. So divvying out some useful Netflix hacks every mom needs to know will really change your streaming ways.
Now that my niece is 3 years old, I see how important Netflix is for her life and her parent's sanity. My niece literally sits there on her tablet and watches Netflix as her parents make dinner or do another load of laundry. I mean, the service really has everything that she could ever want to watch and gives her the opportunity to fall in love with some classic titles, too. That's why when I found out about a few hacks that could be used on the streaming service, I couldn't wait to share them with my sister to make her life a little easier.
Though you may be familiar with a few of the hacks on this list, it's never a bad option to see what else you can add to your list to make movie night with your little one flow a little smoother.
1Narrow Down Your Search By Using Search Codes
Have you ever used the search codes that are available? If not, they'll definitely cut your search time down on finding a good title. All you would need to do is add the number allocated to the specific genre you want to watch. For example, if you're looking for a list of children and family movies, you would search the URL www.netflix.com/browse/genre/783. There are literally dozens of Netflix codes to choose from.
2Create A Different Profile For Each Kid
Sure, this may be one that you are already familiar with, but it's so necessary to bring back up. If your kids have different taste in what they watch, creating them each their own profiles to watch their choices on will help keep their interests separate. Trust me, it definitely helps.
3Watch From The Right Internet Browser
Did you know that your streaming quality can change depending on what browser you use to watch Netflix? According to the Netflix help center, those who watch from Google Chrome and Firefox will only be able to watch in 720p, while those who watch from Safari, Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge will be able to watch in 1080p.
4Utilize Your Keyboard Shortcuts
Who knew that Netflix offered so many keyboard shortcuts to navigate through your viewing session? If you weren't aware, there are more Netflix keyboard shortcuts offered than just hitting the spacebar to pause your movie or episode. Just tap your left or right arrow keys combined with the shift key to rewind and fast forward, respectively. Other shortcuts include utilizing the M key to mute, the F key to go fullscreen and the Esc key to exit fullscreen.
5Create A Playlist That Suits Your Or Your Child's Needs
Last summer Netflix did everyone a smooth solid by launching their Flixtape feature component. Similar to creating a mixtape, the feature offers movie lovers the opportunity to either curate or receive a suggest playlist of films based on a mood, theme or message. Great for the days when you're looking for specific titles for the kids.
6Cut Down On Your Data Usage
Though many people utilize Netflix from their computers when at home, knowing how to save your data usage when on the go is important. Since my niece regularly watches her shows from her tablet, my sister heads over to the "Playback Settings" on her account and sets her preference to low to avoid overusing the data.
7Remove The Pauses
Want the kids to just watch their episodes of PJ Masks straight through? The Netflix Pause Removal extension through Google Chrome can help you accomplish that.
8Add Both IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes To Netflix
If checking out the stats on a film or show before letting your kids view it is apart of your routine, adding Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB to your Netflix account will prove to be super beneficial. All you need to do is add the Netflix Rate extension to make it happen.
9Eliminate Buffering
Don't you just hate when you're in the middle of a great show or movie and it suddenly stops just to buffer? Never fret again because there's a way to fix that. According to The Things, you can hold down the Shift+Alt (Shift+Option on Mac) keys on your computer and and left click on the screen to be able to access a hidden menu that enables you to tweak Netflix's settings. You'll be able to adjust the buffering in the "Stream Manager" portion here.
10Use Your Smartphone As A Remote
If your children use one of your household game consoles as their means to watch Netflix, there's a way to not have to use that clunky controller as a means of control the viewing. Thanks to my younger brother, I found out that as long as your smart phone is on the same WiFi as your console or Smart TV and the app is open on both devices you're using, you'll be able to use the "Cast" button at the top of your phone to operate Netflix from your hand.
11Rate What You Watch To Get Better Recommendations
According to Vulture, if you rate all of the shows and movies you watch on Netflix, you will help Netflix's algorithm deliver the best suggestions to offer you.